Biography of Anson Titus

Anson, eldest son of Billy and Judith (Huested) Titus, was born in Marshall, March 13, 1809, died December 22, 1882. As a skilled mechanic and an inventor of agricultural and other useful appliances, he sought to improve the prosperity of his fellowmen. He located first in Byron, Genesee county, New York, and settled permanently at Phelps, Ontario county, New York. In 1835 he established himself in business on the site now (1910) occupied by a laundry, manufacturing stoves, plows, etc. He was the inventor of the Titus No. 9 Pointer Plow, which acquired a high reputation throughout the country, and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dr. Frank Herrick Newland

Dr. Frank Herrick Newland, one of the rising young physicians of Clifton Springs, whose practice is an unusually large one for the time it has been in existence, is a son of Fred H. and Elivy (Crandall) Newland. Dr. Newland was born in East Bloomfield, New York, December 13, 1873. He attended the schools at Clifton Springs, Cook Academy at Montour Falls, New York, and Colgate University. He then became a student at the Homoeopathic Medical College, in Cleveland, Ohio, from which he was graduated in the class of 1902 with the degree of Doctor of Medicine. He immediately established … Read more

Biography of Hon. John Colmey

Hon. John Colmey was born in Stillwater, Saratoga county, New York, August 2, 1858, and when three years of age removed with his parents to Victor, Ontario county, New York. During his early years he assisted his father in the cultivation of the home farm, attending the district school winters. Possessed of an active mind and a strong determination to better his condition, at fifteen years of age he left the farm and obtained in the village of Victor a place where he could do chores for his board and attend the village school. By close application Mr. Colmey was … Read more

Biography of Dr. George C. Prichard

Dr. George C. Prichard, son of Benjamin and Jane Ann (Stoughtenburg) Prichard, was born February 1. 1839, at Phelps, New York. He acquired his education at Phelps Union Classical School and Genesee Wesleyan Seminary, and later matriculated at Hahnemann Homoeopathic Medical College at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. graduating from that institution in 1869, and since then has been engaged continuously in the practice of his profession at Phelps, gaining for himself an enviable reputation among his professional brethren, and the esteem and regard of his numerous patrons. In the year 1883 he promoted the organization of the Crown Manufacturing Company of Phelps, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William McDowell

William, son of John McDowell, was born about 1790. In 1825 he bought two hundred and fifty acres of land on lot 46 in Barrington one mile south of Warsaw, paying four dollars an acre. He was a prosperous and substantial farmer. He was one of the organizers of the Presbyterian church in Barrington. He married, in 1813, Dorothea Decker. Children: William, lived at Barrington; John, mentioned elsewhere; Matthew, lived at Barrington and Wayne, where he died; Catharine, married Henry Cronkright. of Tyrone; Elizabeth, married Jonathan Taylor, of Barrington; Nancy, married Caleb I-ledges, of Bradford: Elsie, married Selah Crosby.

Biographical Sketch of John McDowell

John (2), son of William McDowell, was born June, 1825, died April, 190g. He married Emilia, daughter of Peter H. Crosby. Her father was one of the leading citizens of Barrington, prominent in the Baptist church, filling many offices of trust, and as commissioner or highways laid out many of the original streets of the town. “His life has been one of industry and good example.” Peter H. Crosby married Catherine, daughter of Joseph Finton, and they had Emilia, mentioned above, Alanson, Joseph F., Selah, Drusilla and Isaac Crosby. Nathan Crosby, father of Peter H. Crosby, came to Yates county … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles McDowell

Charles, son of John (2) McDowell, was born September 6, 1855, at Barrington, Yates county, New York. His father was a farmer in Barrington and he spent his youth on the farm and in the district schools. Afterward he rented the farm of his father and conducted it for a number of years. In 1892 he removed to the town of Chapin, Ontario county, and bought his present farm, which is known as “Pleasant View.” It is conveniently located near Chapin depot and the house and other buildings are on a slight elevation, commanding an excellent view of the beautiful … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Samuel Cammett

Samuel, son of Johnson Cammett, was born in Canandaigua about the year 1826. When he was three years old his parents moved to Hopewell, and he grew to manhood in that town, taking kindly to the independent though strenuous life of a farmer, and deriving a comfortable living. He succeeded to the ownership of the homestead farm. and at the time of his death, which occurred September 6, 1906, he had resided there for a period of seventy-seven years. In politics he was a Democrat and served upon the board of supervisors for two terms. He married, July 2, 1867, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Frank Cammett

Frank, third son of Samuel and Frances (Barhite) Cammett, was born in Hopewell, September 3, 1875. Having pursued the elementary branches of study in the district school he entered the Canandaigua Union School and was graduated from that well-known institution. His agricultural training began at an early age, and he began the activities of life fully able to weather its vicissitudes and obtain the rewards of honest and determined effort. April 1, 1910, he purchased a desirable farm of one hundred acres in Geneva, and is now (1910) engaged in its cultivation, looking forward with courage and optimism to a … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Lewis Marsh

The Marsh family probably came from the early settlers of this name in Massachusetts. Lieutenant Alexander Marsh came from England and settled in Braintree, Massachusetts, before May 3, 1654, when he was admitted a freeman of the colony. He owned a house and land in Boston. He died March 7, 1698, aged seventy. George Marsh was a proprietor of Hingham as early as 1635 and was admitted a freeman, March 3, X635-36, and was later a town officer. He died July 2, 1647. John Marsh, a shoemaker by trade, came from England to Salem, Massachusetts, in the ship “Mary and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Frederick Marsh

Frederick, son of Lewis Marsh, settled in the town of Hopewell, Ontario county. New York. He married Frances, daughter of John and Maria Wilson. Her parents also had Adelaide, Julia, Elizabeth, Helen, John and Robert Wilson. Children of Frederick and Frances Marsh : Lewis. born March 8, 1878; John N., mentioned elsewhere; Robert, January 26. 1882; Herbert, July 1S, 1891.

