School Boy Victim Of Fall From Mountain
Harold Herman Schultz, 10, died Sunday night at the Grande Ronde hospital from injuries, he received when he fell from a cliff in the vicinity of Devil’s slide near La Grande and plunged 40 feet to the rocks below.
Harold was in the company of seven other boys who were led on a Sunday afternoon hiking excursion up to Rooster peak by Elmer Miller of the Christian church. Miller said that he was keeping the boys with him as much as possible on the trip, but Harold must have wandered off on a side trip of his own. The next thing that the party knew, the boy had lost his balance and had fallen over the cliff.
An ambulance was rushed to the scene and the boy was taken to the hospital, but he failed to regain consciousness. He died at about nine o’clock from a fractured skill.
He was born April 6, 1922 and is survived by his mother, Mrs. C.S. Shultz, four brothers and one sister.
Harold was in the fourth grade and his schoolmates acted as pall bearers at the funeral Tuesday afternoon. Rev. Paul De. F. Mortinmore of the Christian church officiated and interment took place in the Island City cemetery by the side of the boy’s father who died a few years ago.
North Powder News
Friday, April 29, 1932