Biographical Sketch of Will P. Blair

Blair, Will P.; brick business; born, Plainfield, Ind., June 28, 1849; son of Enos and Margaruitte Blair; educated, Earlham College, Richmond, Ind., married, Indianapolis, Ind., Viola V. Sanders; issue, one daughter, Marion W. Blair; pres. National Paving Brick Manufacturers’ Ass’n, 1904-5; also pres. in 1910; member of American Ceramic Society; member brick committee of the American Society for Testing Materials; author of “Direction Direction for the Construction of Brick Street Pavements”; 1894 to 1909, sec’y and mgr. of Terre Haute, Ind., Vitrified Brick Co.; sec ‘y and member board of directors National Paving Brick Mfr’s Ass’n; member Ohio, Indiana and Illinois Engineering Societies, and American Society for Testing Materials, and American Society for Municipal Improvements; member K. of P. No. 30; Indiana Post Chancellor; contributed to engineering papers and magazines upon subjects of better construction and economy in municipal improvements; articles have been used in such magazines as Engineering News, Good Roads Magazine, New York Municipal Journal of Engineers.



The Book of Clevelanders: A Biographical Dictionary of Living Men of the City of Cleveland. Burrows Book Company. 1914.

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