Biography of George W. Hewson

Last Updated on August 11, 2011 by

George W. Hewson, owner of a fine farm in Hall, Ontario county, New York, a large portion of which is devoted to the growing of fruit, is a fine example of what may be accomplished by energy, perseverance and a fixed determination to reach the top of the ladder. He has inherited the traits of industry, thrift and faithfulness in the discharge of duties, so characteristic of the English nation, from which he is descended, and where his family was an old and honored one.

George Hewson, father of George W. Hewson, was born in England in 1810, and died in this country in 1887. He was thirty years of age when he came to this country, and had but five dollars in his pocket when he arrived here. He immediately sought employment, which he found on a farm, and was identified with farming interests throughout his life in this country. He located at Gorham, Ontario county, New York, and in 1845 purchased the farm which became the family homestead. He married Eliza, born in England in 1822, died in America in 1881, a daughter of John Gelder, with whom she came to this country when she was a mere child. She was a most devout Presbyterian all her life.

George W., son of George and Eliza (Gelder) Hewson, was born on the old homestead in the town of Seneca, New York, October 2, 1866. He was educated in the district schools and Geneva high school, from which he was graduated, and this education he has amply supplemented by keen observation and careful and well selected reading, making him a man of liberal views on all subjects of importance. At the death of his father the farm passed into his possession, and he lives upon it with one of his unmarried sisters, Jennie, who supervises the domestic labors of the home. The farm comprises one hundred and seventy acres of well cultivated land, a large part of it being devoted to the raising of fruit, in which Mr. Hewson has attained very satisfactory success. The home is a refined one and exemplary in every respect. The farm and all the buildings necessary for its proper cultivation are kept in the finest condition and in many respects it is a model, for its size and kind, in the section. Mr. Hewson takes an active interest in all matters connected with the proper adjustment of the public affairs of the township, but gives his allegiance to no particular party, preferring to cast his vote for the man he thinks best fitted to perform the duties of the particular office in question. In his religious affiliations he is independent. Beside the sister who is living with him, he has two sisters, one married, the other unmarried, living in Minnesota. Mr. Hewson is unmarried.



Milliken, Charles F. The History of Ontario County, New York, and Its People Lewis Historical Publishing Co., New York. 1911.

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