History of Adair County Iowa and its People – vol 2

History of Adair County, Iowa, and its people vol 2 title page

Back in 1915, Lucian Moody Kilburn, was engaged to write a history of Adair County Iowa by the Pioneer Publishing Company of Chicago Illinois, he then being at that time a resident of the county for 50 years. The manuscript was divided into two volumes. This volume, numbered 2, provides biographical sketches of 348 leading men and women of the County of Adair including many of its founding families. You can read or download the free eBook from this website.

Charles “Everett” Zimmerman – Obituary

Baker City, Oregon Charles “Everett” Zimmerman, 90, of Baker City, died Oct. 18, 2002, at St. Elizabeth Health Services. His funeral will be at 10 a.m. Tuesday at Gray’s West & Co. Pioneer Chapel, 1500 Dewey Ave. Pastor Ted Davis of The Faith Center at La Grande and Pastor Aaron Oglesbee of the Agape Christian Center at Baker City will officiate. Charlene Whitmore of Blue Mountain Foursquare Church will assist. Vault interment will be at Mount Hope Cemetery. There will be a reception afterward at the First Church of the Nazarene Fellowship Hall, 1250 Hughes Lane. Mr. Zimmerman was born … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dan A. Michael

Dan A. Michael is now in the concluding months of his four years of service as the capable and popular sheriff of Mitchell County. His term ends with 1916 and according to the custom enjoined by a decree of law he is not eligible for another term in the same office, though his fellow citizens would gladly see him there and would feel that every function of the sheriff’s duties was in splendid hands. Mr. Michael served four years as under sheriff prior to his election to the office. Though not a native of Kansas he had lived in the … Read more

Lee, Mamie Emelia Schulke – Obituary

Mamie Emelia Lee, 83, a two-year resident of the Elzora Manor Nursing Home, died there Sept. 19, 1987. The graveside service will be 10:30 a.m. Tuesday at Mountain View Cemetery. The Rev. David Stunkel will officiate. Friends may meet at Groseclose Garden Chapel prior to leaving for the cemetery. Mrs. Lee was born March 6, 1904 in Bemidji, Minn., to Edward and Helen (nee) Kutzner Schulke. She had lived in the Walla Walla Valley since 1937 and in Pendleton from 1939 until two years ago, when she moved to the nursing home. Her husband, John Henry Lee, died in 1973. … Read more

Marriages of Charlotte County Virginia, 1784-1815

1911 Map of Charlotte County Virginia

This volume, “Marriages of Charlotte County, Virginia, 1784-1815,” compiles the marriage bonds and minister’s returns from Charlotte County during the specified period. The original work was painstakingly copied by Catherine Lindsay Knorr and published in 1951. The book spans 119 pages and includes a wealth of historical data on marriages that took place in this Virginia county. This publication presents several challenges for readers. Some pages are slightly tattered and torn, and the manuscript features irregular pagination. Additionally, there are tight or nonexistent margins, particularly at the bottom of the pages, and one page is typed on different paper than the rest.

Biographies of Western Nebraska

History of Western Nebraska and its People

These biographies are of men prominent in the building of western Nebraska. These men settled in Cheyenne, Box Butte, Deuel, Garden, Sioux, Kimball, Morrill, Sheridan, Scotts Bluff, Banner, and Dawes counties. A group of counties often called the panhandle of Nebraska. The History Of Western Nebraska & It’s People is a trustworthy history of the days of exploration and discovery, of the pioneer sacrifices and settlements, of the life and organization of the territory of Nebraska, of the first fifty years of statehood and progress, and of the place Nebraska holds in the scale of character and civilization. In the … Read more

Austin “Bud” Ragle – Obituary

This is the obituary for Donald Gordon Olsen, age 86, who died on May 30, 2008. It was initially published by the Record Courier in Baker City, Oregon on June 26, 2008.

Kansas Registrations of Enemy Aliens, 1917 – 1921

Enemy Alien Registration Affidavit for Bernhardt Vick - Cropped Photo

The series contains original affidavits of registration that record personal information about each registrant, their photograph affixed to the majority of documents, and the registrants fingerprints. All of these are specific to Kansas, and most have the actual documents attached.

Marriage records of Liberty County Georgia, 1785-1895

Marriage records of Liberty County, Georgia, 1785-1895

These marriage records were abstracted from unbound marriage bonds and licenses in the Liberty County Courthouse, Hinesville, Georgia. The names were copied as they were spelled on the bonds, often barely legible and often spelled differently on the same bond. Sometimes the marriages were performed before the licenses were issued. The first date given in the abstracts is the date of the license or bond; the second is the date of marriage. The following abbreviations are used in these abstracts with the meaning indicated:

J. E. Michael

1st Class Private, Med. Corps, Base No. 45; of Davidson County; son of D. M. and Mrs. C. F. Michael. Entered service Feb. 28, 1917, at Richmond, Va. Sent to Camp Lee, Va. Transferred to Newport News, Va. Sailed for Brest, France, Aug. 19, 1918. Stationed at Toul and served there until sailing. Landed in USA April 19, 1919, at Brooklyn, N. Y. Mustered out at Camp Lee, Va., April 29, 1919.

Washington County, Idaho Pioneer Honor Roll

History of Washington County and Adams County

In 1940 and 1943, a survey of everyone who had lived in Washington County, Idaho continuously for 50 years or more, was made by the Weiser American. These pioneer residents were especially honored at the Fall Festival held in the fall of both years. So far as is known, the list compiled by the survey is complete and perhaps the only record of its kind in existence.