George W. Merrill, a well-known farmer of Loudon, N.H., is a native of this town, born March 31, 1855, a son of Bela C. and Sarah (Pickron) Merrill. His father was a native of Gilmanton, N.H., and his mother of Barnstead, N.H.
Paul Merrill, the paternal grandfather of George W., was a New Hampshire man, and settled on a farm in Gilmanton, where he lived the greater part of his life. Bela Merrill was a farmer in the same town, remaining there until about 1854, when he came to Loudon. Here he resided with his son, the subject of this sketch, till his death, which took place in November, 1880. His wife passed away many years before, about 1859. Their family number eight children, as follows: Arvilla, Alexander C., Eliza, Bela T., Maria, Lurana, Hollis R., and George W. The first of these, Arvilla, is the widow of Jonathan Brown, and resides with her brother, George W., as does also Alexander C. Bela T. married Eliza A. Young; and they live in Pittsfield, N.H. Maria became the wife of Eben Hayes, and they reside in Gilmanton. Lurana is the widow of Loren Coolidge; and her home is in Minneapolis, Minn. Hollis R. and Eliza are both deceased. The latter married Thomas Osborn, who now resides in Iowa. The members of this large family were all given the benefit of a common and high school education.
George W. Merrill, after the death of his mother, which occurred when he was about four years old, resided on his present farm with his father. After the latter’s death he took charge of the place. He carries on general farming, and also makes a specialty of fruit-raising. He now owns one hundred and twenty acres, and he has improved the property in a marked degree. Mr. Merrill was married February 25, 1880, to Aneda H. Smith, of Gilmanton. Mrs. Merrill is a daughter of Edwin and Jane (Evans) Smith, both natives of Topsfield, Mass., but who now reside in Gilmanton, where Mr. Smith is engaged in teaming and farming. His children were eleven in number, ten of whom are living. Their names are: Edward Everett (deceased), Aneda (Mrs. Merrill), Earlville L., William, Alice, Horace H., Ernest C., Lillian E., Berta M., Myrta B., and Daisy M. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill have five children-George E., Jennie I., Clarence C., Frank L., and Maud C. -all of whom still remain under the parental roof. Mr. Merrill is now on the Board of Selectmen, and holds other minor offices. In politics he is a Democrat, and has always voted the Democratic ticket.