Biography of Stafford, William

William Stafford, one of the early settlers of Fort Bend County, was a native of Tennessee, but emigrated from that grand old State to that of Louisiana, where he engaged in raising cane and, making sugar. He was married twice; his first rife was Miss Donald, of Tennessee, and the second Miss Martha Cartwright, of Louisiana. In 1822 he came to Texas as one of the colonists of Stephen. F. Austin and first located near San Felipe, but later settled at what is now known as “Stafford’s Point” on Oyster Creek, in Fort Bend County, fifteen miles east of Richmond. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Neel, Adam S.

Adam Sylvester Neel, named for James Sylvester, one of the captors of Santa Anna, was born in Fort Bend County, near Stafford’s Point, on the 25th of August, 1844. His father was William T. Neel, a native of Louisiana, who came to Texas with William Stafford. He was a young man and unmarried at the time, and was not entitled to as much land as heads of families, but located a labor near, Stafford’s Point, at which place he built a home, and afterwards located a league in the west on the Medina River during the Presidency of General Lamar. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of McElroy, Charles S.

Mr. McElroy Is one of the old settlers of Fort Bend County who still survives those days of pioneer life, fraught with so much danger and hardships, danger from Indian raids and Mexican invasion, and hardships incident to a new and undeveloped country, where the wilderness had to be subdued, far removed from the necessaries of life, except as they could carve them out in their new homes with the ax and, rude agricultural implements. Sometimes the sole dependence for food was the ripe as the long months went by, waiting for the maturity of some primitive crop, which was … Read more

Biography of Pleasants, George W.

Austin Colonist George Washington Pleasants was born in Raleigh, North Carolina, March 30th, 1809, and came from there to Texas in 1830, and first settled at Columbia, and lived there until 1833. There was a great cholera epidemic that year at Columbia, which nearly depopulated the town. Mr. Pleasants had two sisters to die there; one, Fannie, was the wife of Kinchen Davis, and mother of Captain W. K. Davis, father of Judge J. H. P. Davis, of Richmond. Captain W. K. Davis was a Mier prisoner, as will be seen from the account elsewhere of that expedition. After the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Cariesman, Horatio

Whose land grant fronts the Brazos River on the west side, where the station of Thompson is now on the Santa Fe road, was born in Virginia in 1792, but moved in early life first to Kentucky and then to Missouri, where he engaged in surveying. In 1818 he married Miss Mary Kinchaloe, and in the fall of 1821 prepared to immigrate to Texas with the Kinchaloe family. They embarked on boats to descend the river, but winter coming on, they held up until the next spring, when Mr. Kinchaloe preceded the party to New Orleans, where he chartered a … Read more

Biography of Fields, W. I.

Who lived many years in Fort Bend County, and died there, and whose remains rest in her soil, was born in Jefferson County, Kentucky, March 2, 1834. In 1855 he went to Howard County, Indiana, and was made a Royal Arch Mason there in 1857. In 1858 Mr. Fields moved to Grayson County, Texas, arriving here in January, but first returned to Kentucky from Indiana before concluding to make Texas his home. During those days the Indians often raided Cook and Montague Counties, and Mr. Fields accompanied several expeditions against them, in which battles were fought of more or less … Read more

Biography of Foster, Randolph

In regard to the death of Mr. Foster, the following was published in the Galveston News in August, 1878: Richmond, August 27th. “Editors News: “To enable you to see what a mistake you made in your issue of 25th instant, in your extract from the “Four Counties,” I enclose both what you said and the obituary of Randolph Foster, which by mistake you convert into an obituary of T. M. Blakely, his son-in-law, at whose home Mr. Foster died. “Randolph Foster, as may be seen by the very terse and beautiful obituary as published in the Four Counties, which would … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Hibbered, Loron

