Alstead, Cheshire county, New Hampshire, with an area of 24,756 acres, lies in the extreme northern part of Cheshire county, in 43º 6′ of north latitude, and longitude 4º 48′ east from Washington, bounded north by Sullivan county, east by Marlow, south by Gilsum and Surry, and west by Walpole and a part of Sullivan county. The territory now lying within its limits was originally granted by Gov. Benning Wentworth, probably in 1761.
This history entails sketches of early industry, churches, military, and benevolent societies, as well as biographies and sketches of the early settlers.
- History of Alstead, New Hampshire
- Biographies of Alstead, New Hampshire
- Banks, John
- Blake, Obadiah
- Breed, Whitney
- Browne, Abraham
- Cady, Isaac
- Chandler, Samuel
- Cooke, Josiah
- Dinsmore, Thomas
- Emerson, Azel R.
- Fisher, Isaac
- Hatch, Azel
- Howard, Jeremiah, Dea.
- Kidder, Amos
- Kidder, James
- Kilburn, George W.
- Kingsbury, Absalom
- Kingsbury, Cyrus, Col.
- Lovell, Henry A.
- Marvin, Giles
- Messer, Nathaniel D.
- Partridge, Sylvester
- Prentiss, Thomas R.
- Proctor, Benjamin
- Robertson, Lauson
- Shepard, Jonathan
- Slade, John
- Smith, Emerson
- Spencer, James
- Thurston, Samuel
- Tinker, Russell
- Town, Elijah
- Townsend, Levi
- Tufts, Timothy
- Turner, John
- Vilas, Nathaniel, Lieut.
- Vilas, Noah, Dea.
- Watts, Joseph
- Wood, Thomas