McMinn County Tennessee Grant Book A

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267 91 Dec 1829 Act of Relief by the General Assembly for Nancy Allison, widow of Uriah Allison dec’d late of Roane Co. and for benefit of his heirs, three small female children. (302) 11 Jan 1836 The heirs are Mariah S., Catherine I. And Mary Allison.

288 910 Nov 1820 Abraham Heard enters land; 1824, James Kennedy, Sr. pays the interest; 21 July 1835 Nancy Kennedy, late Nancy Heard, Abram A. Heard, John Joseph Heard, Pryor Lea and wife late Minerva Ann Heard, George Felix Hears, and Joshua T. Heard, legatees of Col. Abraham Heard dec’d, pay the balance.

294 8 Nov 1820 Henry Bradford of Jefferson Co. makes Entry and assigns it

302 9Copy of Will of Samuel Tillery dec’d of Rhea Co., executed Feb. 1827, and registered May 1827; to wife Anna; my daughters as they come of age; my four sons, Coffel, Thomas, Hugh and Samuel as they come of age; brother John and brother-in-law Thomas Bell, both of Knox Co., to be Execs.

305 9John Brown of Roane Co. enters land.

306 97 Sep 1822 Charles White assigns Entry to Welcome Howel; 28 Dec 1827, Benjamin Longacre, Adm. Of Welcome Howel, dec’d, pays balance.

351 919 Dec 1830 John Walker, Esq., Gdn. Of Elizabeth H. Murphy, heir of James Murphy dec’d, pays balance on Entry made by James Murphy 18 Nov 1820.

411 918 Feb 1827 John Richardson assigns his entry in McMinn Co. to James Fry at request of his mother Susannah Fry.

421 915 Nov 1828 William Grant assigns his entry in Monroe Co. to Nathaniel H. Canseler; 9 Nov 1831 William, Mary and John Cansler assign same.

435 928 Jul 1824 Lewis Ball enters as occupant enterer; 28 Mar 1826 Ball assigns to Howel Houston, proven at Green Co. Court Jan 1833 by witness John Gladin; 13 May 1826 Howel Houston assigns to William Houston, acknowledged Mar 1833 at Green Co. Court before V. Sevier, Clk. By M. Payne Deputy Clk.; 2 Aug 1830 William Houston assigns to John Dickson, acknowledged mar 1833 at Greene Co. Court before Andrew Patterson by V. Sevier, D.C.; 2 Feb 1833 assigned by Dickson to Thomas Crowder and acknowledged Mar 1833 at Greene Co. Court; Grant issued to Crowder 13 Sep 1837. Land in Monroe Co.

503 917 Dec 1826 John Marshall assigns to John Flannegan land in McMinn Co.;30 Jun 1835 Washington Co., Ill., the lawful heirs of John Flanagin dec’d assign to James B. Falnagin; signed by Arthur Foster, William McMillian, Azy J. Flannigan, Thomas A. Flennigan, Allen Lawson, Marget Craseale, Osburn Roberson Flenigan, John B. Flennigen.

509 910 Nov 1820 Elijah Hurst assigns entry in McMinn Co. to Isaac Lane of Claiborne Co.; 28 Oct 1822 Isaac Lane assigns to Tidence C. Lane of McMinn Co.

516 9Johnnah, wife of Peter Bond, Rachel, Rosannah and Elizabeth Bond, Heirs of Peter Bond dec’d.

521 916 Dec 1828 Rhea Co., Thomas Lucas swears that he had a certificate assigned to him by Miles Vernon and it was burnt when house burnt.

524 921 Feb 1921 Miller Francis assigns to John A. Smith; 7 Sept 1829 John A Smith assigns to Robert Locke; 8 September 1830 Robert Locke assigns to John Smith, Jr.; 28 Jul 1832 John W. Smith assigns to the heirs of John A. Smith dec’d.

529 924 Nov 1820 William Smith Enters Land; 12 Oct 1847 John, Israel C., Joseph, and Nancy Smith assign to Elisha Brient, with James T. and Robert E. Smith as witnesses.

530 921 Nov 1820 Nathaniel H. Cansler makes entry; 1 Jan 1830, widow and heirs make payment; 7 Sept 1843 Martha S. (Patsy) Chapman formerly Cansler and her husband Lemuel Chapman, heirs, transfer their right to William Cansler; 7 Sept 1843 William Cansler as heir and as assignee transfers his right.

531 925 Nov 1820 Henry Bond makes entry; 16 Feb 1824 Henry assigns to Peter Bond; 29 Oct 1830 and 16 Oct 1832 Joanah Bond makes payment; 4 Oct 1844, Grant issued to heirs of Peter Bond dec’d.

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537 918 Nov 1820 Charles McClung makes entry; 17 Apr 1823 assigned to John Lea who pay balance in 1830; 1831 William T. Gillenwaters and Pleasant M. Lean adms. Of John Lea dec’d assign, by virtue of a bond given and by said John Lea and registered in Rhea Co.

547 927 Nov 1820 David Vaughn makes entry; 5 Feb 1824 legatees of David Vaughn, Roane Co., Assign to David R. Brazeale and Hugh Woody and signing are Mary Carnut, William Vaughn, Nancy Farmer and Jesse, Archelaus, William and James Vaughn.

555 915 June 1838 James F. Bradford makes oath that George Wear handed over to him a Grant for land in McMinn Co. which is lost; 1 Nov 1838 George Wear in Cherokee Co., Ala. assigns land.

556 914 Aug 1821 William McGill is assigned entry; 29 Oct 1830 Daniel Heiskell for Patsey McGill, assignee on this certificate, makes payment.

561 93 June 1828 Thomas Wilson assigns to George Wilson Sr.; 30 Oct 1830 Samuel Wilson, adm. Of George Wilson dec’d, makes payment.

562 916 Nov 1820 Malcolm Gilchrist makes entry; 1824 acknowledges transfer in Bedford Co.

572 926 Nov 1820 Samuel Grigsby of Roane Co. makes entry

572 930 Nov 1820 Sampson David makes entr; 12 Feb 1823 at Jacksborough assigns to David P. Walker.

573 96 Nov 1820 Thomas Brown of Roane Co. makes entry and assigns.

574 914 Nov 1820 Asa Wilson makes entry; 28 Oct 1820 Betsy S. Wilson and Gideon Ragland, Execs., pay balance.

578 918 Sept 1821 Joseph Karr is assigned entry, witnessed by Elender Karr: 1 May 1826 William Karr, Adm. Of Jospeh Karr dec’d assigns.

Land, Land Records,

McMinn County TN,

Boyer, Reba Bayless. McMinn County, Tennessee Land Deeds. Copyright 2001. Provided to AccessGenealogy for perpetual free display.

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