Surnames Isaac to Johnson

Last Updated on October 15, 2012 by Dennis

Isaac, Nancy, et al. (including children).
Choctaw by blood. Files: Part III, report March 3, 1909. This woman was examined through an interpreter. From her statements it appears that she is a full-blood Choctaw: that she was born in Louisiana. She says she paid her own way to Oklahoma and received no assistance of any other person. It would seem that this woman has no right as against the Choctaw and Chickasaw Nations, but, in view of the fact that she is undoubtedly a Choctaw Indian, the United States should purchase sufficient land to make allotments of 40 acres each for herself and her children, as was done in the case of Chickasaw freedmen.
Number of claimants in this memorandum, approximately, 7.

Ivey, Fannie.
Jackson, Mary
Choctaws by blood. Files: Part III. report March 3, 1909. These applicants are not on any roll. Fannie Ivey claims that she was born about the year 1870; that her father was a full-blond Choctaw and her mother a half-blood Negro, and that the latter was a daughter of a full- blood Indian woman by a Negro. Fannie Ivey also claim that her, father was a free man: that she was born at Wildhorse, and that she has lived In Indian Territory for the past 17 years.
Number of claimants in this memorandum, 2.

Jackson, Sarah I. post office Stratford, Okla.
Choctaw by blood. Files: Department, D-7955; I. O. land. 48061-1909, relative to above claimant, who was a party to the case of Henry Pruitt et al. This woman is a sister of Whit W. Hyden, whose name appears on the approved rolls of Choctaws by blood opposite No. 14152. Other members of this family are also on the approved rolls.
Number of claimants in this memorandum, 1.

Jackson, Serena (minor).
Creek by blood. Files: See decision of Secretary of Interior of March 3, 1902, 60 press copy book, 225 (Ind. Ter. Div.). The mother of this child and four other children were enrolled by the Commissioner to the Five Civilized Tribes June 10, 1896. This child was about five or six months old at the time, and her name was not mentioned in said decision. The department refused to enroll her upon the technical ground that her name was not included in the decision which admitted the other members of the family. In later decisions it was held that the application of a parent included the unnamed minor children. See opinions of Assistant Attorney Geneal, April 10, 1904, and October 10, 1905, in the eases of Ella E. Tyner and Pruea L. Rowland.
Number of claimants, 1.

Jackson, Susie.
Jackson, Pinkie
Creek freedmen. Files: 19 Opin. A. A. G.. 272: also 20 Opin. A. A. G., 443. 447. (The latter opinion relates primarily to the case of Joe Harrison, but the Jackson case is also passed upon in the concluding paragraph.) These applicants were claimants for enrollment as Creek freedmen under Article II of the treaty between the United States and the Creek Nation proclaimed August 11, 1866 (14 Stat., 785). the mother as one complying originally therewith and the daughter as the descendant of such a person. Opinion adverse to the mother was rendered March 20, 1905, by the Assistant Attorney General (19 A. A. G., 272) on a mistake of fact. It being found therein that she was not born until about the year 1871. Later, in connection with the opinion of Joe Harrison, the Jackson case was reconsidered and the mistake of fact was corrected, with the result that it was held October 12, 1905 (20 A. A. G., 443, 447), in the Harrison opinion, that Susie Jackson was also entitled to enrollment under said Article II. Neither her name nor the name of her child Pinkie, however, appears upon the approved rolls, and the second opinion must have been overlooked. Or it may be that enrollment was lost, because a later act of Congress, approved April 26, 1906, limited the right to enrollment to persons on the Dunn roll or admitted by the tribal authorities. This new law worked an injustice because it took away treaty rights. This because Susie Jackson was eligible to enrollment on the Dunn roll. The injustice of making the Dunn roll final as a basis of jurisdiction is due to the fact that the treaty admitted freedmen who continued to reside in the Creek Nation after the war or returned thereto within one year after August 11. 1866. i. e.. on or before August 11, 1867. Notwithstanding the right so accorded to return in one year, the Dunn roll was completed some time “prior to March 14, 1867” (see Curtis Act, June 28, 1898), with the result that persons entitled to return up to August 12, 1807, were deprived of more than 150 days, or about 5 months, of the time due them.
Number of claimants In this memorandum, 2.

