Harryman, T. H. – Obituary

Last Updated on December 1, 2011 by

Sudden Death!
Hance Hamilton Found Dead In His Door Yard

 About 7 o’clock Monday morning, T.H. Harryman, who lives adjoining Hance Hamilton’s residence property, discovered the latter lying dead in his dooryard. The news was communicated to Justice of the Peace, E.B. Morelock, who as acting coroner took charge of affairs.

On examination it appeared as if Hamilton had gone out in his dooryard about bedtime the evening before to cut a few sticks of wood, when he was stricken with heart failure and had fallen over dead. No movement of the body was perceptible after it reached the ground which lead to the conclusion that he was dead when he fell. A coroner’s jury was empanneled and, after examining the premises and the body and listening to the testimony of the physicians, a verdict in accordance with the above facts were rendered.

Deceased was one of the early settlers of this county and had lived in this section for the past twenty-five years. He was 87 years old and had never been married. He lived alone most of the time, and although possessed of considerable means lived in a very squalid manner. On his person was a purse containing $35.80 and under the mattress of his bed were two sacks, one containing $500.00 in gold and the other $700.00. He had several thousand dollars on deposit in the local bank and owned quite a little property in addition.

No relatives of the dead man live in this county, although he has a nephew living at Sprague, Wash. and a niece who lives at Newberg, this state. The latter arrived on Wednesday’s train in time for the funeral.

Funeral services were held in the M.E. church at 2 o’clock Wednesday afternoon and the body was intered in the city cemetery.

Elgin Recorder May 29, 1903
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White, Judy Wallis. Union County, Oregon Obituaries. Published by AccessGenealogy.com. Copyright 1999-2013, all rights reserved.

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