The Chickasaw Nation contains 7,267 square miles, or 4,650,935 acres, of territory (treaty of June 22, 1855, volume 11, U. S. Stats., page 611). In 1837 the Chickasaws sold outright to the United States their lands in the state of Mississippi. For the sum of $530,000 in 1837 the Chickasaws bought an interest in the Choctaw lands now in Indian Territory, without the right to vote, and lived with them. In 1855 for the sum of $150,000 the Chickasaws bought the right of self-government from the Choctaws, and a district, now known as the Chickasaw Nation, was established in the western portion of the Choctaw territory. From 1555 to 1887 the Chickasaw country improved very little, if any, To the west the ranchmen and their nomadic herds held undisputed sway; to the east the primitive red man dwelt in the seclusion that he loved so well. From 1861 to 1865 the Chickasaws took sides with the Southern Confederacy during the rebellion. In the spring of’ 1887 when the Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe route pushed through the nation it became the wedge that opened the way to incoming white civilization. Thousands began to pour in, as the situation was favorable. It cost but a nominal sum to rent valuable farming lands of the Indians, living was cheap, and returns from agricultural labors were large. The outside whites had heard of the rich wilderness and fertile plains awaiting only industry, enterprise, and money to develop them.
- Topography of the Chickasaw Nation
- Census of the Chickasaw Nation
- Chickasaw Nation Government
- Chickasaw Crime and Punishment
- Chickasaw Marriage and Divorce
- Chickasaw Farming and Industry
- Laws Affecting the Chickasaw in 1890