Biography of Michael Needham

Michael Needham, founder of this family, was born in Burr, county Tipperary, Ireland, in 1834, died in Phelps, Ontario county, New York, July 3, 1909. He emigrated to America as a boy and settled in Phelps, where he obtained employment as a maltster. Sometime later he went to Chicago, Illinois, where he spent several years as head maltster of one of the large malt houses there. He then returned to Phelps, and for forty years was in the employ of the New York Central railroad there. He was a trustee of the Roman Catholic Church of St. Francis, at Phelps. … Read more

Biography of Samuel Nagel

Many historiographers of the present day have acquired the habit of giving prominence to lawyers, doctors, and others whose paths in life he in the learned professions to the exclusion of those who are really the bone and sinew of the country in which they live, namely, those who give employment to, and consequently feed, the masses, and whose efforts in life have tended to build up the towns in which they live and give the proper tone to the community. Of this most worthy and honorable class. Samuel Nagel, of Geneva, Ontario county, New York, is an exceptionally fine … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Hebram Knickerbocker

Richard Monroe Knickerbocker, an energetic and capable representative of a family which has for many years been identified with the agricultural interests of the state of New York, has adhered, as far as changing conditions would permit, to the ideals of his forefathers, and considers it one of the most noble occupations for mankind to follow to obtain from the bosom of mother earth the rich products she is so ready to give to those who love and care for her. (I) Hebram Knickerbocker, grandfather of Richard Monroe Knickerbocker, was born at Naples, Ontario county, New York, on land which … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Sidney Knickerbocker

(II) Sidney, son of Hebram Knickerbocker, was born in Naples, New York, March 21, 1832; died in Ontario county, New York, January 14, 1899. As a tiller of the soil he was as successful as his father had been, and improved the property in his possession in many directions. He was one of the organizers and builders of the Baptist church of his community, was elected a trustee of this institution, and served in this office up to the time of his death. He took an unusually active interest in all matters relating to the education of the growing generation, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Richard Monroe Knickerbocker

(III) Richard Monroe, son of Sidney and Helen (McCiver) Knickerbocker, was born in the town of Hopewell, Ontario county, New York, October 14, 1865. He attended the public and high schools of his native township, and assisted his father in the cultivation of the home farm during the summer months. At the conclusion of his school days his entire time was devoted to this occupation under the direction and supervision of his father, and he thus became thoroughly well acquainted in a practical manner with all the details connected with farm culture. He made farming his life work, as was … Read more

Biography of Reuben H. Gulvin

Reuben H. Gulvin, chief of the fire department of Geneva, Ontario county, New York, is a fine example of a self-made man, in the truest sense of the word, rising entirely by his own unaided efforts from a position of dependence in England to that of the proprietor of the finest jewelry store in Geneva and its vicinity, and to a foremost position in the community in which he resides. Reuben H. Gulvin was born in Kent county, England, November 20, 1869, son of George Gulvin, who is still living in his native county, and is considered an expert in … Read more

Biography of Myron M. Buck

Myron M. Buck was born in Shortsville, Ontario county, New York, January 16, 1835. His ancestors settled in central New York, when the state was wild and uncultivated, his maternal grandfather, Theophilus Short, in whose honor Shortsville, New York, was named, having been a member of the “Old Holland Land Purchase Company,” and prominent in every way in the affairs of the community. Attracted by the fertility of the soil in this undeveloped district, the company purchased a large portion of central New York. They at once proceeded to establish homes for the pioneers who were the leading spirits. The … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dr. Chauncey W. Grove

Dr. Chauncey W. Grove, a physician and surgeon in Geneva, Ontario county, New York, and throughout that section is descended from an old family of Germany. The family name was originally spelled Von Graffe, and this by successive changes has finally developed into Grove. From the earliest times the family has adhered to the Protestant denominations, and it was during the very early days of the settlement of the colonies that the first members came to this country and made their homes here. Dr. Chauncey W. Grove, son of Jay C. and Zettirah (Fry) Grove, was born in Fredonia, Pennsylvania, … Read more

Biography of James P. Fulton

James P. Fulton, postmaster at Stanley, Ontario county, New York, and who has held a number of other positions under the government of the United States, has served his country bravely and well, as will be found detailed further on in this sketch. He is a descendant of the distinguished Fulton family, of Ireland, and it seems but natural that his name should be found in the lists of those who fought so gallantly during the civil war, as he but displayed the traits inherited from a number of his ancestors. Among these was his maternal great-grandfather, Captain John Rippey, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Frary

Edward Harrison Frary, who served with bravery in many of the engagements of the civil war, inherited his gallantry from a long line of ancestors who fought with credit in defense of their country. His father was a colonel of the New York State Militia, his maternal grandfather served in the war of 1812, his maternal great-grandfather served in the revolutionary war, and a number of his ancestors on the paternal side were soldiers in the revolution. (1) John Frary, immigrant ancestor of this family, came to America from England, in 1638, and settled at Dedham, Massachusetts. The family originally … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Frary

(III) John Frary was born in Massachusetts and served in the war of 1812. He was engaged in farming and was evidently a man of prominence in his clay. He supported the Whig principles, was supervisor and school commissioner, and served as justice of the peace. He was a member of the Baptist denomination. He married, in 1805, Ruth Merritt. Children: Ruth, died in 1839; William Stoddard, see forward; Isabel, died 1851 ; Joshua P., died 1848.

