Marriages from Mrs. Ulessus Kennedy’s Ledger

Marriages that occurred within or around the Allegany Reservation in New York, and were recorded in in an old ledger owned by Mrs. Ulessus Kennedy.


George, Wallace, mar. to Julie (looks life Lee), Jan. 1, 1903.
Lay, Blanch and Sherman Seneca, Jan. 1, 1907.
George, Hellen to Frank Williams, July 9, 1899, at Silver Creek.
Jimerson, Willet & Phina, mar. May 2, 1910.
Hare, Hiram & Mary Kennedy, mar. in church, Feb. 1, 1903.
Hare, Fred & Louisa Patterson, Mar. June 28, 1903.
Miller, Edith mar. to a white boy whose name is Lewis. Jan. 1, 1907.
Poodry, Rose, mar. this morning to a western boy, Sept. 25, 1902.
Seneca, Nora, mar. to a Cherokee Indian, Alonzo Lee, June 28, 1900.
Snyder, Cora & Willie Jones, mar. at Rev. Lawrence’s home, June 10, 1900.

Marriage Records,

Allegany Reservation,

Kennedy, Mrs. Ulessus. Ledger of Mrs Ulessus Kennedy.

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