Genealogy of John Peter Stoneburner

Last Updated on April 11, 2013 by Dennis

John Peter Stoneburner, fifth child of Johann Peter and Susanna Stoneburner, was born in Virginia before his parents moved to Morgan Co., Ohio. It was probably in Ohio that he married Catherine sometime around 1810. On the 12th of October 1879-john Stoneburner wrote his will. It read:

“In the name of the Benevolent Father of all, I, John Stoneburner of the State of Ohio and of the County of Morgan, do make and publish this my Last will and testament

Item 1st–I wish my Beloved Wife to remain on the Farm and in the House where we now reside and to have the third of the produce of the whole farm-and one Horse, and one Cow, and all the household and kitchen furniture. During her natural life.

Item 2nd–whereas I have paid unto Jonathon and Robert my two sons one hundred and fifty dollars each-and sixty five dollars to Susanna Collins one of my daughters; now it is my will and wish that Sampson my sone shall have fifty acres off of the south side of the Farm before mentioned, in lue of his full share of the real estate for which I this day make him a deed; and he is to pay the thirds of the produce of the same, to me and my wife during our natural lives

3rd–I also wish Margaret, Catherine, and George and Henry my sons and daughters to have one hundred and fifty dollars each–so as to make them equal to the former named sones–

4th–I also wish my daughter Susanna to have eighty five dollars, which she is not to receive until after the death of her said husband (Levi Collins) and if he should survive her, to be paid at a propper time unto her children

5th–And further after my death that all my just debts and funeral expenses be paid–and after the death of my companion that the real estate and personal property that may remain be disposed of as may be thought best, and divided amongst all my children equally–except Sampson, who shall draw an equal share of the personal property only–and as before stated Susanna’s share not to be paid over until after the decease of her husband, Levi Collins –further

I also appoint George Good and my Sone George Stoneburner my Legal Executors, to be impowered to settle up all matters pertaining to my Estate…” The will was signed by him.

The will was entered for probate on 17 April 1855 in Morgan County, Ohio by James-Longstreth and Solomon Pletcher. His widow apparently died sometime after 1855.

307 John Peter Stoneburner born 16 Jan. 1790 Loudoun Co., Virginia married before 1810 Catherine Vincel, born 19 Sept. 1785, died 10 Oct. 1868 Morgan Co., Ohio. John died before 17 April 1855 Morgan Co., Ohio.

Children of John Peter Stoneburner and Catherine Vincel:

  1. 401 Jonathon Stoneburner born circa 1813 married Mary M. Good, 9 Aug 1832, Muskingum Co., Ohio ch: Mary M., George, Elizabeth, Lempha, Susanna, Amanda
  2. 402 Sampson Stoneburner born circa 1815
  3. 403 Israel Stoneburner born 1 June 1814 married Jane ? died 3 Jan 1888 ch: Elizabeth, Lorania, Helena, Clarissa, Levi
  4. 404 Robert Stoneburner born 30 Sept. 1819 Morgan Co., Ohio married circa 1842 Margaret Landerman died 4 Aug, 1898 Morgan Co., Ohio
  5. 405 George Stoneburner born circa 1823 married Christena Jane ? died 3 Aug, 1890 Shelby Co., Ill.
    1. William W. Stoneburner married Elvira Bazil
    2. Elizabeth Stoneburner married John Metzgar
    3. L.L. Stoneburner married Maggie Finkbine
    4. John C. Stoneburner married Mary R. Bentz
  6. 406 Henry Stoneburner born 15 Feb 1829, married 28 May 1850 Dorothy Pletcher died 2 March 1902.
    1. Adaline Stoneburner married Jacob Smith
      1. Henry Smith married Annie Weaver
        1. Myrta Smith
  7. 407 Susanna Stoneburner married Levi Collins
  8. 408 Margaret Stoneburner
  9. 409 Catherine Stoneburner

Sources for the Genealogy of John Stoneburner:

  • 1820 Census Morgan Co., Ohio
  • 1850 Census Morgan Co., Ohio
  • 1825 Morgan Co. Tax list
  • Will Records Morgan Co., Ohio
  • 1870 Census Shelby Go. Ill,
  • Cemetery Inscriptions, Shelby Co., Ill.

Smith, Stoneburner,

Genealogy, Will,


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