To all who shall see these presents, GREETING:
Seal of Tenn.
KNOW YE, That reposing special trust and confidence in the patriotism, valor, conduct and fidelity of Thomas Love, of the County of Washington, We do commission him ENSIGN in the FIRST regiment of militia of this State; and do authorize and empower him to execute and fulfill the duties of ENSIGN in the said regiment, agreeable to law and the rules and directions of military discipline: TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the rank and command of ENSIGN in the said regiment during his good behavior, with all the powers, privileges and emoluments thereto of right appertaining. And he the said Thomas Love is hereby required to obey his superior officers’ lawful commands: and all officers and privates under his command are to be obedient to him as ENSIGN aforesaid.
In testimony whereof we have caused the great seal of the State to be hereunto affixed.
Witness John Sevier esquire, our governor and commander in chief, at Knoxville, the 13th, day of January in the 8th year of our independence, and in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and four.
By the Governor,
Wm. Macline, Secretary. John Sevier. (Governor)
Note: A copy of this instrument is made here for the purpose of preservation in the event the one now in my possession should by accident or otherwise, get destroyed. I have the Original, and at present it is in a fairly good state of preservation. On the back of the above Commission is the Following:
“I, Thomas Love, do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of this State and of the United States; and that I will faithfully and justly execute the office of ENSIGN in the first Regiment of this State according to the best of my skill and Judgment. Thomas D. Love (signed)
I do hereby certify that Thomas Love did take and subscribe above oath of office before me. Given under my hand this 1st, day of October 1804.
Ro. Love, Justice of the Peace.” (signed)