Biographical Sketch of Charles McDowell

Charles, son of John (2) McDowell, was born September 6, 1855, at Barrington, Yates county, New York. His father was a farmer in Barrington and he spent his youth on the farm and in the district schools. Afterward he rented the farm of his father and conducted it for a number of years. In 1892 he removed to the town of Chapin, Ontario county, and bought his present farm, which is known as “Pleasant View.” It is conveniently located near Chapin depot and the house and other buildings are on a slight elevation, commanding an excellent view of the beautiful country thereabouts. Mr. McDowell is an enterprising and progressive farmer, making a specialty of his dairy and owning a fine herd of cattle. His personal attention is given to every detail of the work of his farm and he has fairly earned the success that has attended him. His genial, kindly ways have won for him the esteem and friendship of all who know (1910) him. In politics he is a Republican. He is a member of Canandaigua Grange, No. 1062, Patrons of Husbandry.

He married, December 13, 1897, Fanny Stoutenberg, of Penn Yan, born at Cortwright, Delaware county, New York, January 16, 1860. daughter of Alfred B. and Marjorie (McLaury) Stoutenberg. She had a brother Julius and sisters Lillian and Marjorie Stoutenberg. Charles and Fanny McDowell had one child, John Alfred. born December 20, 1878, married Frances G. Bates, September 4, 1900, and they have one child, Jean Frances, born April 22, 1909.



Milliken, Charles F. The History of Ontario County, New York, and Its People Lewis Historical Publishing Co., New York. 1911.

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