Biographical Sketch of David Beattie

(II) David, son of James and Jane (Grieve) Beattie, was born in Scotland, April 6, 1799, and died on the family homestead in Ontario county, New York. He was but three years of age when he came to this country with his parents. In 1828 he purchased the land, for farming purposes, which has since been considered the family homestead. He married Dorothy, daughter of Adam Turnbull. Their grandson, Herbert Beattie, has at the present time in his possession a “peace pipe,” dated 1671, which was dug up by Adam Turnbull on the farm now (1910) owned by William Tuttle.

Biographical Sketch of William Beattie

(III) William, son of David and Dorothy (Turnbull) Beattie, was born on the family homestead, December 16, 1830, and died there, January 14, 1893. He was engaged in farming throughout the active years of his life, and for many years served as a trustee of the Presbyterian church, of which he and his wife were devout members. He married, June 9, 1858, Mary E. Barnes, who was born in Yates county, New York, January 22, 1827, and died May 10, 1900.

Biography of Herbert Beattie

(IV) Herbert, son of William and Mary E. (Barnes) Beattie, was born on the family homestead in Ontario county, New York, March 23, 1866. For a time he attended the district school, but as the health of his father was impaired, he was frequently obliged to remain away from the school sessions, and take charge of the farm management, while still at a very early age. This interfered with the acquisition of knowledge from books, but he has overcome this difficulty in a great measure by his keen powers of observation, and the deep thought he has given to all … Read more

Biography of Rev. James T. Dougherty

When De Nonville and his French army, in 1687, destroyed the Indian village of Gannagaro and Gaudougarae, the inhabitants were driven eastward and formed a village near the foot of Canandaigua Lake, which village and lake have since then borne that name. Among the Indian inhabitants in those days were many Catholics, some of them Senecas and most of them Hurons and Algonquin captives, the result of fifty years of missionary labor of the zealous Jesuits. Even in our day the beads and crucifixes given the Indians by the missionaries are still picked up on the sites of the old … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George C. Dorsey

George C. Dorsey, owner of a large wholesale produce business in Geneva, Ontario county, New York, is the son of Upton Dorsey, who was born in Hagerstown, Washington county, Maryland, in 1814. He removed from Seneca county to Geneva, New York, in 1838, and took a prominent part in the public affairs of his day, having served as justice of the peace for a number of terms. He died in 1856. George C. Dorsey was born in Ovid, Seneca county, New York, in 1834, and received his education in the common schools of Geneva, New York. For a number of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Frank A. De Graff

Frank A. De Graff, manager and one of the proprietors of the leading stationery and book stores in Canandaigua, New York, is, as his family name indicates, of Dutch descent, and has inherited the thrifty and businesslike traits of his ancestors. Groat A. De Graff, father of the man whose name heads this sketch, for some years followed the occupation of farming in Gorham, New York, and removed to Canandaigua about the year 1870. He established himself in the book and stationery business, in which he was eminently successful, and with which he was connected for many years. Frank A., … Read more

Biography of Charles Danford Bean

Charles Danford Bean, attorney and counselor at law in Geneva, Ontario county, New York, is a member of a family that has been domiciled in New York state for several generations, and their history and that of the family seat is a more than usually interesting one. Maple Hill, the homestead, derives its name from the thickly-wooded land upon which the house stands, and has many historic associations. The mansion was originally erected in 1834. and was at that time a twostory structure; successive owners added wings and rebuilt and remodeled the house, which has sheltered and extended hospitality to … Read more

Biography of Charles C. Davison

Charles C. Davison. who has been prominently connected with the milling industry in the state of New York for many years, is a son of Ozmer L. Davison, who came to New York from New England and spent the greater part of his life engaged in agricultural pursuits. He died at Odessa, New York, in 1900, and his wife died in 1896. Charles C., son of Ozmer L. Davison, was born in Odessa, Schuyler county, New York, June 22, 1868. He was graduated from the Odessa high school, then studied and was prepared for college at Cook’s Academy, and matriculated … Read more

Biography of Dr. Jay Byington Covert

Dr. Jay Byington Covert, one of the leading physicians of Geneva, Ontario county, New York, while still young in years, has already attained a foremost rank in the medical profession. His quick perception, sound judgment and thorough training, command the respect and confidence of all who know (1910) him, and he is held in the highest estimation by his fellow citizens. The fact is amply evidenced in the record of his daily life. He has devoted his life to a noble profession, and in all professions, but more especially in the medical, there are exalted heights to which genius itself … Read more

Biography of Fred L. Stephenson

Fred L. Stephenson is president of the Commercial State Bank of Yates Center. He had many other interests that connect him with that community, and for many years had been one of the live and energetic citizens, ever ready to co-operate in any plan for the advancement of local welfare. Mr. Stephenson had spent most of his life in Kansas and he owes to his individual energies and the opportunities of the state his prosperity and his position in affairs. His ancestors were English people who came to New York in Colonial days. His grandfather was Thomas Stephenson, a native … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Abram Garlock

(II) Abram, son of Peter Garlock, was a farmer in Manchester, New York. He married Catharine, daughter of Peter Cook, who was a native of New Jersey. The children of Abram and Catharine (Cook) Garlock were nine, including Cyrus, referred to below; Dr. Alfred, who lived in Michigan; and Peter, born in Phelps, October 6, 1832, mentioned elsewhere.

