Biographical Sketch of Francis M. Kennedy

(II) Francis M., son of James and Margaret (Houston) Kennedy, was born in Kells, Scotland, May 30, 1830. His whole life after coming to this country was spent on his farm in Italy, New York, with the exception of the last six years, when he lived retired from active work, in Canandaigua, New York. He was a member of the Protestant church, and adherent of the Republican party. He married (first) in Italy, Yates county, New York, 1853, Phoebe J., daughter of James and Rachel Fisher. Children: James M., born September 23, 1854, deceased; John A., born May 19, 1857, … Read more

Biography of Grant Maitland Kennedy

(III) Grant Maitland, youngest child of Francis M. and Phoebe J. (Fisher) Kennedy, was born in Italy, Yates county, New York, January 3, 1866. His early education was received in the district school of Italy Hollow, New York, and at the age of sixteen years he entered the Naples Academy, at Naples, New York, spending three years in that institution, and finishing with one year at the State Normal School at Genesee, New York. His early years were spent upon the homestead farm, and in the fall of 1885, he made his first appearance as a teacher of district schools, … Read more

Biography of Robert M. Kennedy

Robert M. Kennedy was born in Italy, Yates county, New York, August 26, 1848. In his earlier years he was a farmer and was thus occupied until 1877, when he engaged in the undertaking business in his native town, and from there removed to Middlesex. In 1893 he came to Geneva, Ontario county, New York, thinking this a better field for the conduct of his business, and established himself there, the firm being known as Kennedy & Kennedy, and embracing Mr. Kennedy and his son, James M. They now (1911)occupy a position in the first ranks of embalmers and undertakers, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Nathan D. Lapham

Nathan D. Lapham, attorney and counselor at law in Geneva, Ontario county, New York, has not alone gained a reputation as a civil and criminal lawyer, but has for a number of years been prominently identified with public affairs in his section of the country. It is owing to the energy, ambition and progressive ideas of men of this stamp that many greatly needed improvements are introduced into the commonwealth, and their influence is a widespread one, extending far beyond the confines of their own generation and lives. (I) Nathan Lapham, grandfather of Nathan D. Lapham, and the ancestor for … Read more

Biographical Sketch of De Witt C. Lapham

(II) De Witt C., son of Nathan Lapham, was born in Macedon, Wayne county, New York, in 1846, and died on the family homestead in 1909. He was engaged in agricultural pursuits during the active years of his life, and was prominent in the public affairs of the community, having filled with ability a number of local offices. He was a staunch supporter of the Republican party, and his religious affiliations were with the Methodist church. He married Amelia J. Finley, born in 1847, now (1911) residing in the village of Macedon, daughter of David Finley, of the same town.

Biography of Nathan D. Lapham

(III) Nathan D., son of De Witt C. and Amelia J. (Finley) Lapham, was born in Macedon, Wayne county, New York, November 14, 1871. From his earliest years he was of a studious nature and made the best possible use of the educational advantages afforded by the Macedon Academy, of which he was a graduate. Subsequently he was a student in the Cornell Law School, from which he was graduated in the class of 1895, this institution awarding him a post-graduate scholarship. He was admitted to the bar December 26, 1895, and he established himself in the practice of his … Read more

Biography of George Fordon

(I) William, great-grandfather of George Frederick Fordon, was born in England, October, 1957, and spent his life in his native country, engaged in farming. He married, January 28, 1792, Sarah Mary Dunslee, who was born in December, 1770. (II) George, son of William and Sarah Mary (Dunslee) Fordon, was born near Whitby. Yorkshire, England, April 23, 1803, and died near Geneva, Ontario county, New York, February 12, 1876. Having come to the conclusion that the “New World” offered better chances for advancement than the old, he sailed from England for this country, landing at New York City, June 1, 1831. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Fordon

(III) William, eldest child of George and Hannah (Stephenson) Fordon, was born near the city of Hull, England, April 15, 1824. He was the last of the family, and died April 29, 1911. He followed in the footsteps of his father as a farmer, keeping well abreast of the times in his management of the land entrusted to his care, and was unusually successful. His religious affiliations were with the Episcopalian church, and he gave his political support to the principles of the Republican party. He married in Geneva, New York, December 21, 1848, Honor Matilda Durrant, born in Syracuse, … Read more

Biography of George Frederick Fordon

(IV) George Frederick Fordon, a member of the third generation of his family in this country, is a well known farmer and fruit grower in Geneva, Ontario county, New York. He is descended from a family engaged in agriculture in England for many generations. Continuing the excellent and proven methods in vogue in that country for many years, he has supplemented them by adopting the most modern ideas that have been evolved in the cultivation of the soil and bringing its products to the highest state of perfection. In this direction, Mr. Fordon has been especially progressive, and the excellence … Read more

Biography of Daniel Kane

Chief of police, Daniel Kane, of Geneva, is not only one of the oldest guardians of the peace in the State, in point of service, having held that office for more than twenty consecutive years, but also enjoys the distinction of being one of the most efficient detectives between New York city and Chicago. His rapid advancement in the police department was the result of his close attention to duty, and his long continued retention in his present office is a fitting recognition of his earnest endeavors to protect the community from the aggressions of law-breakers. Daniel Kane was born … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James Johnston