James, Emerson.
Choctaw freedman new born. Files: Report of November 15, 1907, from Commissioner to the Five Civilized Tribes. The application for the enrollment of this applicant appears to have been filed with the Commissioner to the Five Civilized Tribes on March 5, 1906. Emerson James was born April 1, 1905, was living March 4, 1906, and is a minor child of Jim and Molly James, whose names appear opposite Nos. 3444 and 15451, respectively, upon the approved roll of Choctaw freedmen. Sufficient information to show that this child was entitled to enrollment was not received until March 4, 1907, and on that day the commissioner telegraphed the department and recommended that said child be placed upon the final roll of minor Choctaw freedmen. Said telegram appears to have not been received until March 5, 1907, too late for said child to be enrolled.
Number of claimants in this memorandum, 1.

James, Jennie (ne Jennie Hayes), Post office, probably Hamden, Okla.
Choctaw by blood. From information received by the department from the district Indian agent at Hugo, Okla.. it appears that this woman Is a full-blood Choctaw: that she resides near Hamden, Okla., and that she failed to secure enrollment.
Number of claimants in this memorandum, 1.

Jesse, Ernest. Et Al. (including wife and children).
Choctaw by blood. Files: Part III, report March 3, 1909. This claimant is a full-blood Choctaw. The other members of the family are also Choctaws by blood. He was examined through an interpreter, He states he was born in Louisiana and moved to the Choctaw Nation in 1901. This removal was in sufficient time to permit of his identification, and enrollment as a Mississippi Choctaw, but he failed to make application for enrollment as such. In explanation of his failure to secure enrollment he says he did not make application for his rights because he did not understand the circumstances at the time. No one instructed him how to make application, and he can not read or write. His wife,
Annie Jesse, was a full-blood Choctaw. Their children, Winston, Willie, George, and Philiston, are the subjects of a separate memorandum.
These people should be furnished an allotment of 40 acres each at the expense of the United States, not at the expense of the Choctaw and
Chickasaw Nations.
Number of claimants in this memorandum, 6.

Johniko or Johnico, and wife
Choctaws by blood. Files: Statement made November 10, 1908, by Mr. J. M. Humphrey, district agent: office, Atoka, Okla. The statement of Mr. Humphrey is as follows: “I represented in the winter of 1903 and spring of 1904 an Indian who called himself Johniko, or Johnico, and his wife, who was a full-blood Indian and whose name we were never able to find or identify upon the original tribal rolls of the Choctaw Nation. We could prove by the neighbors that she was a full-blood Choctaw Indian. Johniko was a medicine man of the Choctaw Indians and was a decided “Snake” in his belief. This may account for the fact that neither he nor his wife was ever enrolled and that their names were never found on the original Choctaw rolls, and it is my belief at this time that neither Johniko or his wife have ever received allotments. I am unable to state whether or not they had any children.  Johniko and his wife resided near Stonewall, Okla.”
Note.—The names of several members of Johniko’s family appear upon the approved rolls, each of them having a Christian name, but it is Impossible to determine whether any of them are identical with the persons referred to by Mr. Humphrey. At any rate, the matter should not be left In uncertainty. Jurisdiction should be given the Secretary to extend relief if It Is deserved.
Number of claimants in this memorandum, 2.

Johns, Delia. Et Al. (Including 3 children.)
Johns, Payton.
Bell, Carrie. Et Al. (Including 4 children.)
Choctaws by blood. Files: Part III, Report March 3, 1906. The principal applicant and her brother, Payton Johns, claim that their father was a full-blood Choctaw, and that their mother was half Negro and half Chickasaw: also that she was free woman. They were born in the Choctaw-Chickasaw country and have resided therein. The third applicant, Carrie Bell, is the daughter of Delia Johns. These claimants are not on any roll.
Number of claimants in this memorandum, approximate, 10.

