Biography of Sergeant Thomas Pierce

Last Updated on August 22, 2012 by

Sergeant Thomas Pierce, the emigrant ancestor of the Pierce family, came to this country, from England, with his wife, Elizabeth Pierce, and settled in Charlestown, Mass., in 1634-35. From him was descended, in the sixth generation, Captain John Pierce, born in Groton, Mass., January 26, 1743. . He married Tabitha Porter, of Groton, and came to Chesterfield about 1770, and located at the Center Village, where he kept a store near where the stone store now stands. He served under General Ruggles, in the French and Indian war. When the Revolutionary war broke out, be owned a large quantity of land, including five nice farms, much of which, it is said, he sacrificed to the cause of liberty. Under the order from General Stark, he promptly volunteered and went to Bennington, taking part in the battle. Tradition states that he and his two lieutenants started ahead of the company, and as they neared the British forces at Bennington, they found themselves between a company of Hessians, who were bathing in a stream, and the main body of the British. Carefully crawling upon the bathers, who had their arms stacked, they separated, and representing themselves as three companies, called upon them to surrender, which they did, and they marched them as prisoners into the American lines. In 1782 he purchased the western half of lot twelve, in range ten, of Samuel Davis Converse, on which he built a house where he spent the remaining part of his life. He died July 7, 1812, aged sixty-nine years. His widow died April 23, 1831, aged seventy-four years. He had nine children, as follows: William, born 1776; twins, born 1779; John, born 1730; Silas, born 1781; Ezekiel P., born 1785; Ebenezer, born 1788; Esther, born 1791; and Lucy, born 1799. All were born in this town. and none are now living.



Hurd, Duane Hamilton. History of Cheshire and Sullivan counties, New Hampshire. Philadelphia: J. W. Lewis. 1886.

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