James Johnston was of Scotch-Irish stock, born in 1813 in Ulster Province, north of Ireland. He had two brothers and two sisters. he married Mary Graham, also of Scotch descent, and born in the north of Ireland. They were married in Kingston, Ontario, Canada, in 1833. Johnston came to Ontario when a young man, and in 1843 settled at Barrie, Canada. He was a stone mason, following the masons’ trade all of his active life. Children: John, mentioned elsewhere; William, born at Kingston in 1838; Robert, born at Kingston in 1841; James B., born at Barrie, 1844; Thomas, at Barrie, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Johnston

(II) John, son of James Johnston, was born at Kingston, Ontario, Canada, March 29, 1834, and died May 12, 1909. He was a farmer: a Conservative in politics, and a Methodist in religion. He married in Oro, March 13, 1861, Jane Jamieson, (by Rev. J. C. Slater). (See Jamieson). Children : 1. Margaret, born January 10, 1862, died young. 2. Margaret Elizabeth, born at Dalston, January 11. 1863; married at Minesing, April 18, 1883, Harry Wyles, of Grantham, Lincolnshire, England; children: Annie Wyles, born at Minesing, February 24, 1884: Edith Wyles, May 18, 1886, died June 22, 1887; Ethel Jean … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dr. William James Johnston

(III) Dr. William James Johnston, son of John Johnston, was born at Minesing, Canada. September 11, 1866. He was educated in the public schools in Canada, and the Ontario Veterinary College, from which he graduated in 1889. In the spring of 1889 he commenced to practice his profession at Tillsonburgh, Canada, and continued there until the spring of 1893, when he came to Geneva, New York. From that time until 1905 he was in business alone, and since then he has had Dr. Newell D. Backus as partner, and they have practiced at Geneva tinder the firm name of Johnston … Read more

Biographical Sketch of David Jamieson

(I) David Jamieson, of an old Scotch family, resided in Dumferline, Scotland. He married Anne Stuart, who was a cousin of Prince Charles, of the royal Stuart line. Children, born at Dumferline: 1. David, mentioned elsewhere. 2. Daniel, August 2, 1802. 3. Christine, August 5, 1804. 4. Annie, August 14, 1806. 5. Francis, June 3, 1808. 6. Christine, June 21, 1810. 7. William, September 14, 1812. 8. William, July 11, 1815.

Biographical Sketch of David Jamieson

(II) David (2), son of David (1) Jamieson, was born at Dumferline, Scotland, September 19, 1800; married at Collinton, Scotland, March 17, 1828, Margaret Muir (Parish Church records at High Edinburgh, Scotland, Rev. Lewis Balfour, minister). Margaret Muir was born in Edinburgh or Glasgow, 1809-n, and died in March, 1870. David died in 1886 in Canada. He came to America when a young man in 1834 and after living for a short time in New York City, removed to Toronto, and thence to Yorkville, Canada. Children: I. David, born in Scotland. 2. Jane, born in New York City, October 7, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Thomas Johnson

Thomas Johnson, who has been prominently identified with the public affairs of Ontario county, New York, for many years, is descended from an old family of Ireland, his father having come to this country about the middle of the last century and located in Canandaigua, New York. Thomas Johnson was born in county Derry, Ireland, January 10, 1856, and was very young when he came to this country. He was educated in the public schools of Canandaigua and Canandaigua Academy, and then entered upon his business career. He established himself in the lumber business in 1885, forming a partnership with … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Simeon Hayes

(IV) Simeon, son of Captain Samuel (2) and Rosanna (Holcombe) Hayes, was born in Simsbury, February 17, 1768, or January 17, 1769, and died in Plattsburgh, New York, August 18, 1841. In , 806 he removed from his native state to Plattsburgh, where he engaged in farming and also turned his attention to mechanical pursuits. He was a mechanical genius and an inventor, and at different times worked at wagon-making, shoemaking and coopering. Above all he was a man of unsullied integrity and deep religious principle. He married (first), March 22, 1790, Elizabeth, daughter of Rev. Israel Holly, a Congregational … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Joseph Bryon Hayes

(V) Joseph Byron, son of Simeon and Elizabeth (Gilbert) Hayes, was born in Plattsburgh, June 8, 1809, and died in Canandaigua, New York, October 6, 1841. He was known by his second name. Byron. Succeeding his brother George Edward as a pupil of Dr. Pliny Hayes, he became an apothecary in Canandaigua. He was a man of lofty principle, excellent in every relation and duty of life, and his early death was sincerely mourned by the entire community. He married in Canandaigua, December 20, 1832, Sarah Antis, born in that town, February 21, 18, C, daughter of William and Mary … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dr. Joseph Bryon Hayes

(VI) Dr. Joseph Byron (2) Hayes, son of Joseph Byron (1) and Sarah (Antis) Hayes, was born in Canandaigua, May 11, 1834. He prepared for college at Canandaigua Academy, from which he entered Williams College, graduating with the class of 1854, and his professional studies were completed in the medical department of the University of Pennsylvania, where he was graduated a doctor of medicine in 1860. His life was spent in Canandaigua, in the practice of his profession. He was an active member of the county and village medical societies and was a deacon of the Congregational Church from early … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Edward Graham Hayes

(VII) Edward Graham Hayes, son of Dr. Joseph Byron (2) Hayes, was born July 12, 1862. He was a student in the old Canandaigua Academy, the Pennsylvania Military Academy, Chester, Pennsylvania, and Union College (class of 1886), Schenectady, New York. He is a. member of the Kappa Alpha Fraternity. After leaving college he spent a number of years in Colorado in the cattle business, and then spent some time abroad. In 1900 he married Elizabeth McGill, of Jamestown, New York, and in 1903 returned to Canandaigua, where he has since made his home. Mr. Hayes was-occupied in private business affairs … Read more