Biographical Sketch of David H. Humphrey

Humphrey, David H.; gen. mgr. The Humphrey Co.; born, Townsend, O., June 5, 1855; son of Dudley and Mabel Truman Fay Humphrey; educated in the district schools; spent years in farming and was engaged in business with his brothers before coming to Cleveland; since coming to the city has spent his time in developing the business of The Humphrey Co., and has had a large part in the remarkable success of the enterprise; his father came to Ohio in 1835, from Goshen, Conn., his birthplace; he located in Parma, O.; was engaged with his brother in the lumber business; he removed to Townsend, Huron county, where he purchased a large tract of land and engaged in the saw mill business, erecting over forty saw mills in the western States; he was the inventor and patentee of the woven wire and picket fence, which was patented in 1867. Recreation: Reading and a student of Philosophy.



The Book of Clevelanders: A Biographical Dictionary of Living Men of the City of Cleveland. Burrows Book Company. 1914.

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