Biographical Sketch of Edwin John Leavenworth

Leavenworth, Edwin John; lithographer and stationer; born, St. Catherines, Canada, March 27, 1859; son of E. S. and Cindrella Leavenworth; educated, St. Catherines High School and Collegiate Institute; married, Solon, Ohio, Aug. 24, 1881, Elizabeth M. Harper; issue, Fred H., Edwin H., Ethel M., and Grace E., at the age of 20, engaged in the printing and publishing business; was editor and publisher of the St. Catherines Daily and Weekly News; issued Sundayschool papers, church weeklies, and Government periodicals, and conducted a book and stationery store; came to Cleveland in 1888, forming business partnership with Short & Forman, now The Forman-Bassett Co.; when in Canada, was identified with the Reform party; personally and through his newspapers took an active part in politics; Republican for twenty-five years; served one term on “The Committee of Fifteen”; was never a candidate for any office; sec’y The Forman-Bassett Co.; member Masonic Order, and the Chamber of Commerce; a grandson of Hiram Leavenworth, who went to Canada in 1826, to conduct the Government printing office; he was connected with William Hamilton Merritt and Sir William McKenzie, through whose united efforts The Welland Canal was constructed; the Leavenworth family have been prominent in the military, political and educational history of the Eastern and Middle States for 200 years.


Biography, Newspapers,

The Book of Clevelanders: A Biographical Dictionary of Living Men of the City of Cleveland. Burrows Book Company. 1914.

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