Biographical Sketch of Cyrus Garlock

(III) Cyrus, son of Abram Garlock, was born in Manchester, August 26, 1826, died July 6, 1908. After his education he ran a lumber and stave factory and a cooper shop, and in later years engaged in farming. He was supervisor of the town and justice of the peace. He married (first) Hester Ann Ferguson, and (second) Laura Burt, who died in 1892. Children of Cyrus and Laura (Burt) Garlock: Erastus Burt, married Mary Cramer, and they live in St. Louis, Missouri; children: Howard Burt, Laura Marguerite, Floyd, Ruth; William F., referred to below; Mary C.

Biographical Sketch of William F. Garlock

(IV) William F., son of Cyrus and Laura (Burt) Garlock, was born in the town of Manchester, February 15, 1870. He was educated in the public schools, then engaged in farming until 1904. In that year he went to Port Gibson, where he engaged in the creamery business and runs a general store. July 1, 1910, he was appointed postmaster. In 1891 he married Nellie, daughter of Carroll C. and Lydia Terry. Children: Laura Fern, born in 1892; Alice, 1894; Terry, 1895; Emma, 1898; Vincent, 1901; Lydia, 1902; Everett, 1905; Albert, 1907; Dorothy, 1910.

Biographical Sketch of Charles H. Garlock

Charles H. Garlock, who has for many years served as trustee of the village of Phelps, Ontario county, New York, and is prominently connected with the financial and commercial interests of the county, is a descendant of one of the early Dutch settlers of this country, his greatgreat-grandfather having come to America from Holland. Another of his ancestors was Peter Cook, who was a native of New Jersey. Mr. Garlock was elected president of the village of Phelps, in March, 1911.

Biographical Sketch of Peter Garlock

(III) Peter, son of Abram and Catharine (Cook) Garlock (q. v.), was one of nine children and was born in Phelps, Ontario county, New York, October 6, 1832, died February 17, 1904. Twenty-seven years of his life were spent in Arcadia, New York, and he then made his permanent and final home in Phelps. In 1863 he commenced the distilling of cider brandy and peppermint oil, about two and one-half miles southwest of Newark, New York, continuing this plant for the distilling of cider brandy until about 1893, when he discontinued. In 1879 he built a cider mill in Phelps, … Read more

Biography of Charles H. Garlock

(IV) Charles H., son of Peter and Maria (Van De Vort) Garlock, was born in Arcadia, Wayne county, New York, May 7, 1864. His education was acquired in the public schools and in the Newark Union School, and he was engaged in various occupations until he had attained his majority. At the age of twenty-one years he went to South Dakota, and accepted a position in the hardware store of his brother, Thomas, remaining with him two years. He then went to Denver, Colorado, in which city he opened a cigar and confectionery store, in which the was successfully engaged … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Henry Hollis

Fred W. Hollis, a prosperous farmer of the town of Hopewell, Ontario county, New York, who has been prominently identified with the public affairs of the town for a number of years, is of English descent on both sides of the family. (I) Henry Hollis, grandfather of Fred W. Hollis, was a native of England, and came to this country in 1854, for a time making his home in Canada, then removed to Canandaigua, Ontario county, New York, where he served as a teacher of Greek and Latin in the old Canandaigua Academy.

Biographical Sketch of Alfred M. Hollis

(II) Alfred M. Hollis, son of the preceding, was born in England in 1850, and was a lad of four years when he came to this country with his father. He engaged in the brick tile and coal business in Canaudaigua and has been prominently identified with that field of industry for the past thirty-five years. He married Louisa, daughter of William Smith, who was born in England and came to Bristol, Ontario county, New York, about the year 1850. There he engaged in farming, later removed to Canandaigua, and acquired a large amount of property. Children: Fred W., see … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Fred W. Hollis

(III) Fred W., son of Alfred M. and Louisa (Smith) Hollis, was born in Canandaigua. Ontario county, New York. December 27, 1871. His education was acquired in the public schools of his native town and in the Canandaigua Academy. Until he was twenty-four years of age he assisted his father in the brick tile and coal business, then purchased a farm near the village in what is now (1910) the town of Hopewell. and is at the present time still occupied with its cultivation. His political affiliations are with the Republican party, and he has served as assessor for the … Read more

Biography of George W. Hewson

George W. Hewson, owner of a fine farm in Hall, Ontario county, New York, a large portion of which is devoted to the growing of fruit, is a fine example of what may be accomplished by energy, perseverance and a fixed determination to reach the top of the ladder. He has inherited the traits of industry, thrift and faithfulness in the discharge of duties, so characteristic of the English nation, from which he is descended, and where his family was an old and honored one. George Hewson, father of George W. Hewson, was born in England in 1810, and died … Read more