List of dead and missing people in the Johnstown Pennsylvania Flood of 1889. To find out more information about this flood, view pictures and video, visit the main page: The Johnstown Pennsylvania Horror
Last Name, First, Age(if known) Address Buried
Abbreviations used in the list of dead and missing:
GCG:German Catholic Cemetery (Geistown)
GC-PL: Grandview Cemetery Private Lot
GC-PP: Grandview Cemetery Public Plot-Bodies found but not recovered by family/friends
GCS: German Catholic Cemetery (Sandyvale)
LYC: Lower Yoder Catholic Cemetery
Missing: Body Never Recovered
NCR: No Cemetery Record
OCG: Old Catholic Graveyard (Conemaugh Borough)
SC: Sandyvale Cemetery
SM: St. Mary’s Cemetery (Lower Yoder)
A Surnames
- Aaron, Mrs. H.B., 29 Railroad Street Loysburg, PA
- Aaron, Flora, 10 Railroad Street Loysburg, PA
- Abele, Katie, 21 Main Street Missing
- Abler, August, 28 Conemaugh SC
- Abler, Mrs. Louisa, 31 Conemaugh SC
- Abler, George, 11 Conemaugh SC
- Abler, Lulu Woodvale Missing
- Adams, Henry Clay (unknown) NCR
- Aker, Alvar, 54 Upper Yoder OCG
- Alberter, Anna, 22 Cambria NCR
- Alberter, Teresa, 3 Cambria Missing
- Alexander, Arailia, K. Broad Street GC-PL
- Alexander, John, G., 45 Woodvale Blairsville, PA
- Alexander, Mrs. John, G., 45 Woodvale Blairsville, PA
- Alexander, Mrs. Martha Main Street Missing
- Allison, Florence, 12 Texas Headricks, PA
- Allison, Mrs. Jane, 45 Pittsburgh Missing
- Alt, John, 65 Conemaugh Missing
- Alt, Teresa, 20 Conemaugh Missing
- Alt, George, 60 Cambria Missing
- Alt, Mrs. Ann, 75 Cambria Missing
- Amps, Mary, 11 Cambria Missing
- Amps, Nicodemus, 42 Cambria NCR
- Amps, Mrs. Teresa, 32 Cambria NCR
- Andrews, John, Sr., 57 John Street GC-PL
- Arther, Mrs. Alice, 29 Water Street GC-PL
- Arthur, Earl, H., 8 Water Street GC-PP
- Atkinson, John, 72 East Conemaugh NCR
- Aubrey, Thomas, 45 Conemaugh Street Missing