Biographical Sketch of Edward Hall

Roscoe F. Hall, supervisor of Ontario county, New York, and prominently identified with a number of measures for the improvement and advancement of the community in which he resides, is one of the wellknown farmers of that section of the country. His forbears are to be found in England, and members of the family emigrated to this country in the early colonial days and are now (1910) to be found in all parts of the United States. (I) Edward Hall, grandfather of the above mentioned, was born in England, and emigrated to America in 1800. He purchased the land on … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Thomas W. Hall

(II) Thomas W., son of Edward Hall, was born at Halls Corners. Ontario county, New York, January 31, 1812. and died September 7. 1901. He married Mary Ann Sibs, who was born in England and came to this country at the age of four years.

Biographical Sketch of John S. Hall

(III) John S., son of Thomas W. and Mary Ann (Sibs) Hall, was born at Halls Corners, January 31, 1841. He was educated in the cobbon schools and at the academy, and at an early age began to assist in the farm labors. For ten years he assisted his father on the latter’s farm, and then purchased it. At that time it consisted of eighty-five acres. He is a member of No. 9 Presbyterian Church. He married, November, 1867, Mary Jane Fish, born in Ontario county, New York, July 24, 1849, a daughter of Alexander Fish. Children: Roscoe F., see … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Roscoe F. Hall

(IV) Roscoe F., eldest child and only son of John S. and Mary Jane (Fish) Hall, was born December 22, 1868, in the house in which he lives at the present time. At a suitable age he was sent to the district schools, and upon graduation from these he attended Canandaigua Academy. He received his training as a farmer under the personal direction and supervision of his father, whom he commenced to assist while he was still attending school, during his spare time and during the summer vacations. He thus acquired a practical knowledge of all details connected with this … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Potter

William Potter, the first member of this family of whom we have definite information, was born in Toronto, Canada, in 1817, died at Shortsville, Ontario county, New York, in 1900. He came to Machias, Cattaraugus county, New York, as a young man, and engaged in farming. In 1860 he removed to Palmyra. He married Julia Slover. Children: James K., referred to below; John W.; Evans; Rebecca, married Solomon Burton. James K., son of William and Julia (Slover) Potter, was born at Machias, Cattaraugus county, New York, August i8, 1844, and is now (1910) living at Shortsville, Ontario county. He received … Read more

Biography of George F. Licht

George F. Licht, ex-mayor of the town of Geneva, Ontario county, New York, at present superintendent and assistant treasurer of the Patent Cereals Company of Geneva, New York, is one of the most prominent men in that section of the country, and has served it in a number of public offices. George F. Licht was born on Long Island, New York, August 18, 1860. He was educated in the Brooklyn and other Long Island schools, and was graduated from the Brooklyn high school. At the age of sixteen years he entered the employ of Tiffany & Company, jewelers, of New … Read more

Biography of Louis J. Licht

Louis J. Licht, secretary and treasurer of a large stock company for the preparation of cereals, in Geneva, Ontario county, New York, is of German descent. His father Frederick Licht was born in Germany, 1825, and died in this country, 1905. He came to America in 1832, and was the inventor of the process which has since been improved upon by his sons and in which the family has been successful in accumulating a fortune. He married Elizabeth Klinck, born in this country, 1832, died, 1882. They had five children, three of whom are now (1910) living and engaged together … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles McKelvie

The McKelvies are descended from an ancient and formidable Scottish clan, noted in the middle ages for their prowess, and in modern times for their sturdy application to the peaceful pursuits of agriculture, commerce, etc. The Geneva, New York family of this name were pioneers in the fruit growing industry of that locality. Early in the last century Charles McKelvie, aged eight years, emigrated from Scotland with his parents, who settled in Geneva when that city was but a small hamlet. The McKelvies were industrious farming people who firmly adhered to the precepts of the established church of Scotland, and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Graham McKelvie

(II) William Graham, only child of Charles and Charlotte (Graham) McKelvie, was born in Geneva, January 27, 1831 ; died April 30, 1903. Reared to the occupation of a farmer and fruit-grower, he became an expert nurseryman and for twenty-five years devoted his attention almost exclusively to that business. He purchased several pieces of agricultural property located just south of what is known as Bellwood farm, and these farms are still owned by the family. He was a successful farmer and a prominent citizen, supporting all movements which have resulted in developing the growth and prosperity of Geneva, and for … Read more

Biography of Willard Graham McKelvie

(III) Willard Graham, son of William G. and Lydia (Jackson) McKelvie, was born in Geneva, April 8, 1869. After concluding his attendance at the Geneva high school he proceeded to familiarize himself with the various branches of agriculture, and the substantial success he has since attained in that useful calling is the result of his careful training and superior intelligence. He owns a desirably located farm containing one hundred and twenty-five acres of fertile land and for the past fifteen years he has given his principal attention to farming and the cultivation of fruit, having an orchard of twenty acres. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Edward Wiser McKelvie