An old settler of Fort Bend County came to Texas with his parents in February of 1837, being then ten years of age. He was born in, New York in 1827. His father, Elmer Hibbered, started to Texas in 1836 with his family, but stopped in New Orleans on account of the invasion of Texas by Santa Anna, and came on after the war was over, landing at the mouth of the Brazos River. He had two brothers, Lovell and Lucius, who came to Texas with General Sam Houston and was in the Texas army of 1836. One was a … Read more

Company H

Colonel Frank Terry, commanding, killed at Woodsonville, Kentucky. Second Lieutenant-Robert J. Calder, killed at Moss Creek, East Tennessee. Third Lieutenant W. D. Adams, died on the way home, after resigning his commission in the service. Gustave Cook, promoted to Captain from Sergeant, January, 1862; to Major December, 1862; to Lieutenant Colonel May, 1863; to Colonel May, 1865; Wounded at Farmington, Griswoldville, Bentonville and Shiloh. Robert Hodges wounded at Decatur, Alabama. E. Griffin, captured, but escaped and died in 1869. Jack Adams wounded at Washington, Georgia, in 1864. Addie Autrey killed at Shiloh, April 8th, 1861. Clem Bassett, wounded at Eagleville … Read more

Other members of Company H, from Fort Bend County

Captain John T. Holt, resigned in December, 1861. First Lieutenant Thomas S. Weston, promoted to Captain in, December, 1862. W. D. Adams, Third Lieutenant, resigned in. August, 1864, and died in April, 1865, while on his way home. G. Thompson, discharged in July, 1862. E. A. Bolmes, discharged in, February, 1862. J. H. Edmonson, Fifth Sergeant, promoted to Quartermaster Sergeant, transferred to Texas and promoted to Assistant Quartermaster, and died in Galveston, in 1868. He was a Brazoria County man, but enlisted in Fort Bend. Dave S. Terry, son of Colonel Terry, and first corporal, promoted to Captain on General … Read more

Men Of Company F, 24th Texas

Jasper Pharr, died at Arkansas Post. Henry McGaw, died at Arkansas Post. Kit Janes, died at Shreveport, La. Thomas Cary, died at Shreveport, La. Jake Roper, died at Shreveport, La. Ed. Walker, died in prison at Camp Butler, Ill. J. C. Williams, died in prison at Camp Butler, Ill. Joe and Johnston Williams, brothers, died in prison at Camp Butler, Ill. J. T. Corbett, died in prison at Camp Butler, Ill Lewis Lum, died in prison at Camp Butler, Ill. Killough, died. in prison at Camp Butler, Ill. Childress, died in prison at Camp Butler, 111. Wm. Latourny, killed at … Read more

Terry Rangers, Original Field Staff

Benjamin Franklin Terry, elected Colonel at the organizaltion, October 28th, 1861; killed at Woodsonvil1e, Kentucky (better known as Rowlett’s Station), in battle, December 17th, 1861. Thomas S. Lubbock, Harris County, elected Lieutenant Colonel October 28th, 1861; died at Nashville, Tennessee, January 9th, 1862. Thomas Harrison, Waco, Texas, elected Major at the organization, promoted to Lieutenant Colonel and Brigadier General, and wounded at Johnsonville, North Carolina, March 10th, 1865. Martin H. Royston, Galveston, appointed Adjutant by Colonel Terry, and subsequently appointed Captain and Major in Adjutant General’s Department. Benjamin H. Botts, Houston, Texas, appointed Assistant Quartermaster by Colonel Terry, and subsequently … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Hodge, Robert

Mr. Hodge is now a resident of Richmond, Fort Bend County, and has been for nearly sixty-six years; was born on Galveston Island on the 18th of May 1836. His parents were colonists of Stephen F. Austin, and settled near Damon’s Mound. When the Mexicans came in 1836 the people around the mound fled before them, and took refuge at Galveston, except those who went with Houston’s army. This disagreeable flight caused the birthplace of Mr. Hodge to be on the famous island. After the battle of San Jacinto the family removed to Fort Bend County, and their descendants have … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Worthington, R. H.

