Oneida Vocabulary

Last Updated on July 13, 2013 by Dennis

224 Alive Loon ha.
225 Dead La wan ha yun.
226 Life Yun ha.
227 Death Ya wu ha yah.
228 Cold Yutholah.
229 Hot Yu ta le han.
230 Sour Ta yo yo gis.
231 Sweet Ya wa gon.
232 Bitter Yutskalot.
233 I Ee.
234 Thou Eesa.
He she.
235 He or she La oon ha a oon ha.
236 We Tat ne jah loo
237 You Eesa.
238 They Lo no hah.
239 This Kah e kah.
240 That To e kuh.
241 All A quR kon.
242 Part Ta kah ha sioun.
243 Many A so.
244 Who Hon ka.
245 Near Ac tah.
246 Far-off E non.
247 To-day Ka wan da.
248 Yesterday Ta tan.
249 To-morrow A yul ha na.
250 Yes Ha.
251 No Yah ten.
252 Perhaps To ga no nah.
253 Above A nah kan.
254 Wonder An ta ka.
255 Within Na gon.
256 Without Ats ta.
257 On Ka ha le.
258 Something Ot hok no ho ta.
259 Nothing Ya ha ta non.
260 One Ans cot.
261 Two, Da ga nee.
262 Three Ha son.
263 Four Ki ya lee.
264 Five Wisk.
265 Six Yah yak.
266 Seven Ja dak.
267 Eight Ta ka Ion.
268 Nine Wa tlon.
269 Ten O ya lee.
270 Eleven Ans cot ya wa la.
271 Twelve Da ga na ya wa la.
272 Thirteen Ha son ya wa la.
273 Fourteen Ki ya lu ya wa la.
274 Fifteen Wisk ya wa la.
275 Sixteen Ya yah ya wa la.
276 Seventeen Ja dak ya wa la.
277 Eighteen Ta ka Ion ya wa la.
278 Nineteen Wa tlon ya wa la.
279 Twenty Ta was hon.
280 Thirty Ha son ne was hon.
281 Forty Ki ya lu ne was.
282 Fifty Wisk ne was.
283 Sixty Yah yak ne was.
283 Seventy Ja dak ne was.
284 Eighty Ta ka Ion ne was.
285 Ninety , Wa tlon ne was
286 One hundred Ans cot ta wa ne a wa.
287 Two hundred Da ga na ta wa ne a wa.
288 One thousand O ya lee ta wa ne a wa.
289 Two thousand Ta was ha ta wa ne a wa.
290 Million O ya lu ta vvu ne a wa-o ya lee ta wa ne a wa.
291 To eat < Yon take hon ne.
292 To drink Yah na kee lah.
293 To run Yah dak ha.
295 To walk Ee yun.
297 To dance Ta yunt qua.
298 To laugh Yah go yas hon.
299 To cry * Da yon unt os.
300 To burn, U dek ha.
301 To love Ee no Ion qua.
302 To go Wa hon ta de.
303 To strike Wa a gon lek.
304 To kill Wa gon wa lew.
305 To sing Ka Ion no ta.
306 To sleep Ya go tas.
307 To die Wa a ee ha ya.
308 To sit Ya day Ion.
309 To speak Ya god ha la.
310 To see Wa ont kot.
311 To hear Yah got hon day.
312 To think Yonnon ton nion ha.
313 To shout Tay ya go hon let.
314 The war cry, At lee yos la tay ya go hon let.
315 To shout Ta ya go hon let.
316 The retreat Wa ha day go.
317 To give Wa han da don.
318 To carry Yay ha we.
319 To tie Ka warn.
320 Walking Ee yen.
321 Singing Ka Ion no ta.
322 Dancing Ta hat qua.
323 Crying “Das yon unt os.
324 To exist Ya gon ha.
325 I am E gon ha.

The preceding part of this vocabulary, taken by myself, together with the entire vocabularies of the Onondaga and the Seneca, which are necessary to render the comparison complete, are omitted.

Schoolcraft, Henry Rowe. Notes on the Iroquois: Or, Contributions to American History, Antiquities, and General Ethnology. E. H. Pease & Company. 1847.

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