Biographical Sketch of J. A. White

J. A. White, farmer, of Brown’s Creek Township, P. O. Jewell City, was born in Carroll County, Ohio, March 30, 1838. Removed to Missouri; thence to Iowa. Came to Jewell County in 1852, and took a homestead twelve miles southwest of Mankato. He enlisted in the United States army in Company A, Thirty-first Iowa Volunteer Infantry, July 6, 1862, and was discharged, by reason of expiration of term of enlistment, July 3, 1865 in Davenport, Iowa. He is now the owner of 160 acres of land, and keeps thirty-five head of cattle and about that number of hogs. He was … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Wesley Thurlow

Wesley Thurlow was born in Morgan (now Noble) county, Ohio, June 10, 1822. His father was Silas Thurlow, of Newbury, Massachusetts. His mother’s maiden name was Susannah Swett, and she was a native of New Hampshire. Mr. Thurlow was reared in his native State and pursued the occupation of tailoring until about fifty years of age, and was then engaged in the hotel business at Olive, Ohio. He immigrated to Missouri, and has since engaged at various times and places in farming, merchandising and hotel-keeping. He came to Jamesport in April, 1880, and has conducted the Sherman House since that … Read more

Biography of Levi L. Munsell

LEVI L. MUNSELL. Among Shannon County’s younger business men are many whose interests in this section of the Ozark Region are going to make it a few years hence what it is today as compared with a generation ago. Many of these have already made their mark, but few have attained the distinction that Levi L. Munsell can justly claim and is proud of. He is a live and enterprising citizen, and is considered to be one of the best, if not the best, posted real estate dealers in the county. Mr. Munsell was born at Centerville, Gallia County, Ohio, … Read more

Genealogy of John Peter Stoneburner

John Peter Stoneburner, fifth child of Johann Peter and Susanna Stoneburner, was born in Virginia before his parents moved to Morgan Co., Ohio. It was probably in Ohio that he married Catherine sometime around 1810. On the 12th of October 1879-john Stoneburner wrote his will. It read: “In the name of the Benevolent Father of all, I, John Stoneburner of the State of Ohio and of the County of Morgan, do make and publish this my Last will and testament Item 1st–I wish my Beloved Wife to remain on the Farm and in the House where we now reside and … Read more

Biography of Jacob Swick

Jacob Swick. A resident of Champaign County during a period of sixty-five years and still interested in the pursuit of agriculture here, Jacob Swick is one of the best known among the citizens of Broadlands and the vicinity. During his long career it has been his fortune to have gained many of the rewards of industry and integrity, and in addition to material remuneration to have attained a position of substantial prominence in his community and a place in the respect and confidence of those among whom his long life has been spent. Mr. Swick was born in Germany, June … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Binford Crew

Crew, William Binford; judge, born, Chester Hill, Morgan County, O., April 1, 1852; son of Fleming and Sarah (Patterson) Crew; educated Westtown College, Ohio State and Union Law School, 1874; married, Elizabeth Worrall of Chester Hill, O., May 9, 1876; pros. atty. Morgan County, O., 1876; member Ohio Legislature, 1889; judge Court of Common Pleas, 8th Judicial District, 1891-1902; appointed judge Supreme Court, Ohio, July 19, 1902, to fill vacancy caused by death of Hon. M. J. Williams; elected judge, Nov. 4, 1902; Republican.

Genealogy of Johann Peter Stoneburner

Johann Peter, second son of Jacob and Anna Stoneburner, married Susanna Compher? sometime around 1782/85 in Loudoun County, Virginia. They were still living in Virginia in 1810 but near 1813 they had moved to Ohio. In 1820 Peter became one of the first officers of the Evangelical Lutheran Church. Later Peter and Susanna became members of the New Jerusalem Church of Deavertown, Ohio which was in the northwest part of Morgan County. His will was made in Morgan County, Ohio on the 29th day of September 1821. It read: “In the Name of God, Amen: I, Peter Stoneburner of York … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Isaac Johnson

