Biographical Sketch of Edward Burrell

(II) Edward, son of Thomas Burrell, was born on the homestead in 1825, and after the land had passed into his possession made the improvements which the times and conditions warranted. He married Elizabeth Parker, who was also of English descent. He died in 1907, while his wife passed away in 1902. Children: T. William, see forward, and Edward P.

Biographical Sketch of T. William Burrell

(III) T. William, son of Edward and Elizabeth (Parker) Burrell, was born on the family homestead, November 8, 1872. His education was acquired in the district schools, and was supplemented by a course at Canandaigua Academy. While still attending school he assisted in the farm labors during the summer vacations and during all his spare hours, and thus acquired a thorough knowledge of all the details connected with the successful management of a farm. This knowledge he has put to the best practical use, has continued to follow tip all the later improvements in this field, and is ever ready … Read more

Biography of Louis A. Cooper

America, as has been frequently remarked, is the home of self-made men, and in no line is this trait so apparent and so beneficial to the country at large, as in the agricultural field. It would seem as if in this branch the very best that is in a man is brought to the surface, for the very freedom which surrounds these workers, enables their natural abilities to develop to the fullest and best extent. One of the finest specimens of this sort of manhood, is to be found in the person of Louis A. Cooper, manager of the Geneva … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Harvey Stephenson

Frederick P. Stephenson, a well known resident of Phelps, Ontario county, New York, is descended from a family which for many generations has displayed courage and patriotism in defence of the rights and liberties of their country. Calvin Stephenson, a pioneer settler and a soldier of the revolution, had six sons who took part in the war of 1812: James was taken a prisoner and died near Montreal, Canada; William served gallantly throughout the war, then joined the regular army and lost his life on the western plains; Luther served in the contest at Raisin river and in the battle … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dolphin Stephenson

(II) Dolphin, son of Harvey Stephenson, was born in the town of Galen, New York, in 1812, died in 1883. He came to Phelps with his father, where he was engaged in legal practice for many years, being at the time of his death the oldest attorney in the county. He served as postmaster of Phelps for many years, and was elected as a member of the assembly. He was also appointed by the government to represent it at Panama, and remained there for some time. A portion of his life was also spent in California. He was married in … Read more

Biography of Whitman Howard Jordan

Whitman Howard Jordan, director of the New York Agricultural Experiment Station. at Geneva, Ontario county, New York, since 1896, is most thoroughly conversant with every detail of the important work entrusted to his care. His life has always been an active one, and he is one of those restless, energetic men whose whole lives are an incessant battle to overcome problems the solution of which will be of inestimable benefit to the great cause of humanity. James Jordan, father of Whitman H. Jordan, was horn in Raymond, Maine, January 3, 1806. The active years of his life were spent in … Read more

Biography of Alanson Stacy

Alanson Stacy, the first member of this family of whom we have definite information, was the son of Elisha Stacy. He was born in Massachusetts, in 1812, and died in Avon, New York, in 1863. He was one of the first men to own a passenger boat on the Erie canal. Later he engaged in farming, and was one of Port Gibson’s representative men, serving as poor master for a number of years. At one time he owned . two large farms; these he sold and went to Avon. He married Emeline Smith, who was born in Vermont, died in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Jesse Squire

Jesse C. Squire, well known in agricultural circles in Ontario county, New York, who has successfully followed in the footsteps of his ancestors as a tiller of the soil, and who has added to their methods of cultivation the newer ideas which he has found practical, as they arose, is a descendant of one of the ancient families of England, and in a direct line of descent from Thomas Squire, of Worcestershire, England, who came to this country in 1630 with Governor Winthrop and settled at Charlestown, from whence his descendants have spread to various places. Some are to be … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Adin Squire

(II) Adin, son of Jesse Squire, came to Ontario county with his father in 1992, and lived and died on the farm which had been purchased for him.

Biographical Sketch of Jesse Squire

(III) Jesse (2), son of Adin Squire. was born on the homestead farm in 1803, and from his early youth was well trained in the proper management and cultivation of a farm, which later passed into his possession. He took an active interest in the public affairs of the community in which he lived, and was a devoted member of the Methodist church. His death occurred February 9, 1892. His children were: William A., J. Fletcher, Mary J., Milton M., Jesse C., Eugene A.

