Biographical Sketch of George Nichols

Last Updated on January 18, 2013 by Dennis

No more worthy class of people ever stepped beneath the folds of the stars and stripes than the doughty, courageous, intelligent, capable and sturdy pioneers, who braved dangers, endured hardships, performed the arduous labors incident to their lot, and wended their way into the wilds of this western country, to beat back the savages and make here the abodes of civilized men. As a worthy one among this illustrious number, we are pleased to mention the subject of this sketch, who is now one of the substantial and enterprising citizens of Malheur County.

Mr. Nichols was born in New York, on October 22, 1841, being the son of Asa and Mary Nichols, who brought their son at the age of five to Kalamazoo, Michigan. There George was educated, grew to manhood and on May 10, 1861, he responded to the cry of patriotism then sounding through the land, by offering himself as one to fight for his country. He was enrolled in Company K, Second Michigan, under Capt. Charles S. May. He was in the battle of Bull Run, at the siege of Yorktown, fought at Fair Oaks and several other engagements, and was wounded at Fair Oaks. On account of disabilities resulting from this, he was discharged on February 3, 1863. He returned to his home, and soon after he was in the west. He assisted to build the U. P. R. R. in Nebraska and in Utah; in 1868 he went to White Pine, Nevada. Teaming and mining occupied him there and then he went to Paradise Valley, and then came through this country to British Columbia on a prospecting tour. In 1879, he went to the Wood river country, in Idaho, and then in 1894 he came to his present place, which is located seven miles east of Jordan Valley. He has a fine ranch, all irrigated and well improved and which returns abundant crops to his skillful husbandry. Mr. Nichols is a prominent member of the G. A. R., in Bailey, Idaho, Post No. 61, and he is secure in the esteem and confidence of his fellows. Mr. Nichols has never embarked on the matrimonial sea, and is content in the quiet joys of the celibatarian’s life.



Whitman, Marcus. An Illustrated history of Baker, Grant, Malheur and Harney Counties: with a brief outline of the early history of the state of Oregon. Chicago: Western Historical Publishing Co., 1902, 871 pgs.

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