Biography of Joseph A. Clark

The Idaho canal is fed by Snake River, ten miles above Idaho Falls. It has three head gates, is forty feet wide and thirty-five miles long and irrigates one hundred thousand acres of land, the country which it waters being largely settled by prosperous farmers who raise hay and grain in large quantities. The productiveness of this stretch of country and the prosperity which flows from it are made possible by this great inland improvement, and the canal was made possible largely through the personal efforts of Joseph A. Clark, who advocated it, promoted it and was chiefly instrumental in … Read more

Biography of Rev. William Knipe

Rev. William Knipe is one of the few surviving participants in the war with Mexico, which was fought nearly seventy years ago. Many other interesting distinctions attach to this venerable and useful resident of Kansas. He was one of the pioneer Methodist missionaries in Jackson County, Kansas, and is one of the very oldest members of the Methodist Conference. He was also a soldier of the Civil war and few men who live so long succeed in compressing so much useful service to humanity within a lifstime. His birth occurred in a log house in Wayne County, Indiana, September 28, … Read more

Biography of William B. Wade

William B. Wade. When the pioneers of 1854, who were men of solid worth, as was William B. Wade, later a member of the First Territorial Legislature of Kansas, came to Shawnee County, it was for the peaceful conquest of the soil and for the establishing of permanent homes in which they could rear their families to succeed them with credit to state and parentage. These pioneers were home-seekers, not restless, irresponsible wanderers, and, while many brought a measure of capital, all came with sturdy, industrious habits insuring the earning of it. The historian of today looks back over the … Read more

Odell, Sarah Holman – Obituary

Her maiden name was Holman, and she was born in Kentucky, December 10, 1803. When she was about eight years of age, her parents moved to Indiana and settled in Wayne County. Here she grew up to womanhood; and there, on March 30, 1820, she was united in marriage to John O’Dell. In 1825 she and her husband moved to Tippecanoe County and in March 1826, they moved to Carroll County. Theirs was among the first white families settling in this county, and for a time the only white family in the township in which the town of Camden is … Read more

Biography of William H. Nelson

William H. Nelson, secretary of the Arkansas City Commercial Club, an office through which he had rendered inestimable benefits to that community, is an old time business man of the city, having located there more than thirty years ago. Mr. Nelson had the distinction of being postmaster of Arkansas City at the time it had its greatest population. He was appointed postmaster by President Harrison in 1889, and held the office four years and five months. It will be recalled that in 1889 the original Oklahoma Territory was opened for settlement. Then and for several years previously Arkansas City had … Read more

Biography of Harry Pray Study, A. B., A. M.

Harry Pray Study, A. B., A. M. Among the learned callings there is none, perhaps, that demands a greater degree of patience, tact, specialized knowledge, judgment and natural executive ability than that of the educator, and the individual who enters into this important field, selecting it as a calling, is called upon to make many personal sacrifices and to give many of the best years of his life unreservedly to its demands, often without the emoluments that would be attached to an equal amount of labor expended in another direction. However, there are many satisfying rewards which come to the … Read more

Biography of Jacob I. Brown

Jacob I. Brown, Justice of the Peace, Charleston; a sun of John and Rachel Brown; born Oct. 12, 1819, near Jonesboro, Washington Co., Tenn.; his parents afterward removed to Wayne Co., Ind., but soon returned to Tennessee; their next move was to the White Water River, where his father and eight brothers and sisters died of yellow fever inside of a few months. His mother soon afterward removed with her remaining children, consisting of three sons and one daughter, to Bloomington, Ind. In 1832 or 1833, he went to learn the printing business, and worked for different parties till 1840, … Read more

Anderson, Arthur E. – Obituary

Arthur E. Anderson, 76, died June 21, 2003, at his home in Greenwood, Ind. Interment was in Washington Park Cemetery at Greenwood. Arthur was born July 20, 1926, at Indianapolis, Ind. He spent a year in the Army in 1944-45, and then enlisted with the Marine Corps. While in the military he served in Japan, Okinawa, Korea and Vietnam. He and his nephew, Carroll Gene Small, were in Okinawa at the same time, and they were together near Danang, Vietnam. Every time he came in or out of the West Coast, he detoured to Baker City. Arthur enjoyed visiting his … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Alonzo Eugene Hyre

Hyre, Alonzo Eugene; sec’y The Cleveland Chamber of Industry; born, Basil, O., June 1, 1860; son of Henry Clay and Almedia Ann Poff Hyre; educated, public schools Cambridge City, Ind., Columbus, O., Springfield, O., and Buchtel College, Akron, O., degree B. S.; married, Akron, O., April, 1886, Sarah Emma Cadwallader; issue, two sons, Rexford C. and Raymond E.; owned and edited a Republican newspaper for twelve years; active in Republican politics as delegate to county and state conventions and served upon republican executive committees; appointed cashier of the U. S. Internal Revenue office under McKinley, and served five years; was … Read more

Biography of Joseph Ralph Burton, Hon.