R. H. Worthington is an old Texan, and one of the good and worthy citizens of Fort Bend County. He was born in Pitt County, North Carolina, on June the 6th, 1826, but came from Alabama to Fort Bend County in 1849. During the great yellow fever epidemic of 1853 he nursed patients almost incessantly, being a member of the Howard Association, organized at that time for the purpose of taking care of the sick. He escaped all of the dangers to life and health while engaged in this laudable work, and still resides at Richmond. His wife, Mrs. Mary … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Darst, Abraham

Abraham Darst came to Texas in the early ’20 from St. Charles County, Missouri, and settled at Damon’s Mound. This famous mound is situated partly in Fort Bend County and partly in Brazoria, all of the league of Mr. Darst being in the latter county. He was married twice, the children of the first wife being Emery, John, Edmund and Patrick. By his last wife were Rosetta and Richard. Emery Darst married Miss Mary Ann Moore. She was born in St. Charles County, Mo., and died in 1902, in the eighty-third year of her age. Her people came to Texas … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Pearson, E. A. Major

Fort Bend County, Sheriff Edward, Adolphus Peareson, present Sheriff of Fort Bend County, was born in Matagorda County, Texas, on the 2nd day of September 1867. His father, P. E. Peareson, was a native of Alabama, but came to, Texas when a child at a very early day and first settled with his parents in Victoria County; married Miss Minnie Rugely in Matagardo County, and came to Fort Bend County in 1867. The Peareson family have had representatives in every war in which the United States has been engaged from the Revolution of 1776 to that with Spain in 1898. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Masterson, Willim

Fort Bend County, County Judge Judge Masterson is a native Texan, born in Brazoria, Brazoria County, on the 13th of August 1871. His father, Thomas Washington Masterson, was named for a distant relative of General George Washington, Thomas Washington being the great-uncle of Thomas W. Masterson, who was also born in Texas. The grandfather of Judge Masterson on his mother’s side was Dr. John G. Chalmers (gan historic name), who was secretary of the Texas navy during the days of the Republic. The mother of Judge Masterson was Annie T. Chalmers. She waft raised by General Thomas Green, being very … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Andrus, E. P.

Fort Bend County, District Clerk Edgar P. Andrus was born in Richmond, Fort Bend County October the 34th, 1858. His father, Walter Andrus, was also born in Fort Bend: County in 1830, on the east side of the Brazos River, about four miles from Richmond. The grandfather, Williams Andrus, came with the first installment of Austin’s colonists, and his league and labor of land, was located on both sides of the Brazos, the league on the east and the labor on the west, in the bend. When the Mexican army came in 1836, the Andrus family were living on the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Ransom, Henry L.

Fort Bend County, Deputy Sheriff Henry Lee Ransom, the present efficient deputy under Sheriff Peareson, was born in Brenham, Texas, on the 29th of December 1870. His father was a soldier under General Lee, his grandfather having ten sons in the Confederate army. Henry came to Fort Bend County in October 1889, and was living in the county when the war broke out with Spain, and has the distinction of being the only Fort Bend County boy who served in the Philippines. He enlisted August 15th, 1899, in the company of Captain John A. Hulein, Company D, 33rd Infantry Regiment, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Bassett, Clem N.

Fort Bend County, Tax Collector Clement Newton Bassett, the present Tag Collector of Fort Bend County, was born in Richmond, Texas, on the 7th of January 1842. His father, Clem N. Bassett, Sr., was a. native of Virginia. and came to Texas in 18361 first stopping on the San Jacinto River at Lynchburg, where he married Miss Julia Lee Beale, also a native of Virginia. This was soon after the battle of San Jacinto, and the young people at once came to Richmond, Fort Bend County, and made that place their permanent home. Mr. Bassett was in the legal profession, … Read more