Biography of Philander A. Mott

Philander Mott, the first member of this family of whom we have definite information, lived in Chatham, Columbia county, New York. The family is believed to have been of French refugee origin, and the name has been common from early times in county Essex, England, on Long Island and in Westchester and other counties of New York. In 1851 Philander Mott, with his wife and children, moved from Chatham to Phelps, Ontario county, New York. He married Mary Ann Baker. Children: Antoinette L., married Orren Gifford; children: Mary, George Mott and Helen; Mrs. Gifford died at the early age of thirty. Philander A., referred to elsewhere.

Philander A., son of Philander and Mary Ann (Baker) Mott, was born in Chatham, Columbia county, New York, March 14, 1829, and died in Phelps, Ontario county, New York, March 6, 190g. His early life was spent at the home of his ancestors on the banks of the Hudson, and as a young man he accompanied his father to Ontario county and settled in the town of Phelps. By his keen insight and remarkable business ability, coupled as it was with an ever broadening knowledge of affairs and a judgment that seldom erred. Mr. Mott added steadily to his estate and amassed a large and varied property, which with the large business connections he formed in the course of his career made him a well-known man, not only in neighboring cities but also throughout the state. He was noted and pointed out for his habit of looking out personally after all the smallest details of his business, and as an example of one whose wealth had been created by old-fashioned, rugged business principles and conserved by his simple life, good health and temperate frugal habits. His success was all the greater because it was achieved in a small community where business opportunities were not plentiful and, had his opportunities been greater, those who knew him say that he would have more than held his own with the ablest American financiers. Mr. Mott was a Republican in politics.

He married, in 1856, Mary J. Brush, who died May 5. 1904. Children: 1. George P., married Carrie Vosburgh and has three children: George Everett, Hazel, Ethel. 2. Alice L. 3. Mary G. 4. Emma, married Abraham Garlock, of Newark, N. Y.; two children : Alice M. and Mott A. 5. Antoinette, married Lyndon E. Adams, of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and she has one son, George M.



Ontario County NY,

Milliken, Charles F. The History of Ontario County, New York, and Its People Lewis Historical Publishing Co., New York. 1911.

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