Letter from Robert Love to Thomas D. Love

Last Updated on November 26, 2012 by

Letter from Robert Love to Thomas D. Love.

Waynesville, 2nd day of November 1814

Dear Thomas:

I have sent you by Dillard one hundred and fifty dollars in Bank Notes, which is all Mr. Carsons declares he could raise, having tried to borrow at several place. Those that are on this State’s Banks I flatter myself you can change in Asheville as you pass through. The balance of $150. I will pay you at our next Superior Court, which is the time his(Carsons) note is due to me; he purchased 23 head of steers, and, for which, he gave me $408.

I flatter myself that you & Sammy will use every exertion in getting my wagon Ironed. I know I could and would have had such a job for either of you completed long ago, if the same means and opportunities could be under my influence.

I hope you are well, as we are at this time. You had best list the Bank Notes as to date & NO. Particularizing the Bank upon which they have issued and *****as the same stating from who recd.

Since writing the above I have exchanged two $10. Notes of this State’s Bank for twenty dollar note on the State Bank of South Carolina, which you find of No. 2 & dated the 2nd, of October 1813-this note I had from John Howell.

I shall start for West Tennessee in 20 minutes-Farewell and God Bless you.

Ro. Love

Compliments to friends and particularly to Anna—–


Genealogy, Letter,

Partridge, Dennis N. Love Family Genealogy. Web. © 2001.

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