Biography of Charles H. Garlock

Last Updated on August 11, 2011 by

(IV) Charles H., son of Peter and Maria (Van De Vort) Garlock, was born in Arcadia, Wayne county, New York, May 7, 1864. His education was acquired in the public schools and in the Newark Union School, and he was engaged in various occupations until he had attained his majority. At the age of twenty-one years he went to South Dakota, and accepted a position in the hardware store of his brother, Thomas, remaining with him two years. He then went to Denver, Colorado, in which city he opened a cigar and confectionery store, in which the was successfully engaged for one year. He abandoned this in 1889, in order to return to the east and enter into the partnership which had been proffered hint by his father. His energy and enterprise soon occasioned many innovations to be introduced, to the great benefit of the enterprise, and upon the death of his father Charles H. Garlock purchased his interest in the business, uniting them with his own. In 1910 the decided to incorporate the concern, a proceeding which was immediately put into effect, and a stock company organized. Charles H. Garlock is the president of this company; C. W. Kelly, vice-president: and J. Fred Helmer, secretary and treasurer. It is known commercially as the P. Garlock Company, and has largely increased facilities for the manufacture of their wares, this being rendered imperative by the increased demand. The annual output at the present time is from five to ten thousand barrels of cider and from three to five hundred barrels of apple brandy. The demands which his position as president of this important corporation make upon his time do not prevent Mr. Garlock from being actively interested in a number of other enterprises. July 27, 1910, Mr. Garlock was the leading spirit in the organization of the Phelps National Bank, of which he was elected president, and under his able management this undertaking is proving a decided success. The Phelps National Bank of Phelps, New York, is one of the substantial financial institutions; the bank was opened for business, September 8, 1910, and it is receiving the patronage of a large number of people. The officers are: Charles H. Garlock, president; A. T. Van Nostrand, vice-president; J. Fred Helmer, cashier; Mae C. Van Buren, assistant cashier. The following is a statement made December 8, 1910, when the bank was but three months old:


Loans and Discounts $61, 950 03
U. S. Bonds for Circulation. 25, 000 00
Other Bonds and Securities. 15, 947 50
Premium on U. S. Bonds… 285 00
Furniture and Fixtures 247 00
National City Bank, N. Y.. 8, 343 65
Other National Banks 271 86
Redemption Fund 5 per cent 1, 250 w
Expense 862 85
Interest 106 60
Cash on Hand 9.594 03
$123, 858 52


Capital Stock $25, 000 00
Surplus 2, 244 00
Circulating Notes 24, 100 00
Individual Deposits 52, 227 01
Certificates of Deposit 18, 866 48
Discounts Received 1, 098 64
Exchange 222 39
Suspense 100 00
$123.858 52

He is also closely identified with the public affairs of the town, was elected as trustee of the village of Phelps, and re-elected in 1908, and is in office at the present time. In political belief he is a Democrat. His fraternal associations are with Sincerity Lodge, No. 200, Free and Accepted Masons, and he has served as treasurer since 1908.

Mr. Garlock married, June 12, 1895, Mrs. Mary E. Bulkley, daughter of John Hosford, of Phelps. By her first marriage, she was the mother of Minnie A., who is now (1910) the wife of Marvin H. Durand; they had two children: Marvin and Lois M. Children of Mr. and Mrs. Garlock: Marjorie H., born May 14, 1896; Jessie I., born October 12, 1899; John M., born March 16, 1906.



Milliken, Charles F. The History of Ontario County, New York, and Its People Lewis Historical Publishing Co., New York. 1911.

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