Biography of John Harris

John Harris, immigrant ancestor, was of Scotch-Irish descent, it is said, but was born in Yorkshire, England. He came to this country as early as 1682 and engaged in trade with the Indians at the suggestion of his friend, Edward Shippen. In January, 1705, he received a license from the colonial government allowing him to locate on the Susquehanna river and erect such buildings as are necessary for his trade and to enclose such quantities of land as he shall think fit. During one of his expeditions as a licensed Indian trader he beheld the beauties and advantages of Paxtang. … Read more

Biography of Dr. William Plunkett

Esther, daughter of John Harris, married Dr. William Plunkett, who was born in Ireland of noble family. In personal appearance he is described as of large stature, great muscular development and strength, while an imperious disposition was among his distinguishing mental traits. This is attested by several occurrences in his career which yet retain a place in the traditions of the locality which he afterward lived in Pennsylvania. On one occasion with several boon companions, he was engaged in some hilarious proceedings at an Irish inn. The adjoining room was occupied by an English nobleman, who had a curious and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Isaac Richardson

(III) Margaret, daughter of Dr. William Plunkett, married Isaac Richardson, who removed from Sunbury, Pennsylvania, to Wayne county, New York, and became a very prominent citizen. Among their children was Isabella, mentioned elsewhere.

Biographical Sketch of Dr. Daniel Arnold Robinson

(IV) Isabella, daughter of Isaac Richardson, married Dr. Daniel Arnold Robinson, son of Benedict Robinson, of Jerusalem, Yates county, New York, and a descendant of Rowland Robinson, of Rhode Island. Benedict Robinson and a Quaker named Hathaway purchased township No. 7, second range, of the Phelps and Gorham Purchase in 1790. Of his 14, 000 acres he gave a thousand to Jemima Wilkinson, a prominent Quakeress, with whom he came to Yates county. He married Susan Brown in 1795. Children of Dr. Daniel Arnold and Isabella Robinson: Susanna Brown, married Robert Howland, of New Bedford; Dr. Benedict, of Union Springs: … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Carpenter

(XI) John (5), son of William (4) Carpenter, was born in England about 1628, died May 23, 1695. He came from England with his father, and when about seventeen went to Connecticut. For several years he lived in different towns in the latter state, and worked at his trade as carpenter. He was in Stratford, Connecticut, in 1646, and in 1660 bought land in Hempstead, Long Island. He was chosen townsman of Hempstead in 1663, and was made freeman of the state of Connecticut, May, 1664. He bought land in Jamaica, Long Island, in 1665. In 1673 he was made … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Carpenter

(XII) John (6), son of John (5) Carpenter, was born in Connecticut, in 1658. His will was proved July 30, 1732. He lived in Jamaica, and took the oath as captain of troops there, November 22, 1703. He married Mary – . Children; born at Jamaica: Nehemiah, about 1685; John, about 1685; Solomon, about 1685; Joseph, about 1687; Increase, about 1688, mentioned elsewhere; Mary; Hannah; Susanna; Phebe.

Biographical Sketch of Increase Carpenter

(XIII) Increase, son of John (6) Carpenter, was born in Jamaica, about 1688. He bought land in Jamaica in 1709. He died about 1776. He married Bergin. Children, born at Jamaica: William, 1740; Increase, April, 1743; Jacob, 1745, mentioned elsewhere: John, 1747; David, married Mary Carpenter; Luke; Elizabeth, married Benjamin Wiggins.

Biographical Sketch of Jacob Carpenter

(XIV) Jacob, son of Increase Carpenter, was born in Jamaica, in 1745, and married Widow Jane Smith, before her first marriage, Jane Baylis. She died May 6, 1813. He was a farmer by occupation and died in 1819 or 1820. Children, born in Jamaica: Increase, mentioned elsewhere: Jacob; Nathaniel; Daniel, married Hepsabeth Higbee; Benjamin, died about 1837; Deborah, married William Lewis; Catharine, married Alexander Jones.

Biographical Sketch of Increase Carpenter

(XV) Increase (2), son of Jacob Carpenter, was born July 14, 1766, according to family records. In 1808 he came to Victor, Ontario county, New York, and settled. Some accounts give the date as 1811. He was a farmer. He married Mary Kinny. Children: Merritt; Rosewell; Henry; David, mentioned elsewhere; Platt, born in Dutchess county, August 10, 1802, married Jane Ellis, of Victor, and had four children, Willett, Smith, Jane and Ann.

Biographical Sketch of David Carpenter

(XVI) David, son of Increase (2) Carpenter, was born about 1800 in Dutchess county, probably. He lived at Victor. settled in Allegany county, and finally returned to Victor. He married a Miss Cator. Children: William. Charles, Frank. Henry, Martha. Louise, Mary, James. Curtis, mentioned elsewhere.

