Frank E. Randall, Postmaster of Pittsfield and an ex-member of the New Hampshire legislature, was born in this town, May 5, 1842, son of Thomas B. and Mary G. (Pickering) Randall. His grandfather, Robert Randall, a prosperous farmer of Lee, N.H., died in that town at a good old age. Robert’s wife, who reached the age of eighty years, was the mother of two sons, neither of whom is living.
Thomas B. Randall, the elder of Robert’s sons, was born in Lee. When a young man he learned the blacksmith’s trade, which he afterward followed in Pittsfield for some years. In 1845 he went to Manchester, N.H., and was employed in the Amoskeag factory until his death, which occurred in 1850, at the age of forty-two years. He was a rugged and ablebodied man, capable of much hard work, and had the esteem and good will of all who knew him. Although not an aspirant to public office, he took an earnest interest in political matters. He was a member of the Baptist church. His wife, Mary G., was a daughter of John Pickering, of Barnstead, N.H., and a descendant of John Pickering, an early resident of Portsmouth, N.H. She became the mother of seven children, of whom the survivors are: John N. Randall, M.D., Frank E., Evelyn, and Olive, all of whom were born in Pittsfield. Dr. Randall, a graduate of the Harvard University Medical School, was formerly Assistant Surgeon in the regular army, and is now practising his profession in Decatur, Ill. He wedded Mary Thatcher, a native of Pennsylvania, and has one daughter-Bertha T. Evelyn is the wife of Charles E. Cox, of Manchester, and has four children-Walter, Guy, Louis, and Channing. Olive married Robert I. Stern, of Manchester, and has no children. Mrs. Thomas B. Randall lived seventy-two years.
Frank E. Randall passed a portion of his boyhood in Manchester, but eventually returned to Pittsfield. He began his education in the common schools of his native town, and completed his studies at the Pittsfield Academy. Having prepared himself for educational work, he was engaged in the calling of teacher for twenty-five years, three in Farmington, N.H., and the rest in Pittsfield. In 1886 he was first appointed Postmaster, in which capacity he served four years. In 1894 President Cleveland appointed him to the same position, which he still holds. In this town he owns a small farm, the cultivation of which, together with his official duties, takes up his entire time and attention. In politics he is a Democrat, and he has long been a leading spirit in local public affairs. He was Superintendent of Schools for twenty years, and was Selectman and Town Clerk for one term each. In 1877 and 1878 he represented his district in the legislature, and he was County Auditor in 1879. He has also served upon the Board of Education; and, when the Police Court was located in Pittsfield, he was Special Police Justice for seven years.
On December 20, 1876, Mr. Randall was united in marriage with Mary Abbie Fife, daughter of John H. Fife, of Epsom, N.H. She is the mother of two children: Bertha M., born August 6, 1878; and Helen D., born June 25, 1884. Mr. Randall is connected with N. H. Woodbine Lodge, I. O. O. F., of Farmington, N.H., and with the Improved Order of Red Men. Mrs. Randall is a member of the Free Will Baptist church.