McMinn County, Tennessee Deed Book B

Last Updated on April 24, 2012 by Dennis

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1 4 Sept 1826 Matthias Firestone to Samuel Firestone: signed in German

5 3 Nov 1825 Elizabeth and James Fields heirs of Andrew Miller dec’d of the Cherokee Nation to Samuel McConnell; land, part in McMinn Co and part in Monroe Co., claimed by said Miller as a life estate reservation.

7 3 Nov 1825 Joseph Crutchfield and George Hicks, Execx. Of Andrew Miller dec’d, all of Cherokee nation, to Samuel McConnell; said miller’s Reservation part in McMinn Co and part in Monroe Co.
8 8 27 Oct 1826 Jourdon T. Counsel of Knox Co. to George M. Lavender of the Cherokee nation.

16 30 Jan 1828 William Forester of McMinn Co. to Robert Forester of Monroe Co

20 1 Sept 1828 Spencer Beavers, Sheriff, to heirs of Stanwix Hord: Bill of Sale for Slave

21 Nov 1825 Unstequah or Big Mush of Cherokee Nation to Gideon Morgan Jr of McMinn Co.; Chocktaw, a Cherokee, on 21 Jul 1819 registered as head of an Indian family, for a reservation between South and middle fork of Goodfield Creek and he has died leaving Unstequah his natural born son and only heir.

24 30 Mar 1824 John Oldham of Thea Co. to Nat Smith; Bill of Sale for slave.

25 29 Dec 1826 Thomas Taylor of Claiborne Co. to Nat Smith: Bill of sale for slaves.

27 30 Apr 1828 David Kounts of Grainger Co. to Nathaniel Smith; certified by John Cocke Clk. By Wm. E. Cocke, Deputy of Grainger Co.

30 2 Oct 1826 Spencer Beavers, Sheriff, to Joseph Cobbs, Sr.; Bill of Sale for three slaves sold under judgment levied on jones Griffin of Monroe Co in suit Welker VS said Griffin and William Lee.

31 22 Apr 1827 Carter and Indiana Wright to David A. Cobbs; mortgage of slave Metilda.

35 5 Dec 1828 Abner Lea to Alexander McConnell of Harlin , Ky.

36 29 Oct 1825 William craig to Joseph Gilbreath of Knox Co.

39 30 Apr 1825 John Walker Sr. to Franklin C. Heard acting Exec. Of Abraham Heard late of McMinn Co., dec’d.

41 21 Feb 1829 John Walker Sr. to John Hardwick, both of Cherokee Nation.

59 5 Mar 1827 John Armstrong of McMinn Co. to Robert, Moses and Aron Armstrong of Knox. Co.

60 27 Feb 1828 Gideon Morgan Jr. to William S. Leuty of Rhea Co.; martgage.

63 25 Sept 1826 Joseph Gilbreath of McMinn Do. To John and Thomas B. Love of Knox. Co.

66 2 Oct 1828 Levi Spencer Jr. of McMinn Do. To John Hunney of Claiborne Co.

80 23 Sept 1829 Isaac and Mary Tenney by mutual consent to Ezekiel Spriggs; mortgage for slave and our new still.

83 29 Dec 1826 Henry and Peter Bond to Israel Boone.

89 27 Mar 1830 On 7 Jan 1830 General Assembly passed Act for relief of Robert Armstrong of Knox Co.; Lot No. 32 in Athens.

90 10 Feb 1830 William Beene Sr. to William Beene Jr. both of McMinn Co.

98 29 Jan 1827 Benjamin Hawkins to Elijah Hurst; Bill of Sale for Slave Dorcas; Attent: Jacob T. Bradford and Solomon Bogart. Apr 1830, handwriting of Bradford who resides out of limits of State proven by James F. Bradford.

101 10 Oct 1829 Isaac Brock of Perry Co., Ala. to William White.

104 8 June 1830 Robert Forester of Monroe Co. to William Forester; land in McMinn Co. where William now lives.