Biographical Sketch of Jesse C. Squire

(IV) Jesse C., son of Jesse (2) Squire, was horn August 28, 1841. Like his forefathers, he has devoted himself to the pursuit of agriculture, finding this the occupation for which he was best fitted by nature and inclination. He and his only surviving brother, Eugene A., shared between them the landed estate left by their father. This consists of three hundred acres of land, in a fine state of cultivation, and has been divided into two sections, known tinder the names of the Maple Hurst (Woods) and the Valley Farm. Mr. Squire is thoroughly conversant with all the improved … Read more

Biography of Dr. John W. Short

Dr. John W. Short, who has been established in the practice of the medical profession in Geneva, Ontario county, New York. since 1909, while young in years has had an amount of experience which many of his older colleagues have not been able to attain in twice the number of years of practice. Thoroughly conversant with the details of his profession, energetic in all his business transactions as well as honorable and high-minded in all the different phases of life, Dr. Short occupies an enviable position among his fellow citizens, who willingly accord to him a place in their first … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Myron D. Short

Myron D. Short, district attorney, is an excellent example of what may be accomplished by energy and untiring industry united with determination and executive ability of a high order. Myron D. Short was horn in Richmond, Ontario county, New York, August 23, 1973. He attended the district schools and then the Cook Academy at Havana, New York, from which at the age of seventeen years he entered the service of the Elmira, Cortland & Northern railway, at Elmira, and two years later went to Canandaigua, New York, where he was employed by the New York Central and Northern Central railroad, … Read more

Biography of Abram A. Post

Abram A. Post, owner of one of the finest farms in Seneca, Ontario county, New York, which has been in uninterrupted possession of his family since 1809, has had the advantage of extended travel to assist him in the cultivation of this piece of land and bring out its especial qualities. Frank J. Post, father of Abram A. Post, was born on the homestead farm, October 16, 1842, died in 1904. He improved the land which had been left to him by his father, in many respects, but it was left to the improved methods of his son to bring … Read more

Biography of William Hunt

Practically all of the Hunts in America are of English descent, and a family of this name coming from Ireland is rarely to be met with. Those about to be mentioned, however, are the exception. and are numbered among the great mass of their countrymen who, while preserving their identity to a greater or less extent, have become one of the important component parts of the American people. Among the sturdy Irishmen who were compelled by famine and oppression to emigrate to the United States prior to 1850, was William Hunt, a native of Queens county. Instead of remaining for … Read more

Biography of Samuel D. Pierson

Samuel D. Pierson, director in the J. W. Smith Dry Goods Company, of Geneva, New York, is one of that class of men who seem destined to overcome by their innate fitness apparently insurmountable obstacles, and his career presents a fine example of honesty and integrity, energy and perseverance, struggling with the adverse circumstances of life and rising into complete triumph. With all the elements of a strong character, he was fitted to assume the responsibilities which have devolved upon him and to increase the value of the interests entrusted to his care. Rev. Job Pierson his father was born … Read more

Biography of Dr. John Parmenter

Dr. John Parmenter, for almost a quarter of a century engaged in the active practice of the medical profession, is a man of noble impulses, sound judgment, keen perceptions and remarkable force and determination of character. Honorable in every relation of life, he commands the respect and confidence of all with whom he comes in contact, whether professionally or in private life. It is unnecessary to say that as a physician he commanded the esteem of his fellow citizens; the record of his daily life is ample testimony to this fact. As he devoted the best years of his life … Read more

Biography of Edward H. Palmer

Edward H. Palmer, who is the head and the leading spirit of numerous enterprises of financial importance in Geneva, Ontario county, New York, and its vicinity, and whose keen foresight and unusual executive ability have been the means of greatly improving the business prospects of the section, is one of that class of citizens who labor earnestly to build tip the commerce and manufactures of the communities in which they live. and by so doing enrich and benefit the entire country. Mr. Palmer was born in Clinton county, Iowa, May 17, i855, and acquired his early education in the district … Read more

Biography of Dr. Richard W. Padgham

Dr. Richard W. Padgham, who at the time of his death had been engaged in medical practice for almost a quarter of a century, was descended from an ancient English family, many members of which have been represented in various lines of professional life. Both of his parents died in England, where his father had spent the active years of his life in the ministry as a representative of the Methodist denomination. Although Dr. Padgham commenced the study of medicine rather late in life he had achieved a remarkable degree of success and was frequently called into consultation by his … Read more

Biography of Clarence Heath

Clarence Heath, president of the Shortsville Wheel Company, is one of that class of citizens who have developed our great manufacturing interests, spread our commerce and assisted in improving and enlarging our cities. Clarence Heath was born in Darien, Genesee county, New York, March 30, 1857. He attended the district schools of Darien, and for a time was a student at Canandaigua Academy. Upon the termination of his school days he at first learned the trade of hand turning and the making of wagon and buggy wheels. In 1879 he established himself in business in Shortsville, New York, manufacturing hubs … Read more