New Brunswick, New Jersey, in the World War

The Exhaust
During the war the men at Camp Raritan published a Camp Weekly. This page is printed from the original heading, and with it a cartoon by Sergeant Paulin. The exhaust was a real live publication, and was printed by S. M. Christie, 11-15 Peace Street, New Brunswick.

The book New Brunswick, New Jersey, in the World War, 1917-1918, published in 1921, is a commemoration of the contributions made by the residents of New Brunswick during World War I. The work was compiled as a permanent record to the courage, dedication, and sacrifices of the nearly eighteen hundred men and women from New Brunswick who donned the uniform and answered the nation’s call to service. It highlights not only the military efforts but also the vital home front support that helped sustain the war effort.

This historical account details New Brunswick’s response from the moment the war was declared, through the local organization of resources, the departure of troops, and the community’s patriotic endeavors. Included within its pages are summaries of key events, such as the formation of local National Guard units, the city’s participation in Liberty Loans, and the work of the Red Cross. The book also chronicles the homecoming celebrations, the role of Rutgers College, and the participation of local schools and civic organizations.

In addition to recounting events, the book offers an extensive list of New Brunswick’s honor roll, capturing the names and ranks of those who died, and the names of all who served. It also provides narratives from local soldiers who fought overseas, including letters from the trenches. The inclusion of detailed rosters, reports from military units, and the community’s war efforts makes this volume a valuable historical resource, preserving the memory of how one New Brunswick, New Jersey mobilized and contributed during one of the world’s most defining conflicts.


How the Great War Opened, p. 33
War Declared; New Brunswick’s Answer to the Call, p. 36
National Guard Called into Service; The War Brought Home as Co. H Departs, p. 39
Farewell Reception to Co. H and the Boys of the New National Army, p. 41
Registration Days: The Manpower of the Nation Signs Up to Finish the War, p. 48
Registration of all Inhabitants, p. 51
Men for the New National Army Leave for Training Camp, p. 52
The Signing of the Armistice – New Brunswick Goes Wild, p. 60
The Homecoming of Co. H; Cheers and Tears Greet the Boys, p. 64
The Boys Are Home Again; Great Welcome Tendered the Returned Soldiers, p. 66
The Organization of the Patriotic Forces for the War Work, p. 70
The Soldiers’ Welfare and Farewell Committee, p. 74
Liberty Loans, p. 76
Knights of Columbus Campaign, p. 91
The United War Drive Tag Day, p. 93
War Savings Stamp Drive, p. 94
List of Men Who Helped Put New Brunswick “Over the Top” In the Various Drives, p. 97
History of the New Brunswick Chapter American Red Cross, p. 99
New Brunswick Women in the War, p. 105
The Exemption Board, p. 108
The Home Defense League, p. 110
War Camp Community Service, p. 111
New Brunswick, N. J. unit, New Jersey State Militia Reserve Roster, p. 112
Food Administration, p. 114
Fuel Administration, p. 115
Service Club, p. 116
Resolution to Ban the German Press, p. 116
Samuel Chovenson Given Ride on Plank and Warned to Leave Town, p. 117
With the 78th Division, p. 119
Capt. Reed Writes About the 311th Infantry, p. 123
History of Company H, 113th Infantry, A. E. F., p. 125
On the Firing Line, Life in and Out of the Trenches, As Told by a Local Soldier in a Letter, p. 144
Milltown Frenchmen Answer Call of Motherland for Assistance, p. 147
America’s Total War Casualties, p. 149
Rutgers College; Its Part in the War, p. 151
New Brunswick High School’s Part in the Great World War, p. 153
The Parochial Schools’ Part in the Conflict, p. 153
Raritan Arsenal, p. 155
The Four-Minutemen, p. 156
Summary of Local Daily Events in New Brunswick, p. 157
Businessmen Who Financed the Big Advertising Campaigns, p. 161
New Brunswick Honor Roll, p. 163
Commission Officers and Service Men from New Brunswick, p. 164


Wall, John P., New Brunswick, New Jersey, in the World War, 1917-1918, New Brunswick, N.J. : S. M. Christie Press, 1921.

World War 1,


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