106 1 Dec 1824 Coloneaskee an Indian woman of Cherokee Nation to Robert Hood of McMinn Co.; her right to land claimed as life estate reservation whereon said Hood now lives.

107 30 June 1830 Miller Francis, Treas, of East Tenn., to John McGee; Act ofGeneral Assembly 11 Jan 1830 directed the Treas. To sell the reservation of Andrew Mill or his heirs.

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110 19 July 1830 Washington C. McMahan to Caswell M. McMahan; his share of their joint entry.

111 19 June 1830 Nutty Colville, Adminx. Of Young Colville dec’d, to Robert M. McClary; Bill of Sale for slaves.

120 7 Dec 1830 Nathl. Smith to James and John Spencer of Rhea Co,; land in Rhea Co.

128 7 Dec 1830 George Morgan to Thomas J. Campbell of Rhea Co.

129 4 Aug 1826 Agilahah, granddaughter of Conouskee a Cherokee woman to Samuel Chunn and Robert H. Patton.

132 26 June 1830 A deed, barely legible, registered by Deputy Clerk William Sherrill has written below: “O want it distinctly understood that I did not register the foregoing deed. As Wm. P. Turk done the same. Wm. Sherrill.”

140 18 Dec 1830 John H. Porter of Rhea Co. to Carter Melton.

155 3 May 1831 In Equity, Circuit Court. James Benjamin, William, John, Joseph, Rolland and Polly Hawkins, David Newman and wife Sally late Hawkins, John Campbell and wife Blanche late Hawkins, Granville Williams and Nancy late Hawkins, Nancy and Polly Templeton children of John Templeton, all heirs and devisees of Benjamin Hawkins dec’d VS George McInturff.

156 4 Jun 1831 Martha, William H., Sarah M. Polly Ann C., Catherine .M., Margaret and James Bell, heirs of Robert Bell dec’d to Elijah Reese of Morgan Co.

169 31 May 1831 Robert Stephenson to Gideon Cate; for $1000 in part of said Cate’s wife’s legacy.

171 25 Apr 1831 Wade Hampton one of lawful heirs of William Hampton dec’d to John L. McCarty; his share of undivided land.

175 6 Jun 1831 Nancy Pickins. Robert Pickens, John Smith and wife Mary late Pickens, Israel C. Smith and wife Dorcas late Pickens, Andrew Pickens, Abraham B. Neal and wife Rebecca late Pickens, for themselves, and William C., Charles A., Nancy and Patsy Pickens minors by their Gdns. Goerge Bowman and Nancy Pickens, all heirs of John Pickens dec’d, to Mary F., Elizabeth H., Pegga A., James L., sarah j., Samuel L., and Joseph Gilbreath, all heirs of Joseph Gilbreath dec’d. Attest: Robert and Reece Pickens.

178 2 Feb 1831 Daniel Anderson to George Harris of Roane Co.; Deed of Trust.

182 26 Oct 1831 Chonookee wife of Toloteskee dec’d of the Cherokee Nation and Saunatee the only surviving heir to Robert Sloan.

185 2 Oct 1831 Robert Wakefield of Burk Co., N.C. to Charles Wakefield of McMinn Co. Attest: A. and Thomas Wakefield

186 4 Aug 1826 Agilahah granddaughter of Colonuskee a Cherokee woman to Robert Sloan

192 1 Dec 1824 Colonuskee an Indian woman of the Cherokee Nation to Robert Sloan; land where said Sloan now lives.

193 March 1831 Rhea Co. Circuit Court: Samuel Kean VS Thomas C. Wroe; Kean filed deed to lot in Athens executed by Henry Parkis and wife Jane; Kean also filed title to land in tract appropriated by Acts of Congress for Military bounties in the late territory now the state of Mousire; land had been levied on by defendant.

