Biography of Rev. Joseph F. Lubeley

Rev. Joseph F. Lubeley, pastor of the Holy Trinity church at Fourteenth and Mallinckrodt streets in St. Louis, was born in Lockhaven, Pennsylvania, September 15, 1873, a son of Joseph and Elizabeth (Selter) Lubeley, both of whom were natives of Germany, where they were reared and married. Immediately after that important event in their lives they sailed for the United States, taking up their abode at Lockhaven, Pennsylvania, where the father taught school and also served as organist in the church. In 1877 he came to St. Louis and was made teacher and organist in St. Liborius parish, with which … Read more

Menominee Indians

Menominee Indians were located on and near the Menominee River, Wisconsin, and in Michigan on or about the present location of Mackinac. The Menominee belonged to the Algonquian linguistic family and to the same section as the Cree and Foxes.

Biographical Sketch of Percie D. Crane

Crane, Percie D.; pres. Meech Foundry Co.; born, Michigan, Jan. 9, 1874; son of A. T. and Clara Dunham Crane; educated in Saranac, Mich., schools; married, Milwaukee, 1897, Melia A. Parsons; issue, one son; president the P. D. Crane Co.; member Cleveland Whist Club, Acme Club.

Biographical Sketch of Michael McNamara

MICHAEL McNAMARA. – This prominent resident of Skagit county was born in Woodstock, Canada, in 1848. His early years, however, were spent in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and at Chicago, where he completed his growth and education at Chatham, Canada. In 1865 he came overland to California, and the next year reached Puget Sound, finding employment ten years in the logging camps. In 1876 he was able to set up a business of his own, keeping a hotel at Stanwood, and three years later building his present commodious hotel, the Ruby House, which is first class in every respect. His own residence … Read more

Biography of William H. Kozel

William H. Kozel. One of the most prominent business men of Washington County is William H. Kozel, whose interests are concerned with many of the important industries of the little town of Morrowville. Mr. Kezel is a clear-headed business man and had won his success through his own unaided efforts. He had gained a most enviable position in the business world and for a number of years had been doubtless the chief factor in the upbuilding of his particular community. Mr. Kozel was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, July 23, 1865, but had spent most of his life in Kansas. He … Read more

Biography of James Porter Greves, M.D.

James Porter Greves, M. D., deceased, was familiarly known as the “Father of Riverside,” and well he deserved the title. He was the real founder of the Colony Association, the first to visit and select the land, and the first to occupy them, camping upon the desert plain now occupied by the city of Riverside, September 19, 1870. For nearly twenty years his life and life’s efforts were intimately interwoven with the history of Riverside and the colony. No man in the community was better known or more universally respected and esteemed than he. His death was sincerely mourned and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Emil F. Kraus

Kraus, Emil F.; insurance; born, Milwaukee, Wis., April 22, 1877; son of Michael and Margaret Casper Kraus; educated, public and high schools, Milwaukee, Wis.; married, Milwaukee, Wis., June 29, 1904, Clara L. Steiner; in June, 1892, began as office boy for The Northwestern National Insurance Co., at Milwaukee, Wis.; transferred to Minneapolis, in July, 1907, as special agt. for Minnesota, North and South Dakota; appointed mgr. of Cleveland Branch, December, 1908; member Athletic Club.

Biographical Sketch of George C. Simpson

Simpson, George C.; insurance; born, St. Paul, Minn., Jan. 5, 1874; son of William H. and Sarah M. Cheetham Simpson; educated in Milwaukee, Wis., public schools; married, Milwaukee, June 25, 1901, Blanche Rogers, June 25, 1901; issue; one son, George Rogers, born Nov. 29, 1906; first lieut. Light Battery A, W. V. Artillery, 1898; bank clerk, Milwaukee, 1891-1895; fire insurance since 1895; Northwestern Nat’l Ins. Co., 1895-1903, beginning with office work, then state agt. and mgr. in Cleveland, 1900-1903; local mgr. Royal Ins. Co., 1903-1911; sec’y the O. M. Stafford, Goss, Bedell Co. since 1911; Mason; member Mayfield Country Club … Read more

Tuttle, J. E. – Obituary

Death of J. E. Tuttle J. E. Tuttle, of Union, was found unconscious at this home Thursday, Oct 12, at about 11 o’clock, after a few moment’s abasence of members of the family. Dr. Cromwell, the family physician, was called and found Mr. Tuttle suffering from paralysis, and he grew worse until about 1:30, when he died. Mr. Tuttle leaves a wife and four children-Floyd, Walter, Winifred and Ola Tuttle-two of whom (Walter and Winifred) were absent at the time of Mr. Tuttle’s death. J. E. Tuttle was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, March 28, 1845, and came to Oregon with … Read more

Biography of J. P. Comeford

J.P. COMEFORD. – The original owner and builder of the pretty village of Marysville is a native of Ireland, and was born in 1833. While he was a child, his parents emigrated to Canada, and in 1849 came to the United States, going directly to Wisconsin. They resided first at Milwaukee, and then at Fond du Lac, and seven years later removed still farther west to Minnesota. Here he grew up on a farm, driving cattle and learning all the ins and outs of agriculture. In 1861, when the war broke out, he went to St. Louis and joined an … Read more

Crow, Phil – Obituary

Phil Crow, a 23-year resident of Olympia, Wash. died May 14, 2007. He was 62. Mr. Crow was born Sept. 14, 1944, in Milwaukee, Wis. to Henry and Mary Greenwood Loades, Sr. He graduated from Joseph High School in 1962 and attended Spokane Community College as well as General Motors University of Automotive Management. He was the Service Director for Chevrolet, General Motors, and Honda. Prior to residing in Olympia, Mr. Crow lived in Joseph, Spokane and Walla Walla, Wash. and Enterprise. In he married Diane Farris in Enterprise in 1981. His many hobbies included gardening, grapes and tomatoes, shrimping, … Read more

