Biographical Sketch of Edwin John Leavenworth

Leavenworth, Edwin John; lithographer and stationer; born, St. Catherines, Canada, March 27, 1859; son of E. S. and Cindrella Leavenworth; educated, St. Catherines High School and Collegiate Institute; married, Solon, Ohio, Aug. 24, 1881, Elizabeth M. Harper; issue, Fred H., Edwin H., Ethel M., and Grace E., at the age of 20, engaged in the printing and publishing business; was editor and publisher of the St. Catherines Daily and Weekly News; issued Sundayschool papers, church weeklies, and Government periodicals, and conducted a book and stationery store; came to Cleveland in 1888, forming business partnership with Short & Forman, now The … Read more

1851 St. Catherines, (C. W.) Canada Directory

A flourishing Town situated on the Welland Canal, in the Township of Grantham, County of Lincoln, C. W. from the favorable situation of the Town, it has become the centre of a large and rapidly increasing business, which will doubtless continue to be progressive distant from Hamilton, 35 miles from Niagara, 12 miles from Toronto, by water, 41 miles usual steamboat fare from Toronto, 7s. 6d. usual steamboat fare from Hamilton to Port Dalhousie, 6s. 3d. usual stage fare from Hamilton to St. Catherines, 8s. 9d. usual stage fare to Niagara, 2s. 6d. stage fare from Port Dalhousie, 1s. 3d. … Read more