Biographical Sketch of Alexander Warfield

Alexander, son of John Warfield, was granted about 1725 with brothers John and Benjamin adjoining tracts on “Warfield’s Range,” five miles north of Laurel, extending from Savage Factory two miles west. John settled on what is known as the Marriott Place on which is the old Warfield burial ground; Benjamin on an adjoining tract on the north and west: Alexander on the north and east on what was afterward the Jerome Berry place, later owned by United States Senator Gorman. Senator Gorman’s “Fairview” is part of the original grant to Benjamin, the youngest son of Richard (1). He married Thompsy Worthington. In 1750 he bought land in “Venison Park” on “Warfield’s Range” of his cousin, Alexander Warfield. His widow married (second) Francis Simpson, of Frederick county, Maryland. Her son, John Worthington Warfield, bought of Edward Dorsey’s heirs the Thomas lot near Dayton. Children of Alexander Warfield : 1. Thomas, a bachelor, of “Warfield’s Range.” 2. John Worthington, twin of Brice. 3. Brice, mentioned elsewhere. 4. Alexander Jr., bequeathed a farm to Brice, his brother, to Rachel Burgess. Matilda Simpson, wife of Joshua; Matilda Spurrier and the daughters of his brother John Worthington. viz: Araminta, Anna and Sarah; also to Samuel Burgess, son of West Burgess, his interest in “Warfield’s Range,” to Zadock Warfield, son of Brice, and John Burgess, son of Caleb Burgess, lands in New York state with improvements lately made by Thomas Edmondston; to Arnold and Alexander Warfield, sons of his brother, John Worthington Warfield, lands in New York; to Caleb. son of Caleb Burgess; to Surrat D. Warfield, son of Brice, and Alexander Burgess, son of Caleb, residue of estate in Frederick county; Alexander, the testator, died in 1812, aged sixty-two; his property was valued at $100,000. 5. Rachel, wife of West Burgess. 6. Deborah, wife of Caleb Burgess, brother of West Burgess.



Ontario County NY,

Milliken, Charles F. The History of Ontario County, New York, and Its People Lewis Historical Publishing Co., New York. 1911.

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