Biographical Sketch of John N. Marsh

John N., son of Frederick Marsh, was born in Hopewell, New York, February 28, 1880. He received his early education in the common schools. For several years he leased farms and in 1909 he bought “Spring Brook Farm” which he has since conducted. It is pleasantly located in the town of Hopewell, a mile east of Chapin village and two miles north of the Rochester & Eastern electric railway station known as “Freshhour.” Mr. Marsh is a progressive, up-to-date farmer, making a specialty of his dairy and owning a fine herd of graded Durham cows and using the most advanced … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Freshour

John Freshour, son of the pioneer, settled in Frederick county, Maryland, in 1789. He married, in I810, Mary Angleberger, of Frederick county, Maryland, and settled in Hopewell, New York, where he purchased one hundred and fifty acres of the Phelps and Gorham Purchase and added to it until he owned about six hundred acres. He died in 1859 and his wife in 1869. He was a Whig in politics and served as commissioner of highways. They had four sons and two daughters. Among the sons were: 1. George W., born at Hopewell, New York, June 6, 1823, married Leonora, daughter … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles D. Freshour

Charles D., son of George D. Freshour, was born at Hopewell, New York, March 18, 1877. He was educated at home by a private tutor. After he completed his education he assisted his father in the management of the farm. In the spring of 190i he bought of his father what was known as the Hillman Mill property, consisting of a saw mill, cider mill, grist mill and a dry house for evaporating apples. The property is located near the Rochester & Eastern trolley railroad station in the town of Hopewell, and the station has been named for Mr. Freshour. … Read more

Biography of David H. Henry

David H. Henry, president of the Geneva Cutlery Company, and a member of the firm of Sears, Henry & Company, nurserymen, is the first member of his family to have settled in New York state. His father, Paul M. Henry, was a native of Bennington, Vermont, came to Geneva late in life, and died in 1887. David H. Henry was born in Bennington, Vermont, 1848. He came to Geneva, Ontario county, New York, in 1865, and soon became interested in the nursery business, with which he is connected at the present time. The firm of Sears, Henry & Company consists … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John D. Gillis

John D., son of Robert Gillis, was born in Hebron, Washington county, New York, in 1776. He settled in Victor where he owned a farm of one hundred and twenty-five acres. He was a blacksmith by trade, and had a shop in which he followed this business until 180. In politics he was a Democrat, in religion a Methodist. He died in May, 1873. nearly a hundred years old. His brother, James Gillis, was a member of congress, and father of James Gillis, of the United States navy. He married Mary Smith, who died in 1864. Children : Margaret; Robert … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Smith Gillis

John Smith, son of John D. Gillis, was born in Argyle, Washington county, New York, July 17, 1823, died October 10, 1896. He came with his parents to Victor, New York, in 1826. He was educated in the public schools, and always followed farming. He married, December 30, 1847, Sarah, daughter of William and Catherine (McKinley) Wells. Children: 1. William W., born November 20, 1848, graduated from Cornell College in 1874, became editor and proprietor of the Victor Herald, a weekly newspaper; he died April 10, 1898; married Harriet S. Bundy, of Rochester, and had one child, who died young. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John D. Gillis

John D. (2), son of John Smith Gillis, was born in Victor, October 12, 1859. He attended the district schools of Victor village, and the Canandaigua Academy. During his boyhood and afterward until the year 1889 he worked with his father on the homestead. He and his brother, Alexander P., then took charge of the homestead and continued until 1902 when the farm was divided. His brother had the house and the north part and he had the south part of the homestead. In the spring of 1910 he sold the farm to John H. Croft, and he now (1910) … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Spengler

The late John Spengler, of Geneva, New York, came from Switzerland, but the name is indicative of a German origin. In the battle for education and professional supremacy his son Dr. John Arthur Spengler has won a decided victory. and he is recognized as one of the leading exponents of the science of optics. John Spengler, born in Switzerland, 1832, emigrated to the United States when a young man and subsequently became a shoe merchant in Geneva, New York. He died at Reading, Pennsylvania, December 20, 1907. He married in Rochester, New York, December 3, 1866, Elizabeth Von Huben, also … Read more

Biography of John Arthur Spengler, M.D.

John Arthur Spengler, M. D., son of John and Elizabeth (Von Huben) Spengler, was born in Geneva, March 10, 1868. His preparatory studies were pursued at the Geneva high school, from which he entered Hobart College and was graduated in 1893. He subsequently studied at Cornell University, taking the degree of Bachelor of Science in 1895; he attended medical lectures at the University of Buffalo, graduating a Doctor of Medicine in 1899. He also received from Hobart College the degree of M. L. in 1897, and that of D. C. L. was conferred upon him by the University of Nashville … Read more