196 24 Sept 1831 Whereas on 21 Mar 1829 William C. McKamy surviving Adm. Of James McKamy dec’d filed a Bill in McMinn Court against John Ewen McKamy, Minerva McKamy and Isabella McKamy minor heirs of said James McKamy by their Gdn. Joseph Robeson, and William S. McEwen, William F. Mason and wife Eliza late McEwen, adult heirs of John McEwen dec’d and John C., Robert N., Martha T., and Margaret McEwen minor heirs of John McEwen dec’d who were sued by Elizabeth McEwen.

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205 18 May 1831 Samuel, George and Jane Hale to Daniel Lowry.

223b 7 Sept 1824 On 2 Apr 1823 Blount Co. Court Suit of Robert Neal VS James. F. Chisolm, Andrew Miller and Woods Lackey; Sheriff of McMinn Co to sell land reserved to Andrew Miller Heirs.

238 238 18 May 1831 Cahterine Hale widow of James Hale dec’d and Gdn. Of his minor heirs and Casper Easterly of Greene Co. to Daniel Lowry: Title Bond of land in McMinn Co. when youngest child reaches age of twenty-one.

242 30 Jul 1829 Samuel Newman of Jefferson Co. to Robert M. Newman

243 Isaac Newman to Robert M. Newman; land purchased by Isaac, Samuel and Robert M. Newman and others. Deed proven 5 March 1832

249 19 May 1832 Joseph Cobb Sr. to son-in-law John Cox.

250 19 May 1832 Joseph Cobb Sr. to son Joseph Cobb Jr.

256 15 Mar 1832 Samuel Kane of Pike Co., Mo. To Isaac Crow; Lot No. 43 in Athens.

259 25 Oct 1832 Henry C. Bradford of McMinn Co. to John Bradford Jr. of Bedford Co.; 2/5 of land in Bedford Co. of which Joseph Taylor died seized, the 2/5 being shares of Sarah Campbell of Washington Co and Samuel Thompson and wife Nelly of Blount Co., representatives of said Taylor dec’d.

261 10 March 1832 George Morgan to William H. and Robert M. Cary of Henderson Co., Ky.

263 19 Mar 1832 Joseph Cobb to son-in-law Samuel Firestone.

264 4 June 1832 Joseph Thomas and wife Elizabeth formerly McKehan, daughter of James mcKehan dec’d of McxMinn Co. to Aaron and Jobe McKehan; her undivided 1/3 of land of her father

278 26 Feb. 1831 David Roper of Rhea co. to Solomon Hayes.

279 26 Dec 1832 John McCully to Joseph Brandon of Monroe Co.

282 22 March 1833 John B. Morrison to Return J. Meigs in trust for Lewis Ross and George M. Lavender of Cherokee Nation: Morrison to deliver 266 gallons of whiskey at cents per gallon at bend of Coosa, Floyd Co., Ga by 1 Aug 1833.

282 28 Mar 1833 John M. Gibbs to Solomon Bogart in trust for Thomas A. Anderson; Gibbs’ printing establishment to secure the debt.

287 8 Apr 1833 William Lowry to Williamson Smith of Murray Co., Tenn.; Bill of Sale for slave.

292 5 Mar 1833 martin Casady Jr. to Julia Thomas and heirs of Goerge Thomas dec’d.

293 18 Feb 1833 james Ellison of Roane Co. to Larkin Buttram of Rhea Co. land in McMinn Co. where Hinson Ellison now lives, between Robert and james Ellison.

296 3 Nov 1828 Charles Medlock to Nathaniel Brittain of Rhea Co.

297 24 Dec 1832 Matthew and Stephen Kelly to Alexander and David Cleage and Thomas Crutchfield; Deed of Trust for land where they live and also land on which Kelly’s Mills are situated.

298 14 June 1832 Mouse Pain and Yetsey his wife of Cherokee Nation to Henry Bradford: part of Pains’s Reservation.

307 31 Dec 1831 Samuel John of Knox Co. to Elias Presnell.

310 1 Jan 1833 James H. Ragan to Benjamin Maxfield of Roane Co.