Isaac Johnson, farmer, Section 10, Township 5, Range 6, P. O. Randall Station, came to Kansas in April, 1870, and located on his farm, in Allen Township, Jewell County, where he has resided since. He is a member of the Church of the United Brethren. He participated in the last war as a member of Company A, Ninety-second Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and enlisted in Nelsonville, Athens Co., Ohio, July 25, 1862, and was discharged at Washington, D. C., and June 29, 1865. He took part in the battles of Hoover’s Gap, Tenn., and Chickamauga, where he was severely wounded … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John H. Zarley

John H. Zarley, miller, Oakland; born in Washington Co., Penn., April 25, 1819, where he attended school and engaged in farming until March 1837, when he located in Morgan Co., Ohio, and followed farming until 1848, at which date he located in Blackford Co., Ind., and engaged in farming until 1851, when he removed to Moultrie Co., Ill., and engaged in farming until 1853, at which time he returned to Ohio and farmed for eleven years; he then returned to Moultrie Co., Ill., for two years, and, in 1866, he engaged in the milling business in Lovington, for one year; … Read more

Biography of Harry G. Lambert

Harry G. Lambert has been a resident of Pottawatomie County since 1879, and for many years had been a successful farmer and business man in and around Belvue. He still owned and looks after a farm and is manager of J. Thomas & Son Lumber Yard. Mr. Lambert is of an old Ohio family. He was born in Morgan County at what was then called Seeleyville, now Woodville, October 10, 1868, son of George W. and Elizabeth (Maxwell) Lambert. The Lamberts were of German stock and were pioneers in Pennsylvania. The Maxwells were English people and were Colonial settlers in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Enoch S. M. Donaldson

Enoch S. M. Donaldson, son of John H. Donaldson, was born January 19, 1840, in Muskingum County, Ohio. When Enoch was two years of age his father moved to Morgan County, Ohio. He remained with his father until he was twenty-two years of age, during which time he worked on the farm and attended school. He was engaged in fanning until 1864, when he went to Venango County, Pennsylvania, where he worked for three years. During part of this time he was employed by an oil company, and a part of the time worked at the shoemaker’s trade. He also … Read more

Biography of R. M. Godfrey

The present judge of Nowata county is R. M. Godfrey, who has been a resident of Nowata since 1914. He was born at Stockport, Ohio, on the 3d of June, 1887, a son of George N. and Effie L. (Scheetz) Godfrey, the former a native of Ohio. The progenitor of the Godfrey family in this country was Daniel Godfrey, who came to America from England at an early day and upon the out-break of the Revolutionary war enlisted for service under George Washington’s command. The paternal great-grandfather, Prince Godfrey, was born in Maine and removed from that state to Ohio … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Hugh N. George

HUGH N. GEORGE. – Hugh, the eldest of the three sons of Presley and Mahala George, and not the least distinguished among the three eminent brothers, was born in Morgan county, Ohio, November 9, 1828. He was educated at Granville College and followed the profession of teacher for nearly thirteen years. He as one of the prominent educators of Oregon in early times, and was twice elected school superintendent of Linn county. He was admitted to practice as an attorney in 1863, and for a time was editor of the Albany Journal. In 1864, after an exciting canvass, he was … Read more

Genealogy of Robert Stoneburner

Robert, fourth son of John and Catherine Stoneburner, lived in Morgan County, Ohio. There in Morgan County sometime around 1842, he married Margaret Landerman probable daughter of William Lenderman. In 1870 they were residents of Harrison Township in that County. Jerusalem Lutheran York Township Cemetery Inscriptions, Morgan County Ohio Robert Stoneburner b. 1810 d. 4 Aug 1898 at 78 years 10 months and 4 days Margaret Stoneburner b. 1816 d. 14 Aug 1906 at 93 years. 404 Robert Stoneburner born 3 Sept. 1819 Morgan County, Ohio married circa 1842 Margaret Landerman born circa 1815 Ohio died 4 Aug. 1898 Morgan … Read more

Biography of Isaac Fenton Talbott

Isaac Fenton Talbott, of McPherson, is president of the Farmers Alliance Insurance Company, with headquarters in that city. He had been identified with this organization nearly thirty years. The Farmers Alliance Insurance Company is perhaps the largest and most notable of the co-operative financial enterprises that were the outgrowth of the economic unrest of the ’80s and early ’90s. The company was organized in 1887 on the co-operative plan. It writes both fire and tornado insurance, and is now one of the largest of the state’s financial institutions. It had insurance in force in every one of the 105 counties … Read more