Biography of J. H. Spines

J. H. Spines. The men who establish, organize and develop successful commercial establishments must possess many qualities out of the ordinary. Their insight into business conditions must be keen and far-reaching, their knowledge of values profound, and their ability to grasp opportunities unlimited. Without industrial and commercial interests no locality progresses, for such enterprises are the very life of a community. The investment and attraction of capital, the employment of labor and the consequent opening of new avenues of endeavor to meet newly created demands, all infuse blood into the veins of a section and endow it with new vigor … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Walter G. Stern

Stern, Walter G.; physician (orthopedic surgeon); born, Chattanooga, Tenn., Dec. 6, 1874; son of Bernard and Theresa Ehrmans Stern; educated, Adelbert College, B. A., W. R. U., Medical College, M. D., University of Vienna; post graduate course, Royal General Hospital, Vienna; married, Milwaukee, Wis., May 27, 1903, Lora B. Baer; issue, two children, Bernard and Marjorie; orthopedic surgeon, Children’s Fresh Air Camp, 1902-1908; Mount Siana Hospital, 1902; Cleveland Jewish Orphan Asylum, 1903; lecturer on Orthopedic Surgery at the Cleveland College of Physicians and Surgeons, of Ohio Wesleyan University, 1903-1911; chairman of the Clinical Pathological section of the Cleveland Academy of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of J. K. Turner

Turner, J. K.; editor; born, Chicago, 1863; son of J. K. and Ellen Brady Turner; educated, common schools, three years; married, Milwaukee, Wis., 1896, May Grace Schiffman; issue, three children; pres. The Manufacturers’ Information Bureau Co.; editor The Mediator Magazine; owner The Mediator Printery; member Chamber of Commerce, Geauga County Farm Improvement Ass’n, Cleveland Humane Society; member the following: The Square Deal Club, The American Academy of Political and Social Science, The American Civic Association, American Geographical Ass’n, National Society for the Promotion of Industrial Education, National Educational Ass’n; member Colonial, Tippecanoe, and Automobile Clubs.

Biography of Vernon H. Branch

Vernon H. Branch of Wichita has had a successful career as a banker in Kansas covering a period of more than thirty-five years. In that time he has been officially identified with a number of important banks in different parts of the state, but is now concentrating all his efforts along the line of investment banking, and is one of the reliable investment bankers of Kansas. He came to Kansas when a youth. His birth occurred at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, February 3, 1863, but when he was two years of age his parents removed to Orwell, Vermont, his father’s childhood home. … Read more

Biography of Bradford Norbury

BRADFORD NORBURY. Bradford Norbury has made his home in Greene County, Missouri, since 1862, and has become widely and favorably known to its citizens. He owes his nativity to Dane County, Wisconsin, where he was born February 5, 1835, a son of Thomas E. and Anna (Dickson) Norbury, the former of whom was born in Ireland and came to America in 1834. He was married in his native land and after coming to this country located near Lockport, New York, where he engaged extensively in the manufacture of woolen goods, but after a very short residence there moved to Wisconsin … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Ernest M. Post

Post, Ernest M.; insurance; born, Avoca, Louisiana, Sept. 1, 1862; son of Ralph B. and Ellen Deming Post; educated, Norwalk, Conn., and Hanover, Va.: married, Milwaukee, Wis., March 27, 1894, Alice C. Paine; 1882 to 1892, connected with the firm of R. B. Post & Son, wholesale grocers, New Orleans; in 1892, entered the employ of The Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York, in New Orleans; was transferred to Milwaukee, Wis., in 1893; in 1903, was made mgr. of the company for the territory of Northern Michigan and Northern Wisconsin; the following year, was put in charge of the … Read more

Biography of A. H. Johnson

Few American cities can furnish so many instances where men have accumulated large fortunes simply by well directed labor, however adverse the circumstances which surrounded their early struggles, than Portland. The subject of this sketch is a striking example of the truth of this statement. Arriving in Portland some thirty odd years ago, without friends or money, but possessed of good health and plenty of pluck and energy, he has steadily pushed onward and upward until today he occupies a prominent place among the leading business men of the city. He was born in London, in 1830, and is the … Read more

Biography of Herman A. Hanser, M.D.

Dr. Herman A. Hanser, a St. Louis surgeon who has practiced continuously 1n this city since 1898, was born in Fort Wayne, Indiana, September 22, 1877. His father, the late Rev. C. J. Otto Hanser, D. D., was a native of Bavaria and came to America in 1848, being forced to leave his native country on account of his political activity in opposition to monarchial rule he was a highly educated man, a graduate of one of the leading German universities and until he took up the study of theology had quite an adventurous life, being obliged to leave Bavaria … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Erich L. Griebling

Griebling, Erich L.; fire insurance; born, Milwaukee, Wis., Aug. 9, 1877; son of Gustav W. and Elizabeth Damkoehler Griebling; married, Milwaukee, Wis., May 1, 1901, Lydia Dammam; two sons, Erich and Ralph, employed by Milwaukee Fire Insurance Co.; in 1898, as entry clerk; in June, 1903, appointed special agt. to travel in Wisconsin, Illinois, Ohio, Indiana, Iowa and Minnesota; in April, 1905, appointed chief clerk at home office of Milwaukee Fire Ins. Co.; in September, 1911, appointed mngr. of Cleveland Branch of Milwaukee Mechanics Insurance Co.