Biographical Sketch of Curtis Carpenter

(XVII) Curtis. son of David Carpenter, was born in Allegany county in 1828 and came with the family to Victor, Ontario county, in 1839. He had a common school education and learned the trade of decorator and painter. In religion he was a member of the Society of Friends. He was active in town affairs, an influential Republican in politics and for two terms filled the office of collector of taxes of Victor. He married Minerva Payne, born at Farmington, December 28, 1832, and now (1910) (1911) living at Farmington, daughter of Calvin Payne. Mr. Carpenter died May 6, 1894. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Frank H. Carpenter

(XVIII) Frank H., son of Curtis Carpenter, was born at East Victor; September 6, 1852, and was educated in the public schools of Victor. At the age of fourteen he began to work for his father in the decorating and contracting business and has continued in that business to the present time at Victor with notable success. In politics he is a Republican, in religion a Methodist. He married, December 29, 1877, Estella L. Saunders, born July 12, 1857, daughter of William and Jane (Reeves) Saunders. Her father was born February 1, 1832, and came to Victor in 1847, was … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Barnabas Horton

(I) Barnabas Horton, immigrant ancestor, is supposed to have been the son of Joseph Hotrod, of Mousely, Leicester county, England, and was born there, July 13, 1600. He emigrated to America id the ship “Swallow,” Captain Jeremy Hotrod, master and owner, in 1635 or 1638, and landed at Hampton, Massachusetts. He removed to New Haven in 1640, with his wife, Mary, and two children, Joseph and Benjamin. He settled permanently in Southold, Suffolk county, New York, October, 1640. Children, the first two born in England, the others in Southold: Joseph, about 1632; Benjamin, about 1634; Caleb, about 1640, mentioned elsewhere; … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Caleb Horton

(II) Caleb, son of Barnabas Horton, was born at Southold in the autumn of 1640, and married there, December 23, 1665, Abigail, daughter of Peter Hallock, the Pilgrim. They settled at Cutchogue, Southold township, Long Island, and he was accepted as freeman, of Connecticut, 1664. He had land deeded to him the same year. In 1683 his valuation was three hundred and fifty pounds. In 1686 he had four males and six females in his family. His wife died in 1697, and he, October 3, 1702. Children, born in Cutchogue: Barnabas, September 23, 1666, mentioned elsewhere; Jonathan, 1668; Nathan, 1670; … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Caleb Horton

(IV) Caleb (2), son of Barnabas (2) Hotrod, was born at Cutchogue, December 22, 1687. He married, December 10, 1714, Phebe, daughter of Nathaniel Terry, son of Richard Terry, born in Southold, 1698. In 1748 he removed to Roxbury, now (1910) Chester, New Jersey, and settled there. They were both members of the Southold church and its liberal supporters. He died August 6, 1772, and his wife, December 24, 1776. Children, born in Southold : Caleb, 1715; Hannah, 1717: Nathaniel, October 13, 1719, mentioned elsewhere; Nathan, about 1720; Phebe, about 1722; Elijah, June 19, 1724; Richard, about 1726; Rhoda, about … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Nathaniel Horton

(V) Nathaniel, son of Caleb (2) Horton, was born at Southold. October 13. 1719, and married, about 1740. Mehitabel Wells. They removed to Chester, New Jersey, in 1748. She died December 10. 1801. He died January 24, 1804. Children, the first two born in Southold, the others in Chester: Deacon Nathaniel, 1741, mentioned elsewhere; Benjamin, 1743; David, September 2, 1750; Daniel, married Martha Terry; Polly, married Caleb Terry; Mehitabel, married Edward Lewis.

Biographical Sketch of Deacon Nathaniel Horton

(VI) Deacon Nathaniel (2) Horton, son of Nathaniel (1) Horton, was born in Southold, in 1741, and married, 1761, Rebecca Robinson, born June 21, 1742, died December 14, 1819. He died August 13, 1824. Children, born in Chester: Huldah, January 14, 1762: Rebecca, December 31, 1763: Jonah. 1765; Susan, 1767: Polly, 1769; Nathaniel; Hiram; Mehitabel : Elisha, about 1777, mentioned elsewhere; Nathaniel, 1778; Esther, about 1782.

Biographical Sketch of Elisha Horton

(VII) Elisha, son of Deacon Nathaniel (2) Horton, was born in Chester, about 1777, and married, about 1800, Polly, daughter of Caleb and Sarah (Benjamin) Horton, his second cousin, born in Chester about 1779. They removed to Scipio, New York, where they spent the remainder of their lives. Children, born in Chester: Isaiah, mentioned elsewhere; Aaron, unmarried; Phebe, married Stephen Robinson; Esther, married Warren R. Atwood.

Biographical Sketch of Isaiah Horton

(VIII) Isaiah, son of Elisha Horton, was born at Chester, New Jersey, died in Springwater, Livingston county, New York, May 22, 1873. He was a carpenter. He was a soldier in the war of 1812. He married at Aurelius, Cayuga county, New York, January 31, 1817, Charlotte Chatfield. who died February 21, 1854. Children: 1. Amarilla, born 1818, married Stephen Pearl. 2. Elisha. 3. Miranda, married Luther P. Norton. 4. Eliza, married Luther P. Norton, for second wife. 5. Hiram, married Mary Briggs. 6. Esther, married Augustus Boughton. 7. Lucinda. 8. Isaiah. mentioned elsewhere. 9. Mary. married J. B. Tiffany. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Isaiah Horton

(IX) Isaiah (2), son of Isaiah (1) Horton, was born in Springwater, Livingston county, New York, August 27, 1831, and was educated there in the public schools. He was a farmer all his active life. He moved to Victor, Ontario county, in 1865, and for many years made a specialty of fruit culture and sheep raising. He has been retired from active business for several years. In religion he is a Universalist. In politics he is a Republican. He is an earnest advocate of total abstinence and at times has supported the Prohibition party. For ten years he was the … Read more