Biography of Rev. Isaac G. Hubbard

Last Updated on May 19, 2013 by

Rev. Isaac G. Hubbard, at one time the rector of Trinity Church, Claremont, was born here, April 13, 1818, son of Isaac and Ruth (Cobb) Hubbard. His grandfather, George Hubbard, who was a Lieutenant in the Revolutionary War, came to Claremont in 1778 from Tolland, Conn. Judge J. H. Hubbard, of Windsor, a son of George, was one of the ablest lawyers in New England. He was a powerful man, and as a pleader at the bar he had few equals. Isaac Hubbard, another son, who settled in Claremont, became a successful farmer and stock-raiser. He was an influential man, served in different town offices, did much legal work, was Justice of the Peace, was considered a practical lawyer, and was prominent in the Episcopal church. He died in January, 1861, leaving a fine estate of some four hundred acres. By his first wife, a daughter of Ezra Jones, there was one child, a daughter, who married Charles F. Long, and had four children: Caroline, who died young; Charles H.; Isaac G.; and Charlotte B. The three last named are still living. His second wife, in maidenhood Ruth Cobb, daughter of Samuel Cobb, of Springfield, Vt., had four children. Amos, the eldest, now deceased, who was in the nursery business in Detroit, Mich., married Catharine, daughter of Samuel Fiske. She was half-sister of Philip Fiske, the donor of the Fiske Library in Claremont; and her mother was a sister of Paran Stevens, the famous hotel man of that place. The second child of Isaac Hubbard was Sarah M., who married the Rev. Joel Clapp, an Episcopal minister. Charles H. died at the age of twelve.

Isaac G. Hubbard graduated from Trinity College in 1839. He then entered the General Theological Seminary in New York, where he spent two years, and finished the prescribed course with Bishop Carlton Chase. He was ordained Deacon in Trinity Church, Claremont, June 25, 1845, and in 1847 received priest’s orders from Bishop Chase. He began preaching in Potsdam, N.Y., and subsequently officiated as assistant to Dr. Muhlenberg for several months at the Church of the Holy Communion, New York City. In March of the year 1852 he accepted charge of St. Michael’s at Manchester, where he remained until 1866. This was a missionary field demanding the utmost patience; but it proved work to which Mr. Hubbard was admirably adapted, and under him the parish was enlarged and the membership much increased. He was partly instrumental in the erection of a beautiful stone church and rectory, and other tangible results followed from his efforts. Mr. Hubbard’s health was delicate, however, and compelled his early resignation. He returned to his father’s farm for a period of much needed rest. In 1867, his health having improved, he accepted the rectorship of Trinity Church at Claremont. He remained here until Easter of the year 1875, when, upon a return of his former malady, he was again obliged to rest from his labors and 1876, he temporarily took up work at the Union Church. On Passion Sunday, March 30, 1879, he started as usual for church; but, feeling indisposed, turned homeward, and expired on the way.

Mr. Hubbard was a scholar of pronounced ability, and he accomplished a noble work in the cause of good. For twenty years he was a Trustee of St. Paul’s School at Concord, N.H. He married Elizabeth Stimpson, daughter of William Stimpson, and had four children. These were: George Isaac, who died while a student of St. Paul’s School; Charlotte Louise, William, and Ruth Elizabeth, who are living.



Biographical Review Publishing Company. Biographical Review; containing life sketches of leading citizens of Merrimack and Sullivan counties, N. H. Boston. Biographical Review Publishing Company. 1897.

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