Biography of Stiles Moe

Among the most highly esteemed and honored residents of Union Grove is Stiles Moe, who owns a general store and who still manages his business affairs although he has now reached the advanced age of eighty-two years. His birth occurred in Lorain County, Ohio, on the 29th of January, 1834, and he is a son of Edwin and Mehetabel (Case) Moe. The family immigrated to America from the north of France prior to the Revolutionary war, having been driven from their native land by religious persecution. Isaac Moe, the great-grandfather, who was born in Plattsburg, New York, served as a … Read more

Biography of F. Arthur Morey

Among those whose success in the real estate and insurance business entitles them to representation as leading business men of Racine is F. Arthur Morey, who has been a lifelong resident of this city. He is a representative of one of-the old families of Wisconsin and the lineage can be traced back to England, whence in 1626 three brothers of the name sailed for the new world, settling in Massachusetts. One branch of the family subsequently took the name of Mowry and the other the name of Morey. Darius J. Morey, the great-grandfather of F. Arthur Morey, was a native … Read more

Biography of John M. Scott

The name of John M. Scott appears on the list of the successful business Wren of Racine. He possesses inventive genius that has made valuable contributions to the world and, moreover, he has the executive ability that enables him to place his inventions upon the market at a profitable figure. Racine County is proud to number him among her native sons. His birth occurred in Raymond Township on the 17th of January, 1844, his parents being Elias and Hannah Scott, natives of New York. ‘Wisconsin was still under territorial rule when they removed westward, establishing their home in Racine County, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George B. Wilson

George B. Wilson, who has been actively associated with important business interests of Racine, was born in Boston. Massachusetts, in 1871, and. spending the first twenty-five years of his life in his native city, was accorded liberal educational privileges. He prepared for college at the Boston Latin School, founded in 1635, the oldest public school in America, and received the degree A. B. cum laude from Harvard University with the class of 1894. He then spent some time in the Harvard Graduate School in preparation for the profession of mining engineer and was afterward for many years actively engaged in … Read more

Biography of Walter G. Shumway

Walter G. Shumway has been a lifelong resident of Raymond Township, where he still makes his home and where he was born February 12, 1867. He is a son of Lyman and Mary (Ellis) Shumway, both of whom were natives of Massachusetts. The paternal grandfather, Walter Shumway, was also a native of New England and became one of the pioneer residents of Wisconsin, arriving in Racine County in 1838, long before the admission of the state into the Union. The work of improvement and development had scarcely been begun in this district and such was the unsettled condition of the … Read more

Biography of John T. Gittings

John T. Gittings, a well known lawyer of Union Grove. is giving particular attention to the probating of estates and has built up a large practice in that line. He also has extensive business interests, being secretary of The Greenhouse Company, which is capitalized for thirty thousand dollars, and vice president of the firm of John Meter & Company, owners of a sauerkraut factory. His birth occurred in Caledonia, this County, August 9, 1870, and he is a son of William and Elizabeth (Gittings) Gittings and a grandson of William Gittings, of Utica, New York. The father, born in Wales, … Read more

Biography of Lillian Watts

Miss Lillian Watts, the most prominent figure in musical circles in Racine and widely known in this connection elsewhere, is identified with the Wisconsin Conservatory of Music, the Marquette Conservatory of Music, and is also director of music in the public schools of Racine. She is a native of Oshkosh, Wisconsin. and a daughter of Ebenezer and Eleanor (Jones) Watts, both of ‘whom were natives of Wales, and the father came of Scotch-Welsh parentage, in early manhood Ebenezer Watts came to the United States and in 1850 went to California, remaining upon the Pacific coast for five years, after which … Read more

Biography of Elisha Lewis

Elisha Lewis, who has a beautiful country home near Kansasville but is how largely living retired after long, active and successful connection with agricultural interests in Racine County, was born in England, June 14, 1846, a son of William and Mary (Milard) Lewis, both of whom were natives of Gloucestershire. England. The father, who was born in 1811, died in 1869, while, the mother, who was born in 1812, passed away in 1897. They were married in England about 1842 and in the year 1850 became early residents of Dover Township, Racine County. The work of development had been begun … Read more

Biography of Henry C. Baker

A most efficient and trustworthy officer is Henry C. Baker, chief of police of Racine, who was called to his present position in 1907. He was born in Madison, Wisconsin, February 7, 1865, a son of Henry and Christina (Meyer) Baker, both of whom were natives of Germany. In the year 1847 they left the fatherland and came to the United States, establishing their home upon a farm near Madison, Wisconsin, where Mr. Baker carried on general agricultural pursuits until after the outbreak of the Civil war, when he put aside the work of the fields and other business and … Read more

Biography of William Hunter

William Hunter was engaged in farming near Franksville and is now living retired. He was born in Dumfriesshire, Scotland, September 15, 1829, a son of James and Jane (Hasty) Hunter. They were also natives of Dumfriesshire, the land of hills and heather. At an early day in the development of Racine County they established their home in Yorkville Township, becoming pioneer settlers of that region. William Hunter is the only survivor of their family of eight children. The father had forty acres of land, which he carefully and successfully cultivated. His religious faith was that of the Presbyterian Church and … Read more

Biography of William John McAdams

William John McAdams, who since 1909 has lived retired, although previously actively connected with agricultural, commercial and industrial pursuits, was born in Elizabethport, New Jersey, August 10, 1849, a son of John and Jane (Crothers) McAdams, who were natives of Ireland, and with their family crossed the Atlantic to the United States, settling in New Jersey. The father was a railroad man, being employed on the York & Erie Railroad as section boss for seventeen years. He came to Racine County in 1851 and turned his attention to farming in Caledonia Township, while later he followed agricultural pursuits in Raymond … Read more

Biography of Chris Schroeder

Chris Schroeder, who upon the foundation of broad, practical experience in agriculture has built his life work-that of disseminating useful knowledge concerning improved methods of farming and live stock breeding-is now live stock editor of the Wisconsin Agriculturist, published at Racine. He was born in Kewaunee, this state, December 31, 1880, a son of Frederick C. and Margaret (Hoeltz) Schroeder, both of whom were natives of Germany. The father was born in 1842 and with his parents came to the United States in 1853, the family home being established in Manitowoc County, Wisconsin, where they followed the occupation of farming. … Read more

Biography of William G. Gittings

Along well defined lines of labor, guided by sound judgment and controlled with a view to maintaining a high standard of business ethics, William G. Gittings has reached the goal of success, being now manager of the Gold Medal Camp Furniture Manufacturing Company. Racine County claims him as a native son. He was born October 6, 1858, his parents being William and Elizabeth Gittings, who were natives of the north of Wales. The latter was a daughter of Thomas Gittings who followed farming in Wales and there spent his entire life. William Gittings, in 1840, crossed the Atlantic from Wales … Read more

Biography of Walter Curtis Palmer

The various interests and activities of life maintain a splendid balance in Walter Curtis Palmer, an able and successful lawyer and judge, an enterprising business man, a public-spirited citizen and a faithful friend. He works well and plays well. He has the power of concentration, which enables him to put aside the cares and responsibilities of business when business hours are over and turn with equal zest to those activities and interests which relieve the stress and strain of professional and commercial life and constitute the upbuilding forces which qualify the individual for the labors of the succeeding day. Mr. … Read more

Biography of Nels Christensen

Nels Christensen, senior partner in the firm of N. Christensen & Son, conducting a real estate, insurance and loan business, was born in Denmark on the 25th of March, 1869, his parents being Nels C. and Mattie K. (Nielsdatter) Christensen, who spent their entire lives in Denmark. The son pursued his education in the schools of that country until seventeen years of age, when he came to the United States, after which he spent a year as a pupil in a country school. He afterward began work as a laborer and later learned the moulder’s trade, which he followed through … Read more

Biography of F. J. Pope, M. D.

Dr. F. J. Pope, a graduate of Rush Medical College of the class of 1875, has continuously engaged in the practice of his profession in Racine for forty years and has long occupied a prominent position as one of the leading surgeons of the city. He was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. November 2, 1852, and is a son of C. A. and Emily (Hagan) Pope, the former a native of Pennsylvania and the latter of Germany. The father went to Germany to attend school in Bavaria, becoming a student in a theological college there, and while in that country he … Read more

Biography of J. A. Dobson

J. A. Dobson, devoting his energies to the further development and improvement of a farm of one hundred and twenty acres in Dover Township, not only tills the soil but also engages to some extent in dairying and raises considerable stock, his life being thus a busy and useful one. He was born in Rochester Township, March 3, 1859. a son of Richard and Jane (Cockroft) Dobson, natives of England, the former born in Lincolnshire and the latter in Huddersfield. It was in the year 1842 that Richard Dobson came to the United States and in Rochester he married Jane … Read more

Biography of Adelmer A. Bishop

Active and energetic through his entire business career, Adelmer A. Bishop has worked along the lines of success and that he has achieved what he has purposed is indicated in the fact that he is now proprietor of a profitable laundry business, which includes a plant erected at a cost of thirty-five thousand dollars. Always a resident of southeastern Wisconsin, he was born in Kenosha County, September 4, 1871, a son of the Honorable Isaac T. and Lydia Jane (Clemmons) Bishop. The father was born in Somers, Kenosha County, June 6, 1844, and is a son of Jacob Bishop, a … Read more

Biography of Thomas Henry Acklam

Thomas Henry Acklam, who has been a lifelong resident of Racine County, now makes his home on section 35, Mount Pleasant Township, and since 1S92 has resided upon this place, which comprises one hundred and thirty-five acres. Its improvements are all the work of his hands and its excellent appearance indicates his careful supervision and progressive methods. From early boyhood his attention has been given to the work of the fields. He was born in Racine, August 29, 1852, and is a son of George W. and Harriett (Bean) Acklam. In his youthful days he attended the common schools and … Read more

Biography of Alonzo Silas Titus

Alonzo Silas Titus, conducting business under the name of the Waterford Milling Company, was born at Richland Center, Wisconsin, February 14, 1858, a son of Starr and Elsa (Hickox) Titus. The father was born at Buffalo, New York, where he was reared to manhood, and thence removed to Illinois. He was a millwright by trade, but afterward took up the occupation of farming, which he followed for a number of years in McHenry County, Illinois. There most of his children were born. At length, because of failing health, he removed to the pine woods of Wisconsin and in 1859 he … Read more