Biographical Sketch of William Stoddard Frary

(IV) William Stoddard, eldest son and second child of John and Ruth (Merritt) Frary, was born October 26, 1808; died March 14, 1846. He was occupied as school teacher and surveyor, was a member of the Whig party, and of the Baptist church. He was commissioned colonel of the One Hundred and Seventy-third Regiment, New York State Militia, May 14, 1839, by Governor William H. Seward, of New York. He married, October 26, 1834, Lydia Ann, daughter of John and Abigail (Volentine) Warren, her father having served in the militia during the war of 1812, and was a son of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Edward Harrison Frary

(V) Edward Harrison, only son and second child of William Stoddard and Lydia Ann (Warren) Frary, was born at Lyndon, Cattaraugus county, New York, April 25, 1840. He received his education in the common schools and the Rushford Academy, from which he graduated. His occupations have been varied and successful ones. He has been farmer, carpenter, hardware clerk and census enumerator. Having always taken a decided interest in the public affairs of the town, and been a staunch supporter of Republican principles, he has been elected to fill a number of public offices. He was elected justice of the peace … Read more

Biography of Dr. Henry Foster

Dr. Henry Foster was born in the town of Norwich, Vermont, January 18, 1821. He was the son of Henry and Polly (Hubbard) Foster, who were the owners of a farm of six hundred acres of intervale land, and were apparently established for life in a beautiful home. As one of a family of seven children, Dr. Foster spent a happy and healthful childhood. When he was fourteen years of age financial reverses came to the family and they removed to western New York and from thence to Ohio, where the boys of the family made a home and cared … Read more

Biography of Thomas J. Bolger

Thomas J. Bolger, who has attained and holds a place in the foremost ranks of the nurserymen of Ontario county, New York, and who is prominently identified with the political and social affairs of that section of the state of New York, is of Irish descent, and has inherited many of the excellent traits which distinguish that people. Andrew Bolger, father of Thomas J. Bolger, was born in Ireland in 1844, and came to this country in early manhood. He commenced work as a laborer and has always followed that occupation. By means of his thrift and industry he succeeded … Read more

Biography of Clark Forster

Clark Forster, whose family has been closely identified with the agricultural interests of Ontario county, New York, for many years, is considered one of the most successful fruit growers of the district, making a specialty of apple culture. William Forster, father of Clark Forster, was born in England in 1792, and came to this country in 1817. For somewhat more than a year he lived in Massachusetts, then, for a period of two years, made his home in Clyde, New York, and finally decided upon Seneca, Ontario county, New York, as his permanent home. He obtained employment on the farm … Read more

Biography of William B. Forster

William B. Forster, who is engaged in general farming in the town of Seneca, Ontario county, New York, occupies a high position in the literary circles of that section of the country and is also prominently identified with its religious life. William D. Forster, father of William B. Forster, was born at Halls Corners, Ontario county, New York, March 29, 1830, and is the oldest living person born at that place. He attended the common schools of his native township and supplemented this education by attendance at the sessions of Alfred Academy. He then engaged in teaching, and taught schools … Read more

Biography of Walter L. Fay

Walter L. Fay, who has been prominently identified with manufacturing interests for many years, is a son of Edmund B. Fay, who was born in Fulton, Oswego county, New York, and was finally engaged in the wholesale dry goods business in New York City. Walter L. Fay was born in Auburn, Cayuga county, New York, his mother’s home, February 5, 1859. He was educated in the Pingry School, Elizabeth, New Jersey, from which he was graduated at the age of eighteen years. He immediately entered upon his business career, working for his father for a short time, then, in 1879, … Read more

Biography of Dr. Daniel A. Eiseline

Dr. Daniel A. Eiseline, who has filled a number of public offices in connection with his professional career, is of the first generation of his family to have been born in this country, his ancestors having lived in Germany. John Eiseline, father of Dr. Eiseline, was born in Bavaria, Germany, from which country he came to America in 1867, bringing his wife with him, and located at Canandaigua. He was a shoemaker by trade and followed that occupation until his death, in 1897. He married Elizabeth S. Lindner, and had six children, of whom three died in infancy. Those living … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James Beattie

Herbert Beattie, whose family has been well known in New York state for a number of generations, belongs to that class of citizens of this country, who form the bone and sinew of the entire body. They are descended from Scotch ancestry, and have brought the sturdy bodies of that country, as well as the thrifty and practical habits of their ancestors, and combined them in the manner best adapted to the needs of their new home with the modern methods which are so rapidly introduced into agricultural pursuits in America. (I) James Beattie, the immigrant ancestor of Herbert Beattie, … Read more