Johnson, Frank.
Jordan, Leona Leila.
Cherokees by blood. Files: Report Acting Commissioner to the Five Civilized Tribes, January 13, 1910, addressed to Hon. J. George Wright. Frank Johnson, age 10: apparently a full blood: son of Dave and Akie Johnson, Cherokees. No application of record. Leona Leila Jordan, 6 years old; child of Anna E. and Joseph H. Jordan. No application of record.
Number of claimants in this memorandum, 2.

Johnson, Jennie (adult), 1890 Creek roll.
Johnson, Clarence (deceased). 1890 Creek roll.
Johnson, Fanny, 1890 Creek roll.
Johnson, Jennie Belle. born after 1800 roll was made.
Johnson, Walter, born after 1890 roll was made.
Johnson, John B. born after 1890 roll was made.
Creeks by blood. Indian office flies. Land 28600-1009. Department files. D-7619. Action (1): September 25, 1906; Commissioner to Five Civilized Tribes rendered decision in their favor, February 15, 1907, Indian Office made favorable recommendation, February 19, 1907, Secretary affirmed the decision of Commissioner to the Five Civilized Tribes. Action (2) : February 27, 1907. Commissioner to the Five Civilized Tribes recommended that above decision be not concurred in, March 4, 1907, the department reversed its favorable decision, doing so without notice or opportunity for hearing. This action was due to a mistaken application, of opinion of Attorney General of February 19, 1907. It was not intended by that opinion that a rejection in 1896 was final, except under that act, and did not preclude adjudication under the new grant of authority given the department by the act of June 28, 1898. Second mistaken action : It was supposed that the United States court gave a decree against the applicants, but there is no evidence of it. The paper purporting to be the decree of the court, all that the commission’s record affords, is an unsigned press copy of the decree. This fully explained in the Ralston case and in my report of March 3, 1909, I recommend that the facts in this case be brought to the attention of Congress and legislation requested permitting the Secretary to adjudicate this case on Its merits.
Number of claimants in this memorandum, 0.

Johnson (or Cole), Jim. Et Al.. Muskogee, Okla.
Chickasaw by blood. File: Part I of report of March 3, 1909. “This applicant is son of Thompson Cole, who died many years ago, a full-blood Chickasaw, and Rebecca Cole, who died in 1893, a full-blood Cherokee. He is, therefore, a full-blood Indian, hut his name is not on any of the tribal rolls, although he was born and raised in the Chickasaw Nation. He was an orphan at the time of preparation of the 1893 and 1896 rolls and there was no one to look after his enrollment on those rolls. His mother and Lizzie Lishtubby, Fillmore, Okla.. were sisters. Applicant now married to white woman, by whom he has several children.
Number of claimants in this memorandum, approximately 5.

Johnson, Si.
Johnson, Charley
Choctaw freedmen, newborn. Files: Report of November 15, 1907, from Commissioner to Five Civilized Tribes. Applications for the enrollment of these applicants appear to have been filed with the Commissioner to the Five Civilized Tribes on March 3, 1906; they were born March 1, 1906, and are children of Martin Johnson, whose name appears opposite No. 784 upon the approved roll of Choctaw freedmen, and his wife, Mary Johnson, a noncitizen of said nation. The commissioner on March 4, 1907, received sufficient information to show that these children were entitled to enrollment as minor Choctaw freedmen, and on that day telegraphed the department and recommended that their names be placed upon the roll. The telegram appears to have been received on March 5, 1907, too late for said children to be enrolled.

United States Congress. Five Civilized Tribes In Oklahoma, Reports of the Department of the Interior and Evidentiary Papers in support of S. 7625, a Bill for the Relief of Certain Members of the Five Civilized Tribes in Oklahoma, Sixty-second Congress, Third Session. Department of the Interior, United States. 1913.

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