Biographical Sketch of Jacob Janse Gardiner

Jacob Janse Gardinier, also Flooder, was the progenitor of Gardiner and Gardner families, or the greater part of them, in 1790. In 1790 the heads of families of these surnames, included in Columbia county, Dirck. Peter A., Peter H., Peter J., Samuel H.. Andrew, Gideon, Godrey, James, Labon and John. Jacob J. was at Beverwyck as early as 1638 and came from Holland. In 1656 he owned land on the north side of Wall street from William to Pearl street, New Amsterdam, and he divided this tract into house lots and sold them through his agent, Sander Leendertse Glen. He … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Hanson A. Gardner

Hanson A. son of Benjamin Gardner, was born in Columbia county, New York. He came to the town of Phelps, Ontario county, in 1864, and bought a farm, which he conducted until 1875, when he removed to Newark, New York. Earlier in life he resided at Nassau, Rensselaer county, New York. At Newark he was a prominent and influential citizen. For a number of years he was president of the incorporated village and he held other offices of trust and responsibility. He married, August 22, 1861, Mary Ferguson, who died March 23, 1898, daughter of Palmer Ferguson. Children: Charles FL, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles H. Gardner

Charles H., son of Hanson A. Gardner, was born in the town of Nassau, Rensselaer county, New York, July 12, 1863, and was educated in the public schools of Phelps and Newark, graduating from the Newark high school. Since leaving school he has been engaged in farming in Phelps and he is among the most representative and progressive citizens of that town. He is a member of Newark Grange. Patrons of Husbandry. In politics he is Republican. His family attend the Universalist church. Mr. Gardner married, December 23, 1885, Nettie E. Percey, born June 2, 1865, in Arcadia, Wayne county, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Hiram Burnette

Hiram, son of Thomas and Mary (Woodin) Burnette, was born in the town of Phelps, Ontario county, New York, died March 29. T893. He was a farmer and a member of the local Masonic lodge. He was also a member of the Universalist church and took a great interest in its affairs, being instrumental in building their new church at Newark, New York, of which he was a trustee. He married (first) Mary Ruperts and (second) Eliza Ann, daughter of Milton Parsons, of Columbia county, New York, who died January 13, 1910. Children by first marriage: Andrew J. and Mary … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Ulysses Grant Burnette

Ulysses Grant, son of Hiram and Eliza Ann (Parsons) Burnette, was born in the town of Phelps, Ontario county, New York. October 1, 1865, and is now (1910) living there. He received his education in the Union school of Phelps, and then worked a farm for twenty years. In 1907 the came to the village of Phelps, where he engaged in the coal and produce business with Charles D. White, under the firm name of White & Burnette. He was road commissioner for three years. He is a member of Sincerity Lodge, No. 200, Free and Accepted Masons, and at … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Frank H. Burnette

Frank H., son of Hiram and Eliza Ann (Parsons) Burnette, was born in the town of Phelps, Ontario county, New York, March 21. 1867, and is now (1910) living there. He was educated in the district school and in Cornell University. For eighteen years he was engaged in the state experimental work, having charge of the horticultural work in Louisiana until 1907. In that year he returned to the town of Phelps, where he is engaged in farming. He is a member of the American Pomological Society; a fellow in the American Association for the Advancement of Science: a member … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Jesse Warner

Jesse, son of Samuel and Hannah (Sackett) Warner. was born May 6, 1718. He resided in Belchertown and Conway, Massachusetts. He married Miriam Smith, born October 30, 1718. Children: 1. Elisha. born April 1, 1740. 2. Hannah, August 28, 1741 3. Miriam, July 21. 1743. 4. Rebecca, September 16, 1745. 5. Jesse (2), of further mention. 6. Philotheta, born February 21, 1749.

Biographical Sketch of Frank R. Beecher

Frank R., son of Rollin L. and Mary F. (Brink) Beecher. was born in Canandaigua. New York, June 18, 1866. He obtained a practical education in the schools of the neighborhood, after which he entered upon his active career, and for about fifteen years conducted successfully an extensive lumber business in Canandaigua. In 1894 he was appointed to the position of postmaster of Canandaigua by the late President Grover Cleveland, the duties of which he performed in a manner that was satisfactory to all concerned. His life is an active and useful one, and he enjoys the respect of all … Read more

Biography of Jesse Warner

Jesse (2), son of Jesse (1) and Miriam (Smith) Warner, was born in Conway, Massachusetts, February 1, 1747, died August 14, 1834, and was buried at Orleans. He was father of Jesse Warner (see p. 439) who was a soldier in the War of 1812, was captured by the Indians, taken to Canada, made his escape and returned home, migrated to Michigan at an early date, and died there at an advanced age. He, no doubt, served in the war of the revolution, but Massachusetts records give four of the name Jesse Warner who served, and he cannot be positively … Read more

Biography of Dwight R. Burrell, Dr.

The late Dr. Dwight R. Burrell, for nearly thirty-five years a prominent and honored citizen of Canandaigua, New York, actively identified with its social and business life, enlisting in every movement that was made for the progress and prosperity of the community, was born at Sheffield, Loraine county, Ohio, March 1, 1843, at the homestead which his grandfather had built nearly a quarter of a century before and which today remains in possession of the fifth generation of the Burrell family. After spending his boyhood on the farm and gaining his preparatory education in the common schools of the neighborhood, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Griffith

John Griffith, a native of Ireland and probably of the ancient Welsh family of this name, came to this country when a young man and settled in the town of Phelps, Ontario county, New York, where he followed farming. He became a representative and successful citizen. He married Polly Hobbs. In religion he was a Methodist, in politics a Republican. Children: Eveline, Lizzie Ann, Jane, Eliza. Joseph, John Watson, Jane, Louise.