Edward Wiser McKelvie, son of William G. and Lydia (Jackson) McKelvie (q. v.), was born in Geneva, October 16, 1870. He was graduated from the Geneva high school and for the past twenty years has been engaged in general farming and fruit growing. He owns fiftyfour acres of well improved land, nine acres of which are devoted to the raising of fruit, and he manages his property with such care and foresight as to secure the best possible returns for his investment. He is a member of the Patrons of Husbandry, having served one term as steward of the local … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Marks

William R. Marks, who has for many years been connected with the commercial interests of Yates and Ontario counties, New York, and has held numerous public offices, is descended from the early settlers in Connecticut. (I) William Marks, grandfather of William R. Marks, was born in Burlington, Connecticut. He was an influential member of the community in which he lived. Served as a member of the legislature of Connecticut, both houses; was a justice of the peace for a period of forty years; and was prominently identified with church and Masonic affairs. He married Polly Roberts, of Burlington.

Biographical Sketch of William Marks

(II) William (2), son of William (1) and Polly (Roberts) Marks. was born in Connecticut, and migrated to New York. where he was a merchant and farmer for many years at Naples, Ontario county. He married Emily Holcomb.

Biography of William R. Marks

(III) William R.. son of William (2) and Emily (Holcomb) Marks, was born in Naples, New York, July 27, 1852. He was the recipient of an excellent education, which was acquired at the Naples Academy; the Hudson River Institute. Claverack, Drew York: and at the Hungerford Institute, Adams, New York. He established himself in the general merchandise business at Middlesex. Yates county. New York, which he conducted from 1875 until 1880. He was engaged in a similar business at Naples, New York, from 1883 to 1886. In November, 1895, he established a business at Canandaigua, Ontario county, New York, of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Whitwell

Frederic D. Whitwell, an attorney and counselor at law of the younger generation in Geneva. Ontario county. New York, is a member of an old and well-known family. (I) John Whitwell, grandfather of Frederick D. Whitwell, was one of the early settlers in the state of New York, and was a man of importance in his day. For a number of years he filled very capably the office of justice of the peace. (II) William, son of John Whitwell, was born in Geneva, New York, April 14. 1836. He is president of the J. W. Smith Dry Goods Company, is … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Frederic D. Whitwell

(III) Frederic D., son of William and Caroline A. (Davenport) Whitwell, was born in Geneva, New York, September 2, 1876. He was a student at the Geneva high school, then at Hobart College and was graduated with honor from both institutions. Admitted to the bar, November 17, 1903, he immediately established himself in practice in Geneva, where he is rapidly acquiring a large clientele. Prior to commencing the study of law he was a tutor of Latin and Greek in the Geneva high school. He is an active worker in the interests of the Republican party, has served as a … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Peter Garlock

Peter Garlock, the first member of this family of whom we have definite information, was a descendant of Johann Christopher Gerlach, one of the immigrants from the Palatinate on the Rhine, in Germany. He was born not later than 1690. He was appointed the head man of the “dorfs” or villages in which a number of these immigrants were settled in 1710 and 1711. There were seven of these dorfs, on both sides of the Hudson river, in and opposite what is now (1910) Columbia county. Elizabethtown, over which Johann Christopher Gerlach was head man, was west of the river. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Baxter Robinson

(V) Baxter Robinson, son of Dr. Daniel Arnold Robinson, was born 1824. He married Martha Smith. Her father, Jacob Smith, resided in Ontario county, New York, original settler of District No. 13, Lot 41, of the Phelps and Gorham Purchase. With other Friends he came from Massachusetts to the town of Farmington and he built the first grist mill in this section in the year 1793, and two years later he built the first saw mill in that region. This grist mill was in use until 1839 and the saw mill until 1841. (“History of Ontario county, ” p. 190.)

Biographical Sketch of Robert H. Robinson

(VI) Robert H. Robinson, eldest son of Baxter Robinson, was born December 15, 18J5, in Farmington township. Ontario county, New York. He was educated in the public schools and at Union Springs Academy. In his youth he was an expert oarsman, winning several cups and other valuable prizes in single-scull contests and he was the recipient of a medal for his oarsmanship at the Centennial Exhibition at Philadelphia in 1876. In double scull races Courtney and Robinson won numerous prizes and banners. He removed to Ontario county in 1901 and bought the Castle Mill of the Castle Milling Company and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James Kennedy

Grant Maitland Kennedy, who was for a number of years identified with educational matters in the state of New York, and who has since then been engaged in the furniture and undertaking business, is of Scotch ancestry. (I) James Kennedy was born in Kells, Kirkcudbright county, Scotland, June 12, 1791, died October 13, 1888. He was a surveyor of taxes in Scotland, and a farmer after he came to America. He attended the Protestant church. He married, October 11, 1824, Margaret Houston, born September 15, 1806, died June 19, 1881. Children : 1. Mary, married Matthew Henderson, of Yates county, … Read more