Biography of Isaac H. Long

Last Updated on August 15, 2012 by

Isaac H. Long, a popular and prosperous farmer of Claremont, was born here, March 27, 1841, son of Charles F. and Caroline J. (Hubbard) Long. The grandfather, Simeon Long, the captain of a whalingvessel, came to Claremont from New Bedford about the year 1810. His son, Charles F., born in Nantucket in 1801, learned the printer’s trade in New Bedford, but afterward on account of failing health went to sea. For twenty-three years thereafter he served on a merchant vessel, rising in time to the rank of captain. In 1843 he returned to Claremont and took up farming. He was a Republican in politics, and he represented his town in the legislature for one year. He married Miss Caroline Jones Hubbard, who was born in 1803, daughter of Isaac Hubbard, a leading man of the town. George Hubbard, the maternal great-grandfather of Isaac H. Long, was a Lieutenant in the Revolution, and came to Claremont among the early settlers when his son Isaac was eight years old. Isaac, the grandfather, died in Claremont in 1861, leaving four children; namely, Amos C., the Rev. Isaac G. Hubbard, Caroline, and Sarah He was a prominent citizen, and held various public offices. Charles F. Long died in 1869 at the age of sixty-eight. His wife survived him until the year 1880. Their three children are: Charles H., Charlotte, and Isaac H. Charlotte lives with Isaac on the old Hubbard estate settled by their great-grandfather in 1778.

Isaac H. Long attended the public schools and Kimball Union Academy at Meriden, N.H. When his school-days were over, he spent two years in the employ of the Old Colony Railroad Company. Upon his return to Claremont he took up his residence on the old homestead, where he still lives, cultivating a part of the original farm of four hundred acres, and generally improving the estate. Mr. Long has been much in public life. In 1878 he became Selectman, and held that office for twelve years successively, being Chairman of the Board for most of the time. He has been a Justice of the Peace for some time and County Commissioner since 1891. While he is a strong Republican, he is a favorite with both parties; and he is popular among the townspeople. He has acted as guardian, administrator, and executor in settling many estates. Courteous and kind to all, with always the same genial manners, he made a model Selectman. He is a straightforward and a wise counsellor and a man of Louisa M. Delano, daughter of Henry F. Delano, of Cambridge, Mass. She died April 1, 1895. Mr. Long is a member and a regular attendant of the Episcopal church.



Biographical Review Publishing Company. Biographical Review; containing life sketches of leading citizens of Merrimack and Sullivan counties, N. H. Boston. Biographical Review Publishing Company. 1897.

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