Biographical Sketch of Jonas Whitney

Jonas Whitney, son of Captain Jonathan Whitney, (q. v.), was born May 12, 1775. died September 27, 1823. He married, November 29, 1795, Catherine Parker. Children : Walter, born January 21, 1797 Wealthy, March 12, 1799; William Morris, January 5, 1802; Minerva, January 27, 1804; Harriett, March 16, 1806; Henry Harrison, May 9, 1814, mentioned elsewhere; Jefferson; George.

Biographical Sketch of Henry B. Whitney

Henry B., son of Oscar J. Whitney, was born in Phelps, New York, June it, 1868. He was educated in the public schools of his native town, at the Geneva high school and at Cornell University. In 1900 he engaged in the manufacture of baskets at Phelps and continued for eight years. In partnership with A. S. Vincent in 1904 he built the pickle and sour-kraut factory at Phelps. The firm was dissolved and the business sold in 1907. He was appointed postmaster of Phelps, January 10, 1898, and reappointed at the end of his term, serving in this office … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Andrew Warner

Andrew, son of John Warner, of Hatfield, England, was born there in 1595. e came to America in 1630 and in 1632 was a resident of Cambridge, Massachusetts. He removed to Hartford, Connecticut, with the party of original proprietors, and was chosen deacon of the First church there, October, 1633. He held this office continuously until 1660, when, owing to an unhappy and protracted quarrel in the church, he removed with others of the church to Hadley, Massachusetts. An agreement to go was signed “at Goodman Ward’s House in Hartford, April 18, 1659,” among them being Andrew Warner. He was … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Daniel Warner

Daniel, son of Andrew Warner. “the Emigrant,” died April 30, 1692. He may have lived for a time at Milford, but later was a resident of Middletown, Connecticut. He married (first) Mary , mho died September 19, 1672; married (second) April 1, 1694, Martha, daughter of Robert Boltwood, sister of Sarah Boltwood, wife of his brother Isaac. She died September 22. 1710. Children: 1. Mary, died young. 2. Daniel, married Mary Hubbard. 3. Sarah. born November 25, 1665, married Isaac Sheldon. 4. Andrew, born June 24, 1667. 5. Anna, November 17, 1669, married Isaac Hubbard. 6. Mary, born September 19, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Samuel Warner

Samuel, tenth child of Daniel and Martha (Boltwood) Warner, was born April 13, 1680. He married (first) May 1, 1715, Hannah Sackett; married (second) Elizabeth, daughter of Joseph Morton. Children : 1. Rebecca. born May 6, 1716. 2. Jesse, May 6, 1718. 3. Samuel, October 27, 1722. 4. Nathan, no further record. 5. David. born February 15, 1732. 6. Joshua, December 12, 1733. 7. Hannah, died in infancy. 8. Elizabeth, married Israel Chapin. 9. Abraham, lost at sea. 10. Sarah, married Elijah Waite.

Biographical Sketch of Rufus Warner

Rufus, son of Jesse (2) and Sarah (Warrener) Warner, was born in Conway, Massachusetts, in 1775, died in Ontario county, New York He came to the town of Phelps, Ontario county. with his father in 1796, and later settled in the town of Hopewell, same county, where he engaged in farming. He married Rice, a sister of “Elder Caleb Rice,” whose mother was a sister of Rev. John Leland, of New England fame. Children: Two sons and two daughters.

Biographical Sketch of Hiram Warner

Hiram, son of Rufus and (Rice) Warner, was born in the town of Hopewell, Ontario county, New York, May, 1808, died October, 1884. He settled in the town of Phelps, same county, in 1836, purchased a farm and built the residence which is yet occupied by the family. He was a Republican and held several of the town offices. While many of the descendants of Jesse Warner have been Baptists, this branch belongs to the Methodist Episcopal church. He married Mary Jane Knapp, born 1809, died April, 1889. Children 1. Maria, married Robert B. Ferguson. 2. Mary Jane, married Edward … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Henry D. Warner

Henry D., youngest child of Hiram and Mary Jane (Knapp) Warner, was born in the town of Phelps. Ontario county, New York, June 17, 1844, died June 4, 1908. He was a prosperous farmer, owning two hundred and five acres and an orchard of fifteen acres. He was a Republican in politics, and a member of the Universalist faith. He married, January, 1875, Frances Belle Spear, of Maryland ancestry, daughter of James Allen and Mary (Baggerly) Spear. of Clifton Springs, in the town of Manchester, Ontario county, New York. Children: 1. Belle W., married Charles J. Carr, of Dayton, Ohio. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Earle Spear Warner

Earle Spear, eldest son and second child of Henry D. and Frances Belle (Spear) Warner, was born in Phelps, Ontario county, New York, August 12, 1880. His early and preparatory education was obtained in the public schools. He then entered Hobart College, whence he was graduated, class of 1902. with the degree of Bachelor of Letters. Choosing the profession of law he entered the law department of Cornell University, whence he was graduated, Bachelor of Laws, class of 1905. He was admitted to the bar of New York state the same year, and in January, 1906. opened an office in … Read more