When first known the Chickasaws were located north of Mississippi on the Cumberland and Tennessee Rivers. Were mixed up in the early French and English wars, remaining loyal to the English up to 1783. Operated with the Americans against the Creeks in 1793. Commenced to migrate west of the Mississippi early in the present century. Sold their lands to good advantage and amassed considerable wealth, and were in every way a prosperous, progressive nation. They purchased a large tract of land from the Choctaw, a tribe speaking the same language, and affiliated with them in all tribal affairs. In 1855, on payment of $150,000 to the Choctaw, they effected a political separation. Like the Choctaw, they first went south with the confederates during the civil war, but returned to the northern army afterwards. They lost very much property, besides a large number of slaves.
Their numbers have not undergone any material change, the latest census placing their numbers at 5,800. Nearly 2,000 of these are mixed bloods. Two weekly papers are supported between the Choctaw and themselves. They are also well supplied with churches, schools, and other appliances of an industrious, civilized, and prosperous people. They have inter married to a great extent with the whites, some of the following portraits being of subjects having a large proportion of white blood in their veins.
List of illustrations
73. J. D. James.
74. Ash-Ke-He-Na-Niew.
75. Sho-Ni-On.
76. Annie Guy.
77. A Young Brave