I had the honour of acqainting your Excellency by M. Gray of having at last got here. I enclose to your Excellency a Muster Roll of my Company from their first Enterance into the service to the 14th Current. The Summs due to each drawer out the whole for Private Men Officers and Sergents after deducting what I have received amounting to 8262.3.4_________-it is properly certified by the Commifsary and I have wrote upon it Something Equall to an ___dersationin favour of M. Charles Ogaloy who will wait upon Your Wxcellency for the order to Receive the amount. I have of this date ______Several orders on M. ogeloy in favour of the Officers and people.
When my company was mustered at the Congress I read to them the Articles of war and told them that they were enlisted for six months certain and longer if necefsary to Compleat the fort, but that as in such expeditions accidents might happen to occasion their being detained longer it was impofsible to Stipulate the exact time I desired such as were unwilling to proceed on those terms to declare it then and they should be difsmifsed but not one objected and all proceeded cheerfully.
Captain Demere will axquaint your Excellency of the visible alteration in the Behaviour of the Indians on the Return of the Little Carpenter. I hope the Different Parties that are gone to war will be attended with Succefs, if their Iintentions be what they profefs which asy it we have no reason to doubt off, the Breach will then be Effectually opened but I am apprehensive there will be great Complaints for wnt of the traders who may be capable of supplying them thereis not one in the nation who has a Licence or dares got to Charles Town for one and the Indians will now expect to be regularly supplied.
It gives me great the I did not take any step to prevent the Indians Going to Virginia before I had the honour of receiving your Excellency’s letter of 30th of April. Altho I can easily collect that Iudger Friend was sett upon going to solicit a Garrison for the Virginia Fort and a trade from that Province, by Elliot who is gone with hm. A well Regulated Trade no matter from which Province will do Good but he least appearance of Rivallship between the provinces cannot_______of doing harm. Iudges Friend goes through the Calaba Nation and back Settlements directly to Williamsburg, which has more the air of a pacefick than a warlike Wxpedition.
I am glad Jamaica fill____________Luckily with the Traty since it shows clearly how criticall the Juncture was I hope their Machenations are now frustrated and that no crofs accident will give any opening for their Emmifsaries, to practice on the Wavering Indians the Carpenter continues fixed in His Resolution of going to England and has upon this occasion shewed his attachment to us and his great Influence over his countrymen.
M. Gray will fully inform your Excellency of the Situation of Fort Loudon and how near Everything is being Compleared.
I have the Honour of being with the Greatest Respect
Sir, Your Excellency’s
most obedient and most
humble servent
John Stuart