314 21 Jan 1832 Andrew Thomas of Monroe Co. to Sarah McCall.

319 25 Jan 1833 Thamas Garvin to Jacob Dick of Jefferson Co.

330 11 Mar 1831 Thomas Ireland of Sevier Co. who intermarried with Hannah Wood one of the heirs of Richard Wood dec’d to William Wood of McMinn Co,; land of Richard Wood dec’d; witnesses are Richard and james R. Wood.

344 11 Oct 1832 Robert S. Holt to James H. Reagan; his share of land of his father Irby Holt.

349 6 Dec 1832 Archibald R. Turk, James H. Fyffe, William W. Anderson, Joel K. Brown, Solomon Bogart, Onslow G. Murrell, James Bradford, Urial Johnson, and Elijah Hurst, Comm. Of town of Athens and successors to Isaac Rice, Samuel McConnell, John Walker, John B. Flanigan, William H. Cook, Alexander C. Robeson, Geoge Colville, Thomas Armstrong and Elijah Hurst, former Commissioners, to Return J. Meigs of Athens; Lots 112 and 113 whereon said Meigs now resides.

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350 26 May 1833 Charles T. Thornton to John Martin of Murray Co., Ga.; Trust Deed

357 29 May 1833 William T. McCallie to Thomas McCallie and Robert M. Hooke of Rhea Co.; Deed of Trust.

367 14 Feb John McCallon of Thea Co. to John McMahan.

368 31 Dec 1832 Woody Jackson of Georgia to Samuel McConnell; Title Bond for land.

372 16 Jan 1833 Federick T.C. Ford to son Fedrick Ford; personal property.

373 23 Apr 1833 nathaniel Smith to John Hayns of Monroe Co.

377 5 Jan 1833 Ambler Casey to Abner Casey.

380 31 may 1833 Thomas Thompson to Edward Newton and W.L. Sewell, Trustees of Double Springs Chruch of Christ called “Separate Baptist” of McMinn Co.; for his good will and for better maintanance of the gospel; one acre.

381 11 Oct 1832 William Stubblefield to Robert Stubblefield.

384 5 June 1833 thomas A. Anderson to Solomon bogart, James H. Reagan, George W. Mayo, Victor Moreau Campbell and T. Nixon Vandyke and their successors, “lot of ground whereon the brick wall of an Academy House has been lately erected above the dwelling house of the said Anderson”; tract lately conveyed by Wm. Lowry Esq. To Anderson; “For a publick Library Lyceum and Museum whenever suitable building can be by subscription or otherwise erected thereon”; said trustees shall in addition to Literature and Science cause elementary and practical instruction to be given in the useful arts upon the plan of the Institution of Fellenberg at Hafeoyl in Switzerland.

385 29 Nov 1831 Nancy Hampton, James Tedford, George Willson, Waden Hampton and Morgan Hampton to John Camp; part of John Walker’s reservation.

386 29 Feb 1832 John L. McCarty to John Camp; two undivided moieties of land conveyed by John Walker, Sr., to Wm. Hampton dec’d on 14 Jul 1831

392 2 Dec 1831 James Tedford and George Willson to John Camp; Their undivided moiety; two of the heirs of Wm. Hampton dec’d.

393 24 Jul 1832 Sterling Camp to John Camp; $1.00; it is to be distinctly understood that the land is part of Sterling Camp’s real estate and that John Camp does not have the power to convey said tract in Sterling Camp’s lifetime.

394 2 May 1833 John F. Davis to Isaac George; his interest as heir of Wm. Davis dec’d.

404 26 Aug 1833 America Boxley to Return J. Meigs; Power of Atty. To recover a slave from Henry G. Bradford, the slave her property by descent from her father.

Land, Land Records,

McMinn County TN,

Boyer, Reba Bayless. McMinn County, Tennessee Land Deeds. Copyright 2001. Provided to AccessGenealogy for perpetual free display.

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