Among the men who have come out of the Hoosier State to aid Kansas in its. real growth and development, there had been no finer man nor better citizen than Hom. Joseph Ralph Burton. Youthful in years as he was in experience when he came to Kansas in 1878, he plunged at once into the heart of affairs and gained ready recognition from the people. Senator Burton had at that time the ability to impress others with his reliability; he gained public confidence; he possessed the power of making people know that his talents were not merely skin deep but … Read more

Biography of Jacob Holland Powers

In the period which marked the pioneer development of Page county and witnessed the laying of the foundation upon which has been built its present prosperity and progress, Jacob Holland Powers was a prominent factor in the district. He came here in the early days and for many years figured prominently in connection with its agricultural interests and also as the owner of a large amount of real estate. He is well remembered, too, as a man of kindly spirit and generous civility as manifested in his liberal aid to those who needed assistance. He was born near Morgantown in … Read more

Murray, Robert Owen – Obituary

Robert Owen Murray was born in Fulton County, Indiana, January 4, 1847, and died October 29, 1902. Aged 55 years 9 months 25 days. Married in 1881 to Mary Bowman. Born to them four children, one of whom preceded in death. Survivors are wife, three daughters and relatives. Member United Brethren church. Funeral at the home; Rev. S. P. Korster; Bowman Cemetery. Owen Murray, ex-trustee of Wayne township, died Wednesday night at 8 o’clock and was buried Friday at 10 o’clock; Bowman Cemetery. Contributed by: Shelli Steedman

Biography of Theodore Saxon

Theodore Saxon. The career of Theodore Saxon is an expression of well directed and intelligent industry, of devotion to the best interests of the community, and promotion of the highest tenets of agriculture. His financial standing is indicated by the possession of 1,240 acres of Kansas land, all of which had come to him through the exercise of thrift, good management and business sagacity. Like so many founders and builders of civilization in Shawnee County, Mr. Saxon, who is now a retired resident of Topeka, sprang from the soil of the Hoosier state, and carved his way to prominence and … Read more

Biography of John H. Sperry

John H. Sperry. Among the men who have contributed to the upbuilding and development of Neosho County, and particularly of the City of Thayer, few are entitled to a greater degree of credit than John H. Sperry, ex-president of the Thayer State Bank, veteran of the Civil war, farmer and stockman, and a citizen who has always been representative of the best type of progressive citizenship. While he is now retired from active labors, Mr. Sperry continues to take a keen interest in the community in which he has resided for forty-eight years, and through his influence and example continues … Read more

Biography of U. G. Norman

U. G. Norman has found his work in life and has rendered his chief service during his residence at Champaign as a building contractor. Some of the principal buildings of the city have been erected by him. A resident of Champaign County most of his life, he was born in Wayne County, Indiana, April 14, 1867, a son of John Scott and Eunice A. (Stover) Norman. His father was a farmer, and in 1869 removed to Champaign County, locating on a farm ten miles from Urbana, where he was engaged in general farming and in looking after the responsibilities and … Read more

Biography of R. T. Updegraff

R. T. Updegraff has been perhaps the leading individual factor in the commercial and business development of the Town of Maple Hill in Wabaunsee County for the past thirty years. Mr. Updegraff came to Kansas after completing his education, and the vigor and enterprise which characterized his early life in this state have borne abundant fruit in several different lines. Mr. Updegraff was born at Mount Pleasant, Ohio, November 28, 1862. He is of old Quaker family, the religion of the Friends having received the allegiance of the Updegraffs for many generations. The Updegraffs first came out of Holland in … Read more

Biography of George M. Parsons

Professional advancement in the law is proverbially slow. The first element of success is, perhaps, a persistency of purpose and effort as enduring as the force of gravity. But, as in every other calling, aptitude, character and individuality are the qualities which differentiate the usual from the unusual; the vocation from the career of the lawyer. Less than fifteen years ago George Matthias Parsons was admitted to the bar, and within that time has gained an eminence for which older practitioners have striven a life time. He was born in Cambridge City, Indiana, on the 15th of January 1850, and … Read more

Biography of Charles A. Hill

Charles A. Hill for thirty-seven years had been closely identified with the progress and development of Eudora and its vicinity. His had been a life worth remembering, and in the community in which his labors have been most productive and his influence most widespread that memory will not cease for a long time to come. His record and that of his family indicates some of the finer elements which have entered into the social makeup of Kansas. Mr. Hill was born in Randolph County, North Carolina, on June 9, 1838. His parents were John and Lydia B. (Starbuck) Hill Bock. … Read more

Biography Of Washington Marlatt

Washington Marlatt was one of the real builders of Kansas. Both in the early territorial days and later he touched the life and affairs of the state at several points. While he might be classed fundamentally as a farmer, he was equally great as an educator and minister of the Gospel. He had the talents, character and attainments which well fitted him for a place of leadership. One of the most interesting distinctions attaching to this career is that he was one of the three founders and the first principal of Bluemont Central College at Manhattan, which was subsequently developed … Read more

Biography of Walter Roscoe Stubbs

Walter Roscoe Stubbs. The distinctive features of the service rendered by Mr. Stubbs as governor of Kansas from 1908 to 1912 had been described on other pages of this history. A few other details as to his work as governor and something as to his personality and career will be of wide interest to the citizens of Kansas. Everyone knows former Governor Stubbs as a man of wonderful business ability and of absolute integrity. It is only natural that the resources of personal character should be partly explained at least by reference to ancestry. When it is explained that Governor … Read more