Biographical Sketch of W. A. Clark

W. A. Clark, farmer of Coffee County, was born June 17, 1830, in Lebanon. His father, Joshua Clark, was born June 5, 1806, in Maryland, and came to Kentucky early and finally to Lebanon in 1828, engaging at contracting and farming until 1847, since then he has been devoted to the latter. His mother, Sarah (Allen) Clark, daughter of “Billy” Allen, of Lebanon, was born February 14, 1807, in Tennessee.

Our subject is of Scotch-Irish descent. Having learned the mechanic’s trade, he left his father’s farm when nineteen and worked at his trade until 1865, since when he has been a successful farmer. June 14, 1849, he married Elizabeth S. McGinn, a native of North Carolina. Their children are Joshua, William E., Robert H. and John D. Besides dealing in general merchandise at Bradyville, he was postmaster and collecting officer there several years; the planing mill business occupied his attention for a time also. Politically, he is a democrat. His wife is a relative of Gen. Steele, of Saulsbury, N. C.



Goodspeed Publishing Co. History of Tennessee from the earliest time to the present. Goodspeed Publishing Co. 1887.

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