Cora Livingston, Mrs. Thomas Pennant Barton

Cora Livingston

Cora Livingston was born in New Orleans, “the little Paris of America,” on the 16th of June, 1806, the year of the great eclipse. Her father, writing to announce her advent to his sister in New York, said God had given him so fair a daughter that the sun had hidden its face. Though she was a great belle with a national reputation during the decade from 1820 to 1830, those who attempted an analysis of her charm declared that she lacked that attribute which many would esteem the first requisite to belleship, beauty. Yet she was a notable example … Read more

Barton, Thomas Jefferson – Obituary

Promise, Wallowa County, Oregon Thomas Jefferson Barton Passes at Enterprise Hospital Thomas J. Barton of Promise, died at the Enterprise Hospital Saturday (Nov. 8, 1941) where he had been a patient for several weeks and funeral services were held at the Promise Grange Hall Monday conducted by Arvil Hurt, Christian Minister of Wallowa. Burial was in the Promise Cemetery. Music was furnished by the Wallowa Christian ladies quartet composed of Mrs. Coley Wray, Mrs. Joe Rounsavell, Mrs. Spencer Trump and Mrs. Abbie Riggle. Mr. Barton was a native of West Virginia but five years ago came to the Promise Community … Read more

Kansas Registrations of Enemy Aliens, 1917 – 1921

Enemy Alien Registration Affidavit for Bernhardt Vick - Cropped Photo

The series contains original affidavits of registration that record personal information about each registrant, their photograph affixed to the majority of documents, and the registrants fingerprints. All of these are specific to Kansas, and most have the actual documents attached.

Marriages of Charlotte County Virginia, 1784-1815

1911 Map of Charlotte County Virginia

This volume, “Marriages of Charlotte County, Virginia, 1784-1815,” compiles the marriage bonds and minister’s returns from Charlotte County during the specified period. The original work was painstakingly copied by Catherine Lindsay Knorr and published in 1951. The book spans 119 pages and includes a wealth of historical data on marriages that took place in this Virginia county. This publication presents several challenges for readers. Some pages are slightly tattered and torn, and the manuscript features irregular pagination. Additionally, there are tight or nonexistent margins, particularly at the bottom of the pages, and one page is typed on different paper than the rest.

Charlton Massachusetts Warnings 1737-1788

Worcester County MA Warnings

In the following information all the names, dates and other essential particulars which appear in the returns to the Court in the County of Worcester during the entire period – a full half-century, from 1737 to 1788 – in which these entries were made, are given. The returns from each place have been brought together and arranged under the name of the town or district, in this case Charlton Massachusetts.

1st Mississippi Light Artillery

Aka Withers’ Light Artillery Company A — Ridley’s Battery, aka Jackson Light Artillery (raised in Hinds & Madison Counties, MS) Company B — Herrod’s Battery, aka Vaughan Rebels (raised in Yazoo County, MS) Company C — Turner’s Battery (raised in Choctaw County, MS) Company D — Wofford’s Battery (raised in Holmes County, MS) Company E — Carroll Light Artillery (raised in Carroll County, MS) Company F — Bradford’s Battery (raised in Lawrence County, MS) Company G — Cowan’s Battery (raised in Warren County, MS) Company H — Connor Battery (raised in Adams County, MS) Company I — Bowman’s Battery (raised … Read more

Barton, Norma E. – Obituary

Joseph, Oregon Norma E. Barton, of Joseph, died March 26, 2007, at Wallowa Memorial Hospital after a short illness. She was 76. Mrs. Barton was born May 6, 1930, to Jesse Crader and Inez Morgan. She graduated from Joseph High School. She married Selwyn L. Barton in 1951. He died in 2000. She was a homemaker and worked in retail sales at Carlyle Roundy’s Grocery Store and Bud’s Hardware in Joseph. She is survived by her daughter Janice Shirley and husband Ron; son Jess Barton and wife Trisa; four grandchildren; four great-grandchildren and sisters Gladys Nobles of Enterprise and Nadine … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Williams Barton, M.D.

WILLIAMS BARTON, M.D. was born August 6, 1820. He attended Unity and Kimball Union Academies, studied medicine with Drs. Coburn, Hall and Nichols, graduated at the Medical Department of Dartmouth College in May, 1845, and soon after commenced practice at Croydon, where he now resides. He was three years commissioner of common schools for Sullivan County, and a teacher of elocution at the Teachers’ Institute.

Biographical Sketch of William Barton, M.D.

WILLIAMS BARTON, M. D., son of Bazaleel Barton 2nd, and grandson of Peter Barton, was born Aug. 6, 1820. He received his literary training at Unity and Kimball Union Academies ; studied medicine with Drs. Coburn, Hall and Nichols; graduated at the medical department of Dartmouth College in May, 1845, and soon after commenced practice at Croydon, where he still resides. He was often chairman of the Superintending School Committee, and was three years Commissioner of Common Schools for Sullivan County, during which time he was often employed as professor of elocution, in teachers’ institutes, in different parts of the … Read more

Barton, Thomas – Obituary

Wallowa, Wallowa County, Oregon Thomas Barton Services Held Memorial services for Thomas Barton of Wallowa who passed away at Wallowa Memorial Hospital on Tuesday, June 11, 1974, were at the Bollman Chapel on Friday at 2 p.m., with Rev. Richard Jenks officiating. Casket bearers were: John Hays, Dan Hays, LeRoy Graning, Leslie Masterson, Ivan Jacques, and Ken Oldham: and internment was in the Wallowa Cemetery. Source: Wallowa County Chieftain, June 20, 1974 Page 5 Contributed by: Sue Wells

Washington County, Idaho Pioneer Honor Roll

History of Washington County and Adams County

In 1940 and 1943, a survey of everyone who had lived in Washington County, Idaho continuously for 50 years or more, was made by the Weiser American. These pioneer residents were especially honored at the Fall Festival held in the fall of both years. So far as is known, the list compiled by the survey is complete and perhaps the only record of its kind in existence.

Holman Family of Attleboro Massachusetts

Samuel Morey Holman

For something more than two centuries the Holman family of which the Attleboro Holmans are a branch has been identified with the history of this Commonwealth, and for half of that period the Holmans have been people of distinction in the town just named, closely identified with its social, religious, educational and business life. The progenitor of this Massachusetts Holman family, Solomon Holman, with his brother John, is said to have come from the Bermuda Islands to Newburyport, the family tradition being that the Holman family came from Wales to the Bermuda Islands some time between 1670 and 1690; that the two named were seized by a press-gang and brought to this country and escaped from a British ship at Newburyport; that John, the youngest, went to North Carolina and Solomon settled in Newbury. Coffin’s Newbury says Solomon Holman and wife came there about 1693 or 1694.