Tuttle, J. E. – Obituary

Death of J. E. Tuttle

J. E. Tuttle, of Union, was found unconscious at this home Thursday, Oct 12, at about 11 o’clock, after a few moment’s abasence of members of the family. Dr. Cromwell, the family physician, was called and found Mr. Tuttle suffering from paralysis, and he grew worse until about 1:30, when he died.

Mr. Tuttle leaves a wife and four children-Floyd, Walter, Winifred and Ola Tuttle-two of whom (Walter and Winifred) were absent at the time of Mr. Tuttle’s death.

J. E. Tuttle was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, March 28, 1845, and came to Oregon with his parents in 1854, settling in the Williamette Valley, where he was married. In 1883 he came to Union, where he has since resided.

The funeral took place Friday afternoon, Nov. 18, at 2 o’clock, from the Presbyterian Church, of which Mr. Tuttle was a member, services being conducted by Rev. J. H. Barton.

undated newspaper item
Contributed by: Larry Rader



White, Judy Wallis. Union County, Oregon Obituaries. Published by AccessGenealogy.com. Copyright 1999-2013, all rights reserved.

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