Biography of Colonel Charles H. Long

Last Updated on August 16, 2012 by

Colonel Charles H. Long, station agent at Claremont and a brilliant military man, was born here, March 14, 1834, son of Charles F. and Caroline J. (Hubbard) Long. The grandfather, Simeon Long, who was the captain of a whaling vessel, came to Claremont from Nantucket about the year 1810. His son, Charles, learned the printer’s trade in New Bedford, but later followed the sea for the benefit of his health, employed on a merchant vessel for twenty-three years. In 1843 Charles returned to Claremont and took up farming. Thereafter he prospered in every way, taking a prominent part in local politics, and marrying into one of the leading families of the place. His wife, Caroline J., was a daughter of Isaac, who was a son of George Hubbard, a Lieutenant in the war of the Revolution and a pioneer of Claremont. Isaac died in Claremont in 1861, leaving four children-Amos C., the Rev. Isaac Hubbard, Caroline, and Sarah. The old Hubbard estate descended to Caroline J. Hubbard Long, who left it to her son Isaac. The latter now resides there with his sister Charlotte.

Charles H. Long attended the district schools of his native town, and graduated from the Norwich Military University in 1855. He then went home to assist his father on the farm. In April, 1861, he enlisted for service in the Civil War, and was at first employed to drill recruits at Newport, Concord, Dover, Portsmouth, and at other places in New Hampshire. When the Fifth New Hampshire Infantry was raised in the following September, he was made Captain of one of the regiment’s companies; and in the ensuing year he was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel of the Seventeenth New Hampshire Regiment. At the battle of Antietam, September 17, 1862, he was severely wounded by a minié ball; and he resigned November 6. On April 17, 1863, he was commissioned Captain of Company A, First New Hampshire Regiment, and was authorized to raise a company of heavy artillery to garrison the defences of Portsmouth. During the summer of 1864 a full regiment was raised, and he was commissioned its Colonel. It subsequently served in the defences of Washington. In November Colonel Long was appointed to the command of the First Brigade, Hardin’s division, Twenty-second Army Corps, a post which he afterward held until the close of the war. His regiment was mustered out June 15, 1865. Colonel Long made a high record during his four years of service, and his superior officers have always a word of praise for his bravery and ability. He was in Washington at the time of the assassination of President Lincoln. Since the organization of the Grand Army of the Republic he has been an honored member. He has been Junior Vice-Commander and for one year he was Commander of the Post. In politics he is a Republican; and he was for two terms in the State legislature, representing Claremont and serving on the Military Committee. He is now Eminent Commander of Sullivan Commandery, No. 6, K. T., having passed through all the chairs. At the opening of the Concord & Claremont Railroad, Colonel Long was appointed station agent, a position which has since grown to be one of much responsibility. He married Stella E., a daughter of James Cook. They have no children.



Biographical Review Publishing Company. Biographical Review; containing life sketches of leading citizens of Merrimack and Sullivan counties, N. H. Boston. Biographical Review Publishing Company. 1897.

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