
Act of April 21, 1904

Last Updated on March 28, 2013 by Dennis 33 Stat. L., 189 AN ACT Making appropriations for the current and contingent expenses of the Indian Department and for fulfilling treaty stipulations with various Indian tribes for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and five, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the

Act of April 21, 1904 Read More »

History of the Choctaw, Chickasaw and Natchez Indians

Last Updated on August 11, 2013 by Dennis To bring one’s material to a strictly historical and classified order is almost an impossibility when dealing with a subject so diversified as that of the Red Race of the North American Continent. But I have sought, found and brought together an amount of information concerning that

History of the Choctaw, Chickasaw and Natchez Indians Read More »

Chickasaw Nation Government

Last Updated on March 14, 2013 by Dennis By the Chickasaw constitution no religious obligations are imposed. All denominations are protected. Free speech is guaranteed. No unreasonable search of person or house is permitted. Speedy trial is assured in criminal prosecutions, and persons are held responsible only on indictment or good information. All prisoners are

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Cherokees, Choctaw, Chickasaw and Creek, 1896 Applications

Last Updated on October 4, 2013 by Dennis Please read the following for a better understanding of these pages. This is the Index of Cherokees, Choctaw, Chickasaw and Creek found on microfilm M1650 obtained from the National Archives in Fort Worth, Texas.  If your ancestor was on the 1896 Cherokee Census they probably will NOT

Cherokees, Choctaw, Chickasaw and Creek, 1896 Applications Read More »

Search the Final Rolls 1898-1914

The Dawes Roll (Final Rolls) is a list of those members of the Five Civilized Tribes who removed to Indian Territory (Oklahoma) during the 1800’s and were living there during the above dates. If your ancestor was not living in Indian Territory during 1898-1914 they will not be listed on the Dawes Roll! Only those Indians who RECEIVED LAND under the provisions of the Dawes Act are listed. It also lists those Freedmen who received land allotments as provided for in the Dawes Act. These pages can be searched to discover the enrollee’s name, age, sex, blood degree, type, census card number and roll number. Check the headings in each column. Type denotes whether the record is from a Dawes card.

Search the Final Rolls 1898-1914 Read More »

Dawes Final Rolls Index

This is the index to the names of individuals entitled to enrollment on the rolls of the various tribes comprising the Five Civilized Tribes in Indian Territory (Oklahoma). Each index entry gives an enrollee’s name and final roll number. After a person’s enrollment category and final roll number have been determined, the final rolls can be searched to discover the enrollee’s census card number. Not all roll numbers mentioned in this index, have a corresponding person mentioned in the Dawes Roll.

Dawes Final